"Lifting Heavy". What does that really mean for women?



  • drewshottgirl
    drewshottgirl Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! I've been intrigued by "lifting heavy" but have no idea what kind of weight to start with, and the term definitely sounds more intimidating than starting with the bar and adding weight to it over time. It'd be helpful to hear what women started with for different lifts. I haven't done bench press or deadlift or that kind of thing since highschool so I have no clue where to start without hurting myself. I'll also feel more confident going to the weight area at the gym if I know what weight to grab.

    i agree. i'd like to hear from some of the women here on exactly what their progression has been. in short, to simply answer these questions:

    1) starting bench press? current bench press? how long have you been doing bench presses?
    2) starting squat? current squat? how long have you been doing squats?
    3) starting dead lift? current dead lift? how long have you been doing dead lifts?
    4) starting overhead press (OHP)? current OHP? how long have you been doing OHPs?

    Started weight lifting 1/11/13, stopped due to gym expenses 4/11/13
    Dead lift: start 135. End 185
    Back Squat: 45 to parallel End: 145 below parallel
    Front Squat: 45 to parallel End: 125 below parallel
    Bench: 65 End: 90
    Thrusters: barely 45 End: 70x6
    Turkish Get Up: Start 15 End: 30
    My weight is 169, made good progress lifting 3-4x week. I say "end" because I'm currently doing Insanity and haven't lifted serious weight in over a month. Can't wait to get my own power rack and weights at home!! By the way, I had awesome sculpting results!! Lats and traps, delts too. Quads and glutes r slamming!!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member

    i agree. i'd like to hear from some of the women here on exactly what their progression has been. in short, to simply answer these questions:

    1) starting bench press? current bench press? how long have you been doing bench presses?
    2) starting squat? current squat? how long have you been doing squats?
    3) starting dead lift? current dead lift? how long have you been doing dead lifts?
    4) starting overhead press (OHP)? current OHP? how long have you been doing OHPs?

    I'll chime in:
    1) barbell (45 lb) / 95 flat or 75 incline / 2 months
    2) body weight - still there due to knee issues, but I can box squat 25 when the knees aren't acting up
    3) haven't started - knee problems causing the hold up (substituted leg press - plate / 315 / 1 month before overloading knees again)
    4) 70 - just started
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member

    i agree. i'd like to hear from some of the women here on exactly what their progression has been. in short, to simply answer these questions:

    1) starting bench press? current bench press? how long have you been doing bench presses?
    2) starting squat? current squat? how long have you been doing squats?
    3) starting dead lift? current dead lift? how long have you been doing dead lifts?
    4) starting overhead press (OHP)? current OHP? how long have you been doing OHPs?

    Five weeks into crossfit (and I've never lifted before):

    Bench...I started at 55#...Then 65#(workout load). Haven't repeated but I'm sure higher.

    Squat...back squat starting 1RM was 125#...my last 1RM was 140#
    Front squat...45#...last was 75# (workout load)

    DL...started 65#...my last PR was 155# but I now use 145-155# for workout loads so my 1RM would obviously be higher.

    Starting OHP 45#...last 1RM was 70# but it's also been a while since I've done it.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    A question for those squatting much more than 100 pounds: Are you squatting to parallel, or doing partial squats? I'm not wanting to debate the merits of either, just curious.

    I've been following the Stronglifts 5x5 for 6 months or so now, and find that once I reach about 95# on my squats, I stop regularly hitting parallel, and have to dial it back to work on my form again. The concept that I might someday get to a 200# parallel squat just seems so far out of reach. If any of you are doing that, it gives me new hope! :)

    Below parallel (ATG)
  • drewshottgirl
    drewshottgirl Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for this great post, women need to get over fear of getting bulky!! A great book for women starting lifting is "Lift Like A Man, Look Like A Goddess" by Lou Schuler
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I'm a small-framed woman with some injuries and joint issues, so there are some exercises for which I use three-pound dumbbells. They are not a waste. I don't like machines, except for the lat machine, cable row, and triceps dip, also the preacher curl and assisted pull up, chin up. I use dumbbells on my shoulders, pecs, triceps and biceps and have never been above 15-pound dumbbells. I had definition. If you want definition, it's rather simple. Don't be fat in that area.

    My upper body did get bigger, which is fine. I didn't want my lower body, which holds more fat, to increase so I don't use direct resistance strength training there. This is standard advice for people who are training for basic strength and aesthetics.

