Can you overcome insulin resistance mainly with exercise??



  • zzcharge
    zzcharge Posts: 42 Member
    I agree! I need to listen and act!

    My work week meal plan is usually:

    6:30 warm water with lemon and cayenne pepper
    6:45 ish 30DS
    8:00 1 slice ezekiel bread with EITHER 1 egg or 1 tbls raw almond butter
    noonish: 8 whole wheat saltines, 1 slice cheddar cheese, 3 oz deli meat, usually turkey, side salad of spring mix and tomato no dressing
    3ish OIKOS greek yogurt fruit on bottom usually a berry with 2 tabls of raw pecans
    5:30ish some sort of meat n veggies veggie, maybe half cup of homemade black beans and rice and small portion of meat.

    Occasionally I eat out for which case its usually taco bell..I ALWAYS order off the fresco menu...usually chicken burrito suppreme fresco with a little guacomole. This is maybe 1 a week.

    I feel good with this plan and will lose a couple pounds. But after a cheat meal or 2 on the weekend all loses are erased
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    My impression of this is not enough simple carbs (ie: celery, broccoli etc), protein... People underestimate protein, you need lots! Try to meet your goal everyday. Also try to lose the bread... That will kill you in the end, that's it just cut it out. Also other then your cheat day are you even eating enough calories?!
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    If you don't want to end up with full blown diabetes, then you will learn how to control your carb intake. Watching my mom die from organ failure from diabetes is enough motivation for me to do whatever it takes to dodge that bullet for myself. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for your family, so they don't have to lose you too soon. Seek advice from your doctor and from people who actually have diabetes, or prediabetes, and are controlling it with diet. Once you become insulin dependent, it gets a lot harder to control. Once your kidneys fail, then it is all down hill from there.
    Find a way to break your carb addiction. You will be glad you did.

    This is where you find motivation friend. This is how I found it. I woke up one morning and look in the mirror and ask my self "DO I WANT TO DIE BEFORE I EVEN HAVE GRAND KIDS?!!" (I am 48, and have a daughter getting ready to be married so the grand parent days are around the corner).

    And the answer was He** no. I want to run and play and be the granny you have to run to keep up with, not the one you are wheeling around because she has a leg missing due to know what I am saying?

    With that being said I understand your feelings about carbs and food. I love food. But I have also learn to love two other things, exercise, to burn the food, and moderation in carb/calorie intake.

    But you do not need to do an Atkins style of Low Carb to get your blood sugar under control. Living on 100 carbs a day while exercising works and is pleasantly doable, especially if you are balancing it with a 3:2 protein:carb ratio. And especially if you do 16:8 Intermittent Fasting which is proving to help control blood sugar (Google it). Also add some good fats like MCT and Olive Oil.

    I looked at your diet and you consume carbs all day long and not enough protein and fat to balance it. That spikes blood sugar. Try more protein and fat and less carbs in one sitting. Also try only one meal of starch or grain carbs a day and the rest of the day get your carbs from fruits and veggies and dairy sources. Regardless get some more protein and fat in your diet.

    You can do this once you put your mind to it. I did.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I think I am extremely sensitive to sugar....

    Heres my entire food for the day: Nothing left out!

    7am warm water with lemon and cayenner pepper
    8am 1 slice ezekiel bread low sodium with a little butter, 2 eggs scrambled in olive oil spray
    sipped on water and organic peppermint tea all am
    1pm out for lunch w/mr...ordered 6 oz sirloin...only ate half
    side salad with no dressing...ate all of it
    baked potato with butter...ate most of it
    1 chicken tender
    1 dinner roll with a little butter
    2 glasses of water
    5pm...made homemade chocolate chip cookies for my husband...I had 4 small cookies
    sipping on water all eve
    Will have my diluted apple cider vinegar as soon as i finish this post

    This I consider to be a CHEAT day. But I can expect the scale to register somw sort of weight gain.

    So today, you had approximately 165 g carbs (160 net carbs) ... although if you were at a steakhouse their rolls are probably bigger than I selected. I suggest you add some vinegar and oil or ranch dressing to your salad - it'll feel more decadent and you'll feel more satisfied. Plus the fat in the dressing helped you utilize the micronutrients in the vegetables. Ditch the potato and choose a vegetable with some butter instead. Or only eat 1/2.

    If the cookies were indeed small, they weren't too bad, although 2 cookies is certainly better than 4 :-)

    Also important -,you packed at least 111 g carbs into one meal and then followed that meal with cookies. You'd have been much better off with a 55 carb lunch and then a 55 carb dinner. spreading the carbs out means less of a blood glucose roller coaster.

