Tell me off! Please!



  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    First of all, I want to commend you for opening your diary for all to see. I feel it is a very personal thing to share your record of foods and I don't know that I could do it!

    Since you want opinions, let me be of service. I agree with the people who say you have a lot of processed food on your list. But also, I noticed what looks like a lot of carbs and sugar on your list.

    Did you know that when you set goals on MFP it defaults to a 55% carb, 30% fat, 15% protein ratio? That breakdown doesn't work for me. If I eat that much in carbs/sugar I am hungry all the time. But if I stick to a 40/30/30 ratio (as has been suggested) I seem to crave much less food and feel fuller longer. Some days I am under on my calories, if I eat enough protein and stay AWAY from the sugar and carbs.

    A while back, someone wrote that you should always overestimate your food calories and underestimate your exercise calories. Good advice! Which brings me to another point. MFP has, in my experience, been WAY OFF on estimating calories burned for exercise. I don't burn nearly the calories it says I do. I got a heart rate monitor and it's been the most terrific investment. Now I KNOW what I am burning. Good luck!

    I had no idea MFP had the ratio's like that, I will try and change that! Thank you so much!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Also, how long have you been logging? I looked back to 4/26 and saw that you didn't log that day or many before. If you just started, give it more time. And if you didn't just start, you need to be consistent to expect results!
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I don't know your weight/height/activity level...but I wouldn't lose at the amount of calories that you eat, especially if I went by the calorie burns on mfp or cardio machines, they are always too high for me.

    If you are going to have a small deficit, it is extra important to make sure everything you log is accurate, I'd get a food scale and a heart rate monitor (I use both already). You might be eating more or burning less than you think.

    Also like others have said, watch the sodium! it'll kill you with water weight!

    When things aren't working for you, don't keep doing them! I know it's easier said than done, as I've plateaued for months myself!

    From my experience, when I really want it, 100%, I do it. When I'm not making progress, it's usually because I'm making excuses for myself and not really giving it my full effort. And the only person that's able to change that is me. That might not be the case for you, but I know it usually is for me!

    Good luck btw!

    When I put my info into the calculaters here, this is what came out as a result so thats just what I have tried to follow, but I will definitly try and make some adjustments!
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Also, how long have you been logging? I looked back to 4/26 and saw that you didn't log that day or many before. If you just started, give it more time. And if you didn't just start, you need to be consistent to expect results!

    I have been on here for a long time, but had to take a break due to family issues :(
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I don't know your weight/height/activity level...but I wouldn't lose at the amount of calories that you eat, especially if I went by the calorie burns on mfp or cardio machines, they are always too high for me.

    If you are going to have a small deficit, it is extra important to make sure everything you log is accurate, I'd get a food scale and a heart rate monitor (I use both already). You might be eating more or burning less than you think.

    Also like others have said, watch the sodium! it'll kill you with water weight!

    When things aren't working for you, don't keep doing them! I know it's easier said than done, as I've plateaued for months myself!

    From my experience, when I really want it, 100%, I do it. When I'm not making progress, it's usually because I'm making excuses for myself and not really giving it my full effort. And the only person that's able to change that is me. That might not be the case for you, but I know it usually is for me!

    Good luck btw!

    When I put my info into the calculaters here, this is what came out as a result so thats just what I have tried to follow, but I will definitly try and make some adjustments!
    I would stick to what they set you to, we might have very different TDEEs! Just make sure you are logging accurately :)
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Also, how long have you been logging? I looked back to 4/26 and saw that you didn't log that day or many before. If you just started, give it more time. And if you didn't just start, you need to be consistent to expect results!

    I have been on here for a long time, but had to take a break due to family issues :(
    Sorry to hear that. Give your self some time to see results then! It can be a slow process and making lasting changes takes time!
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I don't know your weight/height/activity level...but I wouldn't lose at the amount of calories that you eat, especially if I went by the calorie burns on mfp or cardio machines, they are always too high for me.

    If you are going to have a small deficit, it is extra important to make sure everything you log is accurate, I'd get a food scale and a heart rate monitor (I use both already). You might be eating more or burning less than you think.

    Also like others have said, watch the sodium! it'll kill you with water weight!

    When things aren't working for you, don't keep doing them! I know it's easier said than done, as I've plateaued for months myself!

    From my experience, when I really want it, 100%, I do it. When I'm not making progress, it's usually because I'm making excuses for myself and not really giving it my full effort. And the only person that's able to change that is me. That might not be the case for you, but I know it usually is for me!

    Good luck btw!

    When I put my info into the calculaters here, this is what came out as a result so thats just what I have tried to follow, but I will definitly try and make some adjustments!
    I would stick to what they set you to, we might have very different TDEEs! Just make sure you are logging accurately :)

    I log as much as I can but I should probebly stop using the database stuff and just put in some extra time to scan everything and enter my own recipes in, because I think they are way off.

    Thanks for all your feedback!
  • smcs1222
    smcs1222 Posts: 5 Member
    Pre-plan your intake for the day, log it into MFP and THEN go about your day, knowing exactly what you can have and what you can't. Pack only your lunch [or dinner] and snacks in your lunch box to take to work.

    Tips that help me....
    I'm a nurse in a busy trauma center - yet I listed my activity as low because in all reality, I'm not moving every minute of my shift. Really think about how much your baseline activity level is.

    Purchase little ziplock snack bags, or small re-usable containers and pack portions of fresh fruit and veggies to eat as snacks throughout the day. Some of my favorites are blackberries, cherry tomatoes (mix it up with yello, orange, red ;), Sliced apple (1 apple can easily be divided into 2 of those little snack bags - 50 calories for 2 snacks!), sliced red, yellow and orange bell peppers (again - 3 peppers can provide 6 snack bags!)

    Cut out dairy. I substitute sugar free vanilla almond milk - tastes great in a healthy cereal!

    If/when you get naughty cravings, Special K Chocolaty Strawberry cereal (with almond milk) suffices. Or ... weight watchers has SUPER yummy fudge bars - 100 cal each.

    If you're not reaching your daily caloric intake, supplement with protein drinks or bars - I like Atkins chocolate drink