How do I not eat the junk if it's in the house?



  • daisydaisy99
    daisydaisy99 Posts: 44 Member
    My husband is super skinny so I feel bad depriving him of dessert, he needs the calories! He is a cookie guy and luckily there are types that he likes that I just don't care for so resisting them is no problem. Like store bought chocolate chip cookies - love home made but don't like the packaged ones so he can eat those to his heart's content and I don't have to worry about eating them!

    I hear what you're saying - if it's there you can't resist it and because of other people in your house it's hard to just not have it so try to have things that they like but don't trigger you!
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Self control takes discipline and is something you need to curb. And there is no other way, than saying "Not now." Tell yourself "Yes, you can have it, but not yet."
    I used to have a real problem with crisps (potato chips), and would buy them and consume a 20 pack within a couple of days, eating as many as 8 bags in a single sitting. (Thats 700 calories in one go)
    I stopped buying them. My son now takes the same packets to school, and I buy the smaller packs so there are 6 in a pack. So he has one a day for school, and one left for the weekend if he wants it. Anything I buy for lunch boxes is therefore unavailable and spoken for.
    Now when I buy certain things, I don't even think about them as being edible. They're just not mine any more.
  • Find/buy your own lower calorie substitutes and snacks to eat as an alternative.
  • isthereafreeusername
    isthereafreeusername Posts: 10 Member
    Would your parents be willing to store it in a different location, or maybe in a locked container? I have asked my hubby to do that at times, when there's something that I particularly enjoy and don't want to eat any of.

    At work, I sometimes put the items that are brought into our office kitchen out of my normal sight-line, then I don't think about them as much.

    If you could at least ask them to move the offending foods to a different location, that might help.
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    I live with my mum who buys junk food. What I do is go shopping and stock up on healthy food and snacks and fruit. That way I avoid the junk food. I think planning ahead helps too if you know what you're going to eat. Rather then going to the kitchen grabbing whatever when you're hungry.
  • iLoveMyAR15
    iLoveMyAR15 Posts: 122 Member
    simple, either dont buy it or control yourself
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Can you control yourself not to run out into traffic?

    Can you manage not to punch people that annoy you?

    Buck up, buttercup.
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    Tell your parents that they need to help you by keeping their "junk food" in one place and make it inaccessible to you - a locked closet, in their room, a secret place, etc. Tell them you need their support.

    My husband is the same way, so I support him and don't have "junk food" around for him. I do, however, have a couple of secret stashes that he can't find and that he doesn't know about. (I can make a box of Junior Mints last a month - a little goes a long way for me, but I respect my husband's inability to not eat the whole box and then some!) So, your parents can learn to support you in the same way.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    First, if your husband wants it, let him buy it. He's the male head of house - you're the female head of house.
    Second, if you can't make your husband take ownership of his bad food choices, only buy junk you don't like.

    i can have 20 bags of oreos and 10 gallons of ice cream in the house without any problem
    But chips and salsa or or brownies, thats much more tempting..

    Back to OP-
    since you don't do the shopping and mom and dad do , whats wrong with a heart to heart,
    """mom dad , i want to make better food choices , and healthy myself up a bit, (what parent wouldn't support that, and) anyhow, i'm going to work hard on making smarter choices and i would like some support and help..."""

    drink water , go out and walk , or log on here, and log the food, and see how it affects what cals you have left, negotiate your portion out, with yourself, then go and ACTUALLY MEasure it out, put it on a plate or a bowl..
    then go to the table , in the kitchen without any distraction and have it ..
    if its that tempting, have some.. but only SOME!!!
    one portion...
  • JoJo61612
    JoJo61612 Posts: 21 Member
    I divide all snacks into zip lock bags of single serve portions. It's easy not to over indulge when can still some "junk" without over indulging. Hopefully your parents won't mind all the zip lock bags :)
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    If its your husband who wants it, put it in an out of the way place. Out of sight, out of mind. If its living with parents or anyone else who loves junk food, can you supply your own snacks? Place those where you can see them. Instead of saying "I can't have" say "i don't want". If you slip and eat the naughty stuff, log it, forgive yourself and move on. You can do this.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It takes willpower, that's all. Sorry, there is no miracle solution. If you're motivated enough, you'll be able to resist.
  • 999peanut
    999peanut Posts: 14
    I did a bit of aversion therapy...

    Think of a food you hate... imagine eating it and the way it makes you feel
    next imagine eating it with the food you are trying to avoid ... or one you crave,,

    for me it is porridge I hate.. and crisps (chips) I used to crave... using the porridge as a dip... yuk.. not eaten any for ages... worked for other foods too...

    I don't deprive or stop eating foods but moderate them adding the calories before eating.. also helps make me realise why i eat small amounts.. or none..
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    Buy healthy foods, like fruit, etc.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Determination and self control. You aren't going to be able to swear off all junk on day one. I allow myself treats and fit them in my diary. That keeps me from going on binges, you need to find what works for you. My house is full of chips, ice cream, gummy candies, chocolate, etc. and I eat them often but I make sure they fit into my calories.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    If you don't have the self control and will power, nobody can give it to you. Nobody is forcing you to eat whatever. It's up to YOU sweetie, so just buckle down.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    Well, to be blunt, you have to drop the "can't" do attitude. I'm sorry but it all starts with having a positive, can do attitude. Then, you force yourself to look at your food log before you consume anything. This makes you stop and think if the food you're about to eat is really what you want to do. I do this all the time. My weakness happens to be Philly Cheesesteaks. Each time I start thinking about eating one, all I have to do is look at the calories, fat, and sodium and suddenly, eh, it ain't so good after all. It isn't about will power, it is about skill power. Use the tools you have at your disposal to overcome the junk food cravings.
  • SPARTA1013
    SPARTA1013 Posts: 60 Member
    The best thing in the world you can do is when you have something you see that you want to "devour", pour something over it to ruin it (vinegar, OJ, etc). a little goes a long way!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Get your own "junk." 60 calorie chocolate pudding... that's my weakness. I get one a day....

    This ^ is how I handle it too ~ I love the (new??) dulce de leche, yum!
  • Like what others have said, get your own "junk" food and maybe keep your parents/husband's junk food out of sight.

    Also, willpower is a muscle, the more you use it the easier it becomes.

    When I am craving something sweet, I have Outshine Edy fruit bars on hand. They hit the spot and are only 70 calories. That is my "I am craving ice cream!!!!" but dont want the after party guilt trip. :)

    Good luck!