    Finally, you're talking about the cheat day showing up on the scale. Are you weighing daily?? So many variables to what a scale says - save your sanity and only weigh once a week or every two weeks!
  • zzcharge
    zzcharge Posts: 42 Member
    Wow! Thats alot of carbs today...and I feel it tonight. What about jillian michaels 'ripped in 30 days' meal plan? I found this today. I think I can do that! Is that a low carb plan?
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Not familiar, so no idea about the JM meal plan. Honestly, you don't need a specific "plan" I get good ideas for meals from various Atkins, South Beach, keto and primal/paleo sites. In the end though, just set your macros at an acceptable level and stick to it. Divide those macros into meals (and snacks if you want/need them) and stick to that. It's that simple. Not always easy, but simple :-)

    When I say divide into meals, I think I should point out that many many people with metabolic disorders up to and including diabetes find that insulin resistance improves as the day goes on. Therefore, it may be beneficial to have fewer carbs for breakfast and have your highest carb meal for dinner. For example, I very very rarely have more than 15 carbs (total) for breakfast and try to have less than 10(net). I can handle more for lunch and dinner without my blood glucose rising unacceptably (for me above 120 1 hour after eating)
  • zzcharge
    zzcharge Posts: 42 Member
    Ok...then what can I have for breakfast? Just eggs everyday? I feel better with a protein breakfast. How/where can I add protein?
  • zzcharge
    zzcharge Posts: 42 Member
    I did love my 16/8 intermittent fasting but once I started 30DS first thing in the am...I couldnt wait until 10am to eat. Due to my work schedule, I need my 8hour window to end at 6pm. I usually do 30DS around 7ish...waiting 3 hours to eat seemed unhealthy.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Ok...then what can I have for breakfast? Just eggs everyday? I feel better with a protein breakfast. How/where can I add protein?

    Eggs are great if you like eggs. Cheese. Nuts. Lunch meat roll-ups. Leftovers from dinner. I like the Carbmaster yogurt, but unfortunatley it's not available everywhere (I have to make a trip to OH or WV for mine, so I treasure it while i have it). Other yogurts are off the table for me due to the sugar content. Bulletproof coffee or tea is yummy if you need caffeine. Sometimes i make grain-free "pancakes" My diary is open, although I admit that I often just make a protein shake because it's quick, low-carb and convenient.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I know a lot of people are hung up about 'fake' sugar, and while I have heard that some of them can raise your insulin levels, Stevia, and sugar alcohols do not. I use Stevia (Truvia) in my coffee and in any baking that I do. It is all natural and tastes good to me, but it might taste a little different when you first start using it. I like a light, quick breakfast in the mornings, and so I have an Atkins Daybreak bar every morning with my coffee. I love the Hazelnut flavor. It also gives me my sweet chocolate fix I love with my coffee. It contains sugar alcohols, so no effect on your blood sugar, and is very low net carbs.
    For lunch I usually have breakfast. I make an omelet or scramble with onions, garlic, spinach, mushrooms, and 1-2 oz of either ham, turkey sausage, pastrami, or even chicken or steak leftover from dinner, steamed in a skillet. Then use either 2 whole eggs or 3/4 c Egg Beaters and some cheddar cheese, (reg or fat free). If you want an omelet, then move the veggie mix to a plate while you make the omelet, then put the filling back in when the eggs are almost done. I find it faster just to scramble the eggs into the mixture.
    I then add salsa and 1/4 avocado on the top and I have a huge, filling, high protein lunch.
    I make mine with egg beaters and ff cheese to lower the calories, and raise the protein, then replace the fat with the avocado. Less than 300 cals total.
    Also, like someone else said, you need to increase your healthy fats in your diet. I love almonds and pistachios. Just use a scale to measure out the servings, cause the calories can add up quickly.

    Eat small meals or snacks frequently thru out the day to keep your blood sugars level. Make sure you have some protein in all your meals and many of your snacks. Fill up on non starchy veggies. They really bulk up small meals and the fiber is crucial for slowly down your sugar break down rate.
    Try to cut plain bread out completely or find substitutes. Mission brand Carb Control flour tortillas are amazing, and have lots of fiber and very low net carbs. They look at taste just like the regular ones do, and I can get away with having these 2-3 times a week.
    I also discovered Cauliflower bread last year. There are various recipes for it, and you can use it to make pizza or sandwiches. Not exactly the same as white bread, but when you haven't had a sandwich or pizza in a while, it is a very welcome treat!

    If you can't give up potatoes, try subbing sweet potatoes instead. They are higher in fiber and contain great vitamins. Just watch portions carefully. You can also make mashed potatoes out of cauliflower, turnips, or parsnips. The parsnips are a bit sweeter, like using yukon gold potatoes, so I mix all three veggies together and whip them up with a little whole cream and garlic. You can even melt a little cheese on top and add some crumbled bacon.

    There are so many sites online now with great recipes that are sugar free and grain free. Mark's Daily Apple is a good one. Google Paleo or Primal and you can find many of them. If you are on FB, there is a page called 'Just Eat Real Food' that has some great recipes.

