Lost weight? You Liar!

MakeLifeBright Posts: 176
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Ok, so it seems weird that when I told my family, who have not seen me in 3 years I lost weight..

they "out of no where' sent me a webcam in the mail. I was surprised when the UPS man knocked on my door yesterday.
I was not expecting a package at all. I was confused when I opened it to find a webcam.
No note, no card .. a webcam!

I looked on the box, and realized it was from my older brother . I called to ask about .. why he sent me this?? If I wanted
a cam I could have bought one myself. He assured me it was because they missed seeing me.

Right after my sis in law gets on the phone. Oh I miss you she says, and in the very next sentence. So, Mom says you lost some weight. Yes, I did . I proudly said!
My Sister in law then Seriously said nooo sister I do not believe you lost that much weight!

Thank's for all the support brother , sister, brother, dad, ugh! I am heartbroken to know the ones that should love you and support you the most.. judge me .
I want to send the webcam right back! Because even though I have lost a lot of weight.. I still have 30 pounds to lose, for my height. and I know once they get a glimpse of my double chin they will all talk against me!!

Am I taking this the wrong way??


  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Wow that is harsh. I am sorry that your family has broken your heart. It is hard enough to reach your achievement, but to have your own blood deny you that pleasure. I would be devastated. Please know that I will never judge you for I have walked a mile down the same path. You have done great. Best of luck!

    I dont think you are taking it wrong. If they really missed seeing you then you would have received the web cam 3 yrs ago.
  • scarletjg
    scarletjg Posts: 29 Member
    I don't know your family or the history you have with them. I just know that if I had lost 60 lbs my entire family would be so proud of me and would want to see the results of all my hard work so they could praise me. I love seeing pics of family and friends who have done what you've done.

    Still, I don't know you're history so... :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I'm so sorry! Sometimes it takes awhile for your body to settle into it's new weight. You just keep going and one day you're going to hit your goal and they can eat their words. Nobody even noticed that I lost weight until about a month after I stopped losing. Your scale and the size of your clothes will tell you all you need to know.
  • I would have been hurt too and questioned their motives for sending the webcam. I'm sorry to hear they are not as supportive as family should be, but you have a tremendous support system here on this website.
    You could send a note explaining how their disbelief made you feel. I have to admit I would not want to use the webcam and would seriously consider sending it back.
    I pray for God's wisdom and discernment for you know what He wants you to do.
  • I would turn that webcam on, and SHOW them exactly how much weight you lost. Then tell me to stick it where the sun don't shine! Sorry they did that to you.
  • Thank you every one.. I thought we were a close loving family.
    I moved some 900 miles away from home, because of my hubbys job situation.
    I have missed them dearly, and was planning a trip back home next summer.
    Then after this.. I just could not believe it!!

    Thank you all for the support, love and Compassion you have shown me here
    I really appreciate it!!
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    Keep the webcam but tell them you just can't figure out how to use it. Must have been the cheapo model. :blushing:

    Then keep losing until you see them next summer.
  • I've learned that it doesn't matter what other people think,i'm sure you feel better and healthier,be proud of what you accomplished and keep up the good work.When you put on a pair of pants and they are too big,that makes it all worth while.Stand tall and be proud!
  • Keep the webcam but tell them you just can't figure out how to use it. Must have been the cheapo model. :blushing:

    Then keep losing until you see them next summer.

    Love the idea !! I will do it!! :wink:
  • katheren
    katheren Posts: 2
    I would be seriously offended and hurt as well. Sent the webcam back and let them know you do not need their validation to know you are working hard toward a new you. No one should be allowed to treat you that way, family or not! Congrats on your loss!
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    So sorry that this has happened to you :frown: you are an inspiration 60 lbs is a HUGE loss don't let them deter you from your own goals :heart:

    Is it possible that they are heavy and are just jealous maybe they are struggling to lose some themselves and just cannot believe that someone is strong enough to do it :flowerforyou:

    If it was me I would be PROUD to hook up the webcam and SHOW them how much you have achieved ... Do it for YOU not for them :heart:
  • lpoor
    lpoor Posts: 6
    I cannot believe how rude your family was. I am so sorry for you. They may be part of the reason that you had gained some weight originally. Most of the time it is emotional issues that cause us to have poor eating habits at some times in our lives. I think you should be proud of yourself!! I think that much weight loss is amazing. Keep up the good work. I am sure you have support form friends and others around you. Maybe your family is just envious of you. To heck with them!!!
  • So sorry that this has happened to you :frown: you are an inspiration 60 lbs is a HUGE loss don't let them deter you from your own goals :heart:

    Is it possible that they are heavy and are just jealous maybe they are struggling to lose some themselves and just cannot believe that someone is strong enough to do it :flowerforyou:

    If it was me I would be PROUD to hook up the webcam and SHOW them how much you have achieved ... Do it for YOU not for them :heart:

    well they are not heavy. My brother was military so he is fit.. and the rest of them live at the gym darn near!!
    they have always been telling me to get healthy.. and now that I am getting healthy .. they just dont believe it!
  • Thank you all for the kind words. I needed that today.
    You have all given me the motivation to continue on this journey =0)
  • ljm0104
    ljm0104 Posts: 42
    Sounds like my family! You don't need to rely on them to know you are doing a good job. Just wait till you go back next summer wear the bikini that they can't wear and just know that you look better than them.
  • Don't worry about your family. Who are you doing for. . . Them or yourself? Just keep going forward and keep getting into shape!
  • I'd sell the webcam on ebay and use the money to buy a nice treat for the skinny new you :)
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    When sis-in-law said, "Noooo, you didn't lose that much weight...",

    A) Did you have the web-cam on yet? Did they see you?
    B) Could it have been like, "Oh, I can't BELIEVE you lost that much weight"

    Otherwise, if there was a mocking to the response, I would have simply said, "Thanks for the WebCam" and NEVER contact them using it.

    You just stick with us, your MFP family. We will take care of you. We will support you, and we will most DEFINITELY not question your successes. Just remember, blood IS thicker than water, but water being so hard to consume enough of, do you want blood or water?

    Thought so!! :heart: :drinker:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Thank you every one.. I thought we were a close loving family.
    I moved some 900 miles away from home, because of my hubbys job situation.
    I have missed them dearly, and was planning a trip back home next summer.
    Then after this.. I just could not believe it!!

    Thank you all for the support, love and Compassion you have shown me here
    I really appreciate it!!

    When you go home next summer, you'll have hit your goal!
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    Well, based on your original post, it was only your SIL that made a negative comment. So, maybe your SIL is just a b*@h. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that your "whole" family is trying to sabotage you or isn't being supportive based on the comments of one dumb b*@h, maybe she's jealous that you were getting so much attention. I would feel out each family member individually.

    Either way, you got a free webcam, enjoy it!!
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