    I think women should aspire to whatever level of strength and shape they desire. But it is not true that weights don't make you bigger. And I am not talking about professional body builder bulky, just bigger. If a woman is concerned about that she should be informed, not lied to.

    Even in men, I prefer, a slim, trim, compact build, not someone who looks muscle-bound. As a woman it's not the look to which I aspire.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    A question for those squatting much more than 100 pounds: Are you squatting to parallel, or doing partial squats? I'm not wanting to debate the merits of either, just curious.

    I've been following the Stronglifts 5x5 for 6 months or so now, and find that once I reach about 95# on my squats, I stop regularly hitting parallel, and have to dial it back to work on my form again. The concept that I might someday get to a 200# parallel squat just seems so far out of reach. If any of you are doing that, it gives me new hope! :)

    Mine are below parallel. I can feel the difference, but I still either have my husband watch me or put a low bench behind me for my butt to bump into to be certain.
  • drewshottgirl
    drewshottgirl Posts: 9 Member
    A question for those squatting much more than 100 pounds: Are you squatting to parallel, or doing partial squats? I'm not wanting to debate the merits of either, just curious.

    I've been following the Stronglifts 5x5 for 6 months or so now, and find that once I reach about 95# on my squats, I stop regularly hitting parallel, and have to dial it back to work on my form again. The concept that I might someday get to a 200# parallel squat just seems so far out of reach. If any of you are doing that, it gives me new hope! :)

    Below parallel (ATG)

    Yes!! Below parallel (ATG) only way to go!! Otherwise ull develop quad dominance and ur hammi's and glutes will be lacking
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Bump for inspiration
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Question...if someone has very limited money and could make ONE purchase to get started lifting...what should it be? I'm talking around $100.

    Some good options:

    If you don't mind used: Play it Again Sports, Craigslist, Goodwill for dumbbells and/or a barbell
    If you prefer new: Wal-Mart for same

    I apologize for not stating just ONE purchase as requested. I've been very happy just using dumbbells, but obviously lots of people use barbells too. And both used dumbbells and used plates are almost always available at places like Goodwill for uber-cheap.

    Good luck!

    All great suggestions. I got all my stuff for home from Play It Again Sports at a much lower price than new. Barbell, plates, bench, dumbbells.

    My suggestion would be get the empty dumbbell bars (Walmart has them) and then buy plates to add. Much better than buying sets of different weight pink or blue ones.

    I found my bench, bar and weights on craigslist for $25.

    <<<<<<I made my squat rack, from this: http://freckledlifter.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/diy-squat-rack/
    I have the price of a bag of quick dry cement ($1 at Lowes because the corner was torn open) invested in my squat rack.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    "Lifting Heavy" for me means feeling stronger as time goes on. I see ( or don't in this case) many women at my gym who don't lift anything heavier than 10lbs.. sucks. I on the otherhand am not afraid, my body is slimming and toning and it feels good. So women pick it up and feel the power!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Question...if someone has very limited money and could make ONE purchase to get started lifting...what should it be? I'm talking around $100.

    Some good options:

    If you don't mind used: Play it Again Sports, Craigslist, Goodwill for dumbbells and/or a barbell
    If you prefer new: Wal-Mart for same

    I apologize for not stating just ONE purchase as requested. I've been very happy just using dumbbells, but obviously lots of people use barbells too. And both used dumbbells and used plates are almost always available at places like Goodwill for uber-cheap.

    Good luck!

    All great suggestions. I got all my stuff for home from Play It Again Sports at a much lower price than new. Barbell, plates, bench, dumbbells.

    My suggestion would be get the empty dumbbell bars (Walmart has them) and then buy plates to add. Much better than buying sets of different weight pink or blue ones.

    I found my bench, bar and weights on craigslist for $25.

    <<<<<<I made my squat rack, from this: http://freckledlifter.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/diy-squat-rack/
    I have the price of a bag of quick dry cement ($1 at Lowes because the corner was torn open) invested in my squat rack.

    Thanks for the ideas on where to get items. I am wanting to get stuff my husband and I can both use at the house after our sunroom is finished.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    My knees bow inward, so my form is different because I can't ATG even with just the bar. 2 knee surgeries will do that to you + bad genetics. I go as low as possible and that's what really matters. I'm lucky if I make parallel, but front squats feel better on the quads.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Question...if someone has very limited money and could make ONE purchase to get started lifting...what should it be? I'm talking around $100.