    Once you can get your head around the fact that you CAN do it, then you can finds so many ways to make it possible. It becomes easier the more you do it. In the beginning I had to be very strict in my planning and choices, but I am to the point now that I can sometimes go all day without preplanning my foods and think that I am surely over my limits, but when I enter it all, I am usually right on target. It has become second nature to me to choose the right foods in the right amounts.

    Like you, I am very sensitive to sugar, and I can stay under my calorie goal, but if I eat something with processed sugar and flour in it, then it will put the brakes on my weight loss for up to a week. I know that doesn't jive with science, but it is just how my body reacts to sugar and simple processed carbs.
    And another benefit of sugar and grain free, my arthritis and back pain has improved dramatically. Sugar and grains can be very inflammatory for some people, and eliminating them can reduce inflammation and pain tremendously. Once you start feeling better, then that is even more motivation to continue on.

    BTW, my macros have evolved over the past 8 months to where I am now at 50%Healthy fat/30%Protein/20%Carbs.
    Sounds crazy to have that high of a fat percentage, but it really does work for me and for many others with similar issues.

    You can do this. Do it now, before it gets worse. You and your family deserve a healthier you!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    I'll chime back again. (if you can deal with the typos... can't seem to type today!)

    Stevia is a wonderful replacement for sugar. It doesn't change flavors when you cook like Equal, but the conversion from 1/4 c sugar to stevia may be a little tricky - I'm still experimenting with that. Last time I tried, it came out TOO sweet. (Like medicine syrup sweet... yuk!)

    Watch the carb counts in most of the "diet" bars, because they may have low "net" carbs, but they are loaded with them. From personal experience, I tried the Special K with protein and antioxidants were all right... not great, but all right. They are just expensive. I'm a student living on a tight budget, so have had to find alternate ideas for the quick breakfasts.

    I'm one of the rare ones that eats cereal for breakfast - probably something in my head, but the cereal tends to last well past the lunch hour (good, since my class schedule doesn't break up enough to eat until around 1:30), while anything else starts wearing thin around 10 AM if I eat around 7 AM so I can get to classes on time. (rare exceptions are when I'm running short on calories total for the last several days)

    As for protein sources - meats, protein powders (watch the carb/protein ratios!), eggs, nuts, cheese, Greek yogurt are all great sources.

    If you want to look for some suggestions, I have an open diary. Just PLEASE go back at least a couple of days - Friday and Saturday are EXCELLENT examples of what NOT to do. Friday was exceptionally low, and Saturday was a special occasion for a relative and I didn't play it smart with my food! (Knew I should have taken my lunch, but elected to trust there would be things I could eat safely... nice dream!)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Definitely get all this straight with your doctor and start testing your blood sugar regularly.

    Like everyone is saying, if you are indeed insulin resistant, you're gonna have to just bite the bullet and control your carbs and sugar intake. I know it seems pretty crap when you're still eating lots of sugar/carbs, but it's not so bad once you get your head around the idea that this is just how you're going to eat, period. Instead of thinking about it as some sort of restriction or deprivation, consider eating things that nourish you and will make you a healthy person, not sick (which carbs and sugar will if you're IR). Try new recipes, new foods...find different ways to have "treats" or dessert that fit in to whatever your doctor says you should do.

    I'm IR too. I'm not on Metformin (I tried and couldn't adjust to it) and I'm losing weight ok.

    I lift heavy and train with kettlebells on alternate days, and I walk about 4 miles or so each day, sometimes more if I've got errands to run and stuff. Exercise is super important to me, and I love it....but it wouldn't fix my blood sugar issues if I was eating a bunch of carbs and added sugars. I keep my carbs around 60-70g/day, sometimes a little more, and often a little less.

    Keeping my carbs in check and refraining from sugar has been incredibly important both in terms of how I feel on a day to day basis and in my quest to lose this excess fat I'm carrying around. I also found out I had a gluten sensitivity, so I sort of had to cut out all the bread and pasta as well (I don't like the GF products).

    I follow a paleo approach to eating. Lots of fresh veggies, meat, fish, eggs, etc. No grains, no sugars, whole foods. I make sure I'm getting lots of protein (my goal is around 120g/day, but I often go over on that one). I supplement with a few different vitamins and whey protein post-workout.
  • janettles
    janettles Posts: 69 Member
    ...and insulin resistant. I know I need to eat low carb and no simple sugar to lose weight. This is NOT sustainable for me...yet. I can have 3 no simple sugar days...lose 4 have moderate dessert...step on scale day 5...gained 1 lb.
    I am currently doing 30ds monday-friday am before breakfast. Losing inches like crazy...not no weight loss. Is this enough exercise to battle insulin resistance and lose some weight??? How much more exercise do I need to do??? I curerently eat around 1200 cal per day...not rigidly tho.

