Include nibbling in food diary?



  • i log everything, even if it is one jelly bean. I didn't log every little thing in the beginning and was not loosing much weight. now i log EVERYTHING. I have a fitbit that also logs all me steps/activity. love them MFP and my fitbit. Lost 100 lbs. in 17 months still working on it, but most definitely log everything.
  • mamamia29
    mamamia29 Posts: 32 Member
    If u snack it you track it :)
    if you bite it you write it :)

    Yea I log everything, even the realllllyy bad stuff!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I'm reasonably loose in my logging i.e. I often pick a meal that looks similar to my meal rather than logging every ingredient seperately but I do up the portion sizes to give a little leeway i.e. put in a 1.1 serving instead of 1 serving.

    I'm also on 1200 calories and I under-record my exercise 'cos I think MFP is way too generous with calorie counts for things like walking. I often don't make my calorie goal, but it's good to aim for and if I'm on or near it most days, I lose.

    I'd say instead of logging it, just try to stop nibbling. Eat your portion and drink lots of water and leave it at that. Nibbling is a dangerous habit, methinks.
  • IDontLikeRegistering
    IDontLikeRegistering Posts: 51 Member
    I'm reasonably loose in my logging i.e. I often pick a meal that looks similar to my meal rather than logging every ingredient seperately but I do up the portion sizes to give a little leeway i.e. put in a 1.1 serving instead of 1 serving.

    I'm also on 1200 calories and I under-record my exercise 'cos I think MFP is way too generous with calorie counts for things like walking. I often don't make my calorie goal, but it's good to aim for and if I'm on or near it most days, I lose.

    I'd say instead of logging it, just try to stop nibbling. Eat your portion and drink lots of water and leave it at that. Nibbling is a dangerous habit, methinks.

    This! Also: If you're hungry, have something decent to eat. Nibbling just adds calories without helping you through your day. If you're not hungry, a drink of water or a sugar-free mint might be all you need to stop the craving! Sometimes I need to remember to hang on to my goals so I can hold out until the next meal.
  • IDontLikeRegistering
    IDontLikeRegistering Posts: 51 Member
    If u snack it you track it :)
    if you bite it you write it :)

    If you hog it you blog it
    If you kissed it you list it
    If you lick it you stick it ... in your diary.

    If you ingest, it must be confessed. OK I'll stop now.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Easy solution:

    Make yourself a nibble dish in the morning, and weigh it out or whatever you do to measure. Nibble from that.

    Your question is kind of silly. More information is more helpful in determining what has worked and what hasn't, less information is less helpful. It's up to you to decide how much help you need and how much effort you are willing to put in, not anyone else.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Depends really. A nibble of peanut butter? A tablespoon, perhaps? That's 100+ calories. A small handful of peanuts? 70-100 cals.

    A single spray of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray? 0 cals or 1000000000 cals depending on the outcome of the lawsuit.
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    What is a nibble? A single bite? 5 small bites throughout dessert? You should a least write down EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. LOOK at it . You may be shocked at how much you nibble.
    The you have to recognize if you are eating out of hunger, boredom, habit, or other no hunger reasons. I think it is a bad habit to eat for the sake of eating. Eat when you are hungry if you are hungry and apple should be fine for a snack. If an apple will not satisfy you then you are not hungry. (disclaimer science some people are picky. I am using an "apple" as an example you can replace apple with any fruit or veggie)

  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    If you bite it....write it.

    It all adds up, unfortunately

  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    If u snack it you track it :)
    if you bite it you write it :)

    If you hog it you blog it
    If you kissed it you list it
    If you lick it you stick it ... in your diary.

    If you ingest, it must be confessed. OK I'll stop now.

    Ha ha ha ha ha
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    if you want to lose.. log everything. Otherwise you may turn into one of those people 'eating 1350 cals' per day and claim to not be losing.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    If u snack it you track it :)
    if you bite it you write it :)

    If you hog it you blog it
    If you kissed it you list it
    If you lick it you stick it ... in your diary.

    If you ingest, it must be confessed. OK I'll stop now.

    :laugh: Brilliant.
  • theghouse
    theghouse Posts: 9
    the easiest way to account for all those snacks is to use quick tools to quick add calories. sure, it won't track your protein, carbs, etc, but it does track the most important number, which is calories. even adding a rough estimate is better than omitting it completely.

    someone earlier posted about a sip of apple juice. for example, take a look at the serving size and calories of the apple juice. if a serving is 8 oz and you took a small sip (1 oz), just quick add 1/8 of the calories of the serving. it takes about 10 seconds to log. i tend to log my snacking at the end of the day when i log my dinner, unless i have had some time during the day to add it on the spot. if i feel like i'll forget about it later, i make it a priority to add it earlier.

    i tend to estimate on the high side because if my estimate is off, i'd rather have eaten less calories than i thought than more calories than i thought.

    im my opinion, your desire to get your logs exactly right matches your commitment to lose weight and get healthy. the more commited you are, the easier it is to make yourself get everything logged.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Unless we're talking about a girls ear lobe here my advice would be to log it.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Every bite
  • dulinh
    dulinh Posts: 99 Member
    I second the 'nibble dish' idea someone else suggested - mine has cashews, dried cranberries and dark chocolate baking chips for about 135 calories. I take it to work every day and pick from it when I think about grabbing one of the other snacks left out at work (donuts, candy, you name it).
  • GymBeast2
    GymBeast2 Posts: 81
    I don't record every little thing that goes into my mouth. When I am making lunch for the next day and I measure something out that should be 40 grams and it ends up being 42 grams, I might just pop that extra piece into my mouth. Or I might taste something I made for lunch. Or I might steal 3 M&Ms. If I stop losing weight I might be more careful, but I am not gonna get obsessive about this.

    I agree with this.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I put in everything - even if I take an aspirin. Vitamins and meds - all listed. I found out the hard way that if I lie to myself I'm defeating myself in my self-improvement. It's one thing to lie to someone else about what I'm eating or drinking but to lie to myself is a real no-no. Don't think I haven't walked that way in the past - one reason I had problems.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    It adds up so yes.
    It made want to pick less because it was such a PITA to log it all
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Everything I consume gets logged. I even log before I start to eat.