5 things you have cut out!



  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    Diet Soda
    Artificial sweeteners, occasionally will use Stevia
    Processed foods
    Fast food
    Store bought pastries, donuts, muffins, cakes, etc.
  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    1. Excuses
    2. Food Guilt
    3. Anxiety
    4. Unbalance
    5. Nutrient deficiencies

    Oh wait...did you mean food only?? :) That would be nothing then LOL
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Hmm..I could name 5 different kinds of chocolate haha but..

    1. chocolate
    2. cream and sugar in coffee
    3. i could do less with some carbs
    4. chocolate
    5. chocolate

    I've been beginning to realize that I have a serious chocolate problem =x

    No way in hell I'd give up chocolate! :noway:
  • RobinSchneid
    I responded to the wrong post, sorry!
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    I haven't cut out anything - cutting it out makes it sound as if I still crave it and I genuinely (at the moment), don't. If I want a piece of cake, I'll have a bit - but I also know I'd probably rather have something else. It may change though!

    I have cut out gradually for many reasons - alcohol. I was dependent on it, and was drinking upwards of 30 units a week, if not more. I try not to eat too much artificial sugar products - and diet soda - I can't stand it now!
  • ElsieMcClintock
    1. juice (you know the kind, those sugary sweet "fruit" juices) I found that as soon as I cut these out I dropped like 5 pounds. I drink boiled water and organic lemon juice if I need a fix.

    2. Lots of things white. white rice, white bread, white potatoes...etc etc etc

    3. Cheese. Not completely cut out, but limited for sure.

    4. SAUCES!! These are the worst. So much sugar and sodium!

    5. fast food. Again, not completely cut out. If I've had long hard week and I don't feel like making dinner, then who cares, I'm having a burger and fries if I want to. Hahaha this is usually on a Friday.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Just 3 things

    1. Cottage Cheese
    2. IPAs
    3. Rum

    I don't like the first two and rum makes me very ill.
  • mommypennylane
    mommypennylane Posts: 67 Member
    1. Soda
    2. Sweet tea

    and for now that is really it.... I have reduced my bread intake but I haven't given it up completely.
  • christied829
    I haven't cut anything out, I just try to eat whole, natural foods and stay away from over-processed stuff.
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    I have cut out large sizes, frequency, and quantities. . I order a small chocolate sundae instead of the large one and if I want pizza than I eat a couple of slices instead of eating 3/4 of it. I could not make this a behavioral change and make it sustainable if I cut out the foods I like. Instead I cut back on how much and how often.
  • Aleta7
    Aleta7 Posts: 92
    I have not cut out anything. But, I have cut the size of my portions. Seems to be working. I eat healthy foods normally even when I was at my heaviest.
  • katebowen37
    katebowen37 Posts: 55 Member
    1. Soda (Years of relying on soda to wake up/stay focused, defeated!)
    2. Fast food. I'll still eat a salad at McD when there's nowhere else to go. And I love Subway
    3. Adult meals at restaurants. I eat kid's burgers whenever they'll let me or I ask my boyfriend to split with me (He LOVES that *eyeroll*)
    4. Aspartame. Stuff's sooooo bad for you!
    5. "Normal" portions of chips, ice cream, crackers, brownies, cookies... I don't want to look like I do normally, so I can't eat like I do normally.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    1. Feeling bad about my body
    2. Making excuses about time to work out
    3. Emotional eating
    4. Blaming it all on pregnancy/breast feeding
    5. Thinking that it's impossible for me to run
  • buzzcockgirl
    buzzcockgirl Posts: 260 Member
    I've given up:
    1. Soda
    2. McDonalds Mocha Frappe's (though I had a small one the other day- 1st time in almost a year, it was pretty darn tasty!)
    3. Regular pasta (sub with shiritaki noodles!)
    4. Migraine headaches - no longer get them (probably the crap in diet soda was to blame)

    The rest I've just cut waaay back on (breads/carbs, fried stuff, fast food)

    Another good thing would be - 'What have you ADDED' on your get healthy journey?
    1. Tons of vegetables
    2. WATER in place of everything else!
    3. more vegetables
    4. Exercise
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Soda, I think that's about it.
  • evdenapoli
    evdenapoli Posts: 164 Member
    Nothing yet, hopefully I can make it to goal and not have to cut anything. :ohwell:

    I believe this... it's about moderation. I haven't cut anything and still loose.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Nothing really... I just make it a point not to consume certain things really frequently! Since this is a lifestyle change, not a diet, it's easier for me to mentally grasp moderation versus "blackballing" certain foods!
  • teenhamodic
    teenhamodic Posts: 43
    team nothing here lol
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Nothing at all. :bigsmile:
  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    1. Soda.
    2. Lattes. I didn't realize one of my regular lattes was almost 800 calories by itself! Can you believe that?!

    That's about it. Everything else I eat in moderation, or changed it completely.