    Your question reminds me of a very good book on controlling blood sugars. The book is written by an MD who has diabetes type 2, so there are some very practical and livable suggestions for how to incorporate the simple sugars you love, along with exercise, into a very agreeable way of life.
    The book is _The Sugar Blockers Diet_ by Rob Thompson, MD.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Not familiar, so no idea about the JM meal plan. Honestly, you don't need a specific "plan" I get good ideas for meals from various Atkins, South Beach, keto and primal/paleo sites. In the end though, just set your macros at an acceptable level and stick to it. Divide those macros into meals (and snacks if you want/need them) and stick to that. It's that simple. Not always easy, but simple :-)

    When I say divide into meals, I think I should point out that many many people with metabolic disorders up to and including diabetes find that insulin resistance improves as the day goes on. Therefore, it may be beneficial to have fewer carbs for breakfast and have your highest carb meal for dinner. For example, I very very rarely have more than 15 carbs (total) for breakfast and try to have less than 10(net). I can handle more for lunch and dinner without my blood glucose rising unacceptably (for me above 120 1 hour after eating)
    This is great advice! I have eggs for breakfast almost every morning. I usually make an egg sandwich with cheese and veggie sausage. I use a low carb/low cal english muffin. Or I'll have two home made mini quiches. But it's close to 30g protein for one meal. Great way to start the day and keeps me satisfied well into lunch hour. If I'm in the mood for cereal, because we have those days, it's a high protein Kashi cereal or steel cut oatmeal with protein powder added for both flavor and a protein boost. I've also adopted tuna as my lunch 2-3 times a week, or a salad with grilled/marinated chicken. Eliminated all white potatoes and white potato products completely and while I am a chocoholic, I go with super dark with no less than 70% cocoa. I'll also have a protein bar for that late afternoon snack. I'm still learning, but learning how to eat better has been a life saver. More energy, better regulated moods, just a happier life, and now sweet things taste gross. I gave my desert away last night. Baby steps. try changing a little a time, add something one day, and eliminate or find a good alternative another.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I did love my 16/8 intermittent fasting but once I started 30DS first thing in the am...I couldnt wait until 10am to eat. Due to my work schedule, I need my 8hour window to end at 6pm. I usually do 30DS around 7ish...waiting 3 hours to eat seemed unhealthy.
    Something to keep in mind, I read recently that you should do your morning workout after eating something, anything really to kick you into fat burning, and to keep your body from pulling energy from your muscles. I doesn't have to be an entire meal. It can something as simple as a greek yogurt.
  • Loftearmen
    Loftearmen Posts: 380
    This is NOT sustainable for me...yet.

    It is sustainable for you, you just don't have the willpower to implement it. Develop mental fortitude and profit.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    I am almost 41...on OCP...and insulin resistant. I know I need to eat low carb and no simple sugar to lose weight. This is NOT sustainable for me...yet. I can have 3 no simple sugar days...lose 4 have moderate dessert...step on scale day 5...gained 1 lb.
    I am currently doing 30ds monday-friday am before breakfast. Losing inches like crazy...not no weight loss. Is this enough exercise to battle insulin resistance and lose some weight??? How much more exercise do I need to do??? I curerently eat around 1200 cal per day...not rigidly tho.

    It's tough to comment without any actual numbers to work with but when people mention that they're going "low carb" I immediately ask them if they're getting enough fat. You're going to need one or the other and you can't "just eat protein". When many people low carb they dramatically drop their caloric intake because they're trying to exist on egg whites, chicken breast and lean fish and that doesn't work. What are your macros looking like lately?
  • zzcharge
    zzcharge Posts: 42 Member
    Wow! I learned alot! I am on my way to the store to buy more protein! I will post a follow up in a week. Thanks for all the tips!
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Bump for later :smile:
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    You have to balance diet and exercise. It really is a complete mindset change. You have to learn to eat lower carb, it isn't even up for conversation. As a diabetic with insulin resistance and an RN on an ICU, if you love your eyes, kidneys and heart, you will change the way you do things.

    98% of the open heart patients I take care of are diabetic. Seeing my dad die of complications of diabetes, changed my life. Carbs increase blood sugar, bottom line.

    You need to get to a doctor, get a definitive diagnosis, buy a glucometer, and keep track of your blood sugars. Your local hospital probably offers nutrition classes to diabetics and you should check on it, they can give you invaluable information.

    You cannot depend on the way you feel on any given day, or the advice of strangers, you need actual numbers and facts. Protect your organs. I lost vision by the time I was diagnosed and once it is gone, you cannot get it back.

    Best of luck to you.

    Listen to this smart lady she gave you the best advise. I am an RN and seen too many diabetics with life time issues.