The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I have a few people ask me why i'm losing weight. If i'm honest it's because I decided I want children and want to be in good shape for my health and the baby's. Several friends have said there's no point because i'm just going to wreck my body in pregnancy. It's not just about looks. I've got 2 sisters, my mom, brother and dad before he passed all had diabetes. I don't want to be like that.

    I want my fitness/health to be a habit so my children aren't raised in that kind of environment.
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    I had a close friend tell me "If you keep working out like that, you are going to wither away!"

    It was the second time I had set foot in a gym in over a year.
  • cfranz7715
    cfranz7715 Posts: 38 Member
    I've always been told I look young for my age. I've always countered with... "it's because I'm pushes any wrinkles out". I'm 43 and recently lost 60 lbs. Someone just yesterday said..."wow, I can see how much weight you've lost...especially in your face!" "You have laugh lines and wrinkles". Seriously? Great. Loose weight.... gain wrinkles! lol
  • JoanneTalerico
    JoanneTalerico Posts: 10 Member
    I hate to be a party pooper but a lot of people just say what they THINK is the right thing. That doesn't make them horrible or stupid. It's when they say truly RUDE things that it really bugs me.
  • JoanneTalerico
    JoanneTalerico Posts: 10 Member
    I agree!
  • "You look different - did you do something to your hair?" Most of the other comments I've heard as well.
  • Nadine624
    Nadine624 Posts: 22 Member
    "When are you going to stop?"

    Seriously...why would I stop?

    I get that A LOT too! I even had a girl at work tell me that my goal weight was too low as I had told her that I had lost 45 of my 90 pounds so far (my goal is 170 and I'm only 5'4") and that if I kept going I would look like a stick! I looked at her like she was nuts and responded that I'm still in the 200s chickie so I promise I never want to be a stick :noway:
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    A good friend said, "Damn look at you. You must of have overdosed on Ex Lax,"
  • RNChristie33
    RNChristie33 Posts: 144 Member
    I've gotten a lot of these...
    So many people want to know how much weight i've lost, how i'm doing it, etc...

    I think asking how much weight I have lost is such a personal question!! And all these random people I've seen but never had a conversation with before coming up to me and wanting to talk about it... NO WAY!! A girl in the cafeteria asks me how much I've lost and I said I'm not saying until I'm done and she says when is that gonna be I say hopefully by July and she goes ok I'm going to ask you in July... Seriously??

    Another co-worker says... "you're looking gaunt" "your eyes are getting bigger" "your neck is getting longer" ... really? not a complement...

    I have a co-worker who tugs at my scrub bottoms when she walks by because she thinks they are too big... which they are... but that doesn't mean she has to try to yank them down!!
  • lisahewitt22
    lisahewitt22 Posts: 102
    "I liked you better before you started losing weight." Thank you but I didn't.
  • Nadine624
    Nadine624 Posts: 22 Member
    Oh and my favorite (and most common) is when people ask me what my secret is. I tell the truth "I'm doing what we were always told to do.... eat less and exercise more!" to which they usually start asking me which diet pill they should take or what I think of Sensa. That's when I usually just tell them that none of that crap actually works and walk away. It's like they can't believe that I can actually have willpower over what I do to my body.
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    i hate when people say "how???? i'm jealous" --- if you're working as hard as i am and not seeing any results, then i totally understand if you're jealous.... but when you eat nothing but crapola and refuse to make time for exercise and THEN complain about your body?

    eat healthfully most of the time, eat less healthfully sometimes, and make exercise a normal part of your life.

    done. there's the secret. :smile:
  • meggyshae
    meggyshae Posts: 357 Member
    Lol I've been asked if I'm taking diet pills, if I'm on Body by Vi, among several other weight loss fads. I simply say, "no I just eat right and work out" and they look at me like they've seen a ghost! Hahaha our society is messed up.
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    "I liked you better before you started losing weight." Thank you but I didn't.

    I don't even get it. such a strange comment!!
  • meggyshae
    meggyshae Posts: 357 Member
    OH and it really hits a nerve when people say "I wish I had time to work out like you!" Yeah that's a good one!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Me: I'm going for a run. Did two hours at the gym earlier.
    Friend: Why?
    Me: Well, I'm losing weight and getting stronger
    Friend: Why?

    ... because I want to? :ohwell:
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    I've lost 30 lbs and six sizes. I get lots of nice comments about how I look or how fit I am etc, but I've also had some weird ones:

    - "Are you anorexic? You need to eat more."
    -"It's weird that you're getting so small but your boobs are still so big?"
    -"I could never lose weight like you do, I like having a life, not spending time in the gym."
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    OH and it really hits a nerve when people say "I wish I had time to work out like you!" Yeah that's a good one!

    YES. THIS. ^^^^

    Hi, I wake up an hour earlier than I need to for class/work so that I have time to work out. And if I happen to sleep in? I GO LATER. sheessssh people. But you can't just expect an extra hour to appear in the middle of the day. :/ hahaha good one!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
  • meggyshae
    meggyshae Posts: 357 Member
    OH and it really hits a nerve when people say "I wish I had time to work out like you!" Yeah that's a good one!

    YES. THIS. ^^^^

    Hi, I wake up an hour earlier than I need to for class/work so that I have time to work out. And if I happen to sleep in? I GO LATER. sheessssh people. But you can't just expect an extra hour to appear in the middle of the day. :/ hahaha good one!

    It makes me cringe when people say that to me!!! I MAKE the time! No excuses!