What "tricks" have you found for cutting calories?

Just curious what little tricks and substitutions others have found to help cut calories. I'm not talking about complete meal replacements, just slightly better choices. For example, last night the kids wanted hot dogs. I bought the oscar meyer hot dogs with cheese in them. Keeps me from wanting to load them up with shredded cheddar. Instead of using a bun (100 - 120 cal) I used a slice of bread (60 cal). Boom, 40-60 saved. Instead of sliced cheese on a sandwhich, I get the turkey with the little pieces of cheese in it. Only 30 a slice. Ketchup or mayo? No thanks, pass the mustard. 0 cals. Small things which add up.


  • Jstash88
    Jstash88 Posts: 89 Member
    Slowly cutting portions. Started out w 1 cup of oatmeal now at 3/4. 1 cup of yogurt, now 1/2 cup w fresh or frozen fruit. Started w 1/2C brown rice as a side now 1/3C. You get used to stuff.....after awhile it's the new norm. AND anything I don't have self control over has to be bought in pre packaged servings. Like chips and ice cream. Start somewhere.... then you you feel you are managing well then figure out that little bit more you can shave off. The theory goes for everything. If you drink 3 cans of soda cut one out and work your way down. I like to have satisfying meals and calories left over for treat..... so I eat a little less oatmeal, or yogurt or brown rice to have a cup of ice cream later. That's my strategy.
  • Susieout
    Susieout Posts: 102 Member
    I bulk food up with cucumber eg curries. So I cube the cucumber
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash

  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Add in foods with a good portion of fats and/or protein - avocado, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, etc. For me, it helps to keep me satisfied longer so I eat less. When I want something decadent, I grab my favorite pate. Dark chocolate helps me deal with my sweet tooth and not feel deprived. Raw fruit rather than cooked or thawed frozen sticks with me longer, too.

    I noticed just this weekend that if I end a meal with carbs (in this case, a pancake) I tend to want to pick at the food left on my plate even though I'm not really hungry. From now on, I'm going to try to eat that kind of thing early on and follow with protein and see if that takes care of it.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash

  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I try to replace carbs with eggs. It sounds strange but for example if I am making myself beef with vegetables, normally I would have had fries/potatoes with it, sometimes I will poach 2 eggs instead and have that. It means I have a much lower calorie dinner and I am getting a lot of protein, which is better for your diet.

    Other than that, a good tip is to fill half of your plate with salad/veggies before you put anything else on it, that way you only have half the plate for the rest of your meal and it ensures that 50% of your meal is really nutritious.
  • meredithgomez
    meredithgomez Posts: 33 Member
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash


    No, I'm kidding, maybe it's actually good.
  • Ubergeek922
    Ubergeek922 Posts: 10
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash

    Probably not going to happen. If its pizza night its going to be running across the street to little caesars and I'll just budget it in.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Replace the crust on your pizza with cauliflower mash

    Probably not going to happen. If its pizza night its going to be running across the street to little caesars and I'll just budget it in.

    You. I like you.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Pre logging is useful for me. Say, I want a doughnut, I open the MFP app on my phone and log that doughnut. Most of the time, when I do that, I'll see what it does to my macros and calories for the day and this information gives me the strength to skip the junk food treat I'm contemplating.

    To fight off hunger I use psyllium powder before meals. I usually buy just the plain and mix it with plain water or crystal light drink. This slows digestion and keeps me fuller longer. You have to drink it fast because it turns to a gel if it sits too long.

    Lastly, I put off eating my next meal with exercise. On Sunday, I was way, way over on my calories and yet my stomach was still growling due to all the sugar and simple carbs I had that day. So I went for an almost 4 mile walk to distract myself from hunger. If I had stayed home, I know I would have probably have done at least another 450-500 calories worth of damage. As it was, I was over by 900 calories for the day. Being over by double my daily requirements would have just depressed me.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member

    So many times it's like 'aah but the soda machine is cold and delicious ... 170 calories of pure sugar? ... okay I'm not that thirsty.'

    Of course sometimes I give in. I ain't perfect.
  • ElizabethRaeBarnes
    ElizabethRaeBarnes Posts: 74 Member
    Slowly cutting portions. That's my strategy.

    1. Cutting portions
    2. Making the calories count. Pick a lot of low calorie/healthy foods and you can have more of them and stay full longer.
    3. enough sleep. If I dont get sleep, I will eat everything in sight.
    4. Good support system. Do NOT be around life sucking people.
  • Ubergeek922
    Ubergeek922 Posts: 10
    Pre logging is useful for me. Say, I want a doughnut, I open the MFP app on my phone and log that doughnut. Most of the time, when I do that, I'll see what it does to my macros and calories for the day and this information gives me the strength to skip the junk food treat I'm contemplating.

    I always plan my meals the day before. There is a bakery about 100 yards from our house. The smell outside is always great. :) Saturday evening the wife and kids (all 5) decided they wanted donuts for breakfast. I plug in 2 donuts and look at it thinking how much of other foods I can have in place of it. Its a huge motivator to stay away from the poor choices.
  • stefaniemorgan
    stefaniemorgan Posts: 5 Member
    Use cucumber slices as "crackers" for cheese spreads, dips, etc.
    (I use them for French onion dip instead of chips)

    Egg white instead of whole.

    Corn, not flour, tortillas.

    Reduced fat yogurt.

    Snack on popcorn instead of chips.

    Pieces of lettuce for hamburger buns.

    Drink at least half of a bottle of water before each meal.

    I feel like I know a lot more tips but I cant remember them to save my life lol
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    1. Weighing/measuring portions
    2. Using tortillas/flatbreads for home made pizza crusts
    3. Picking out extra lean ground beef instead of whatever leanness is on sale.
  • You've probably heard it a lot on this site, but eating clean is a good way. I've replaced eating anything processed with fruits or veggie and it saves half the calories and develops your taste palette in the long run.
    Also personally I noticed having a satisfying breakfast helps with cravings for the rest of the day. So eat something filling like oatmeal and you'll feel less hungry and therefore consume less.
  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    Small changes I made were pretty simple. I am not good with change. I eat what everyone at home eats. I do cook with cooking spray and not oil or butter. I dont use mayo any more, just mustard. cutting out a lot of my "dipping" foods, because the sauces are usually packed with calories. I cut out sugar from my drinks, I drink water and tea without sugar, thats it. It has added a ton of calories I am able to eat in a day.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I sometimes need a snack before dinner, so I set out a bowl of cut veggies instead of going for something higher calorie. I've got my kids eating them now too.

    I buy 100-calorie chocolate bars instead of big ones.

    I use shirataki noodles instead of regular noodles in asian dishes that I make.

    I've started pre-logging my meals and trying to drink enough water.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I only drink water or tea so all of my calories can be allotted to food.

    Other than that, I eat whatever I want and "work it in or work it off".