    Some good options:

    If you don't mind used: Play it Again Sports, Craigslist, Goodwill for dumbbells and/or a barbell
    If you prefer new: Wal-Mart for same

    I apologize for not stating just ONE purchase as requested. I've been very happy just using dumbbells, but obviously lots of people use barbells too. And both used dumbbells and used plates are almost always available at places like Goodwill for uber-cheap.

    Good luck!

    All great suggestions. I got all my stuff for home from Play It Again Sports at a much lower price than new. Barbell, plates, bench, dumbbells.

    My suggestion would be get the empty dumbbell bars (Walmart has them) and then buy plates to add. Much better than buying sets of different weight pink or blue ones.

    I found my bench, bar and weights on craigslist for $25.

    <<<<<<I made my squat rack, from this: http://freckledlifter.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/diy-squat-rack/
    I have the price of a bag of quick dry cement ($1 at Lowes because the corner was torn open) invested in my squat rack.

    Thanks for the ideas on where to get items. I am wanting to get stuff my husband and I can both use at the house after our sunroom is finished.

    My husband is one inch taller than me, so we can both use my homemade squat rack :)
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    You seem very knowledgeable, so let me ask this. I have been using dumbbells for about a month now. I am pleased with the results so far. I seem to be building some strength and, since I am eating in a deficient, am losing fat that is covering my newly stronger muscles.

    I have a set of 14" dumbbell bars, they weigh 4 lb. I have a set of 2.5 cap plates and 5lb cap plates for each dumbbell. These cost me $55, and I do not have the money to invest in more right now, and can do 12-15 reps fairly easily on most of my moves. My question is, will doing higher reps with this max weight build strength and help me get lean until I can purchase more weight plates (or maybe even a bar), or do I really need to scrimp and save and try to get more plates asap?
  • missADS1981
    missADS1981 Posts: 364 Member
    those of us women who lift heavy get it :)

    and can I just say how much I cringe when I hear "I dont want to get big and bulky i just want to get toned" gasp
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Question...if someone has very limited money and could make ONE purchase to get started lifting...what should it be? I'm talking around $100.

    Some good options:

    If you don't mind used: Play it Again Sports, Craigslist, Goodwill for dumbbells and/or a barbell
    If you prefer new: Wal-Mart for same

    I apologize for not stating just ONE purchase as requested. I've been very happy just using dumbbells, but obviously lots of people use barbells too. And both used dumbbells and used plates are almost always available at places like Goodwill for uber-cheap.

    Good luck!

    All great suggestions. I got all my stuff for home from Play It Again Sports at a much lower price than new. Barbell, plates, bench, dumbbells.

    My suggestion would be get the empty dumbbell bars (Walmart has them) and then buy plates to add. Much better than buying sets of different weight pink or blue ones.

    I found my bench, bar and weights on craigslist for $25.

    <<<<<<I made my squat rack, from this: http://freckledlifter.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/diy-squat-rack/
    I have the price of a bag of quick dry cement ($1 at Lowes because the corner was torn open) invested in my squat rack.

    Thanks for the ideas on where to get items. I am wanting to get stuff my husband and I can both use at the house after our sunroom is finished.

    My husband is one inch taller than me, so we can both use my homemade squat rack :)

    I will have to research what we need, since he is 11" taller than me. :tongue:
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    A question for those squatting much more than 100 pounds: Are you squatting to parallel, or doing partial squats? I'm not wanting to debate the merits of either, just curious.

    I've been following the Stronglifts 5x5 for 6 months or so now, and find that once I reach about 95# on my squats, I stop regularly hitting parallel, and have to dial it back to work on my form again. The concept that I might someday get to a 200# parallel squat just seems so far out of reach. If any of you are doing that, it gives me new hope! :)

    Back squats I did to just below parallel. I got caught out in the same way as you when I was squatting without a partner - I ended up squatting to just a fraction above parallel. The difference between a fraction above and a fraction below (in terms of how much you can squat) is huge! I had to deload and slowly work up again. Very frustrating!

    Front squats I do right the way down (*kitten* to grass). It feels more natural for some reason.
  • sandkrain
    sandkrain Posts: 78 Member
    thank you - appreciate the clarification
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I love this!

    I have been lifting heavy for over a month now. Not only have the inches started coming off but I feel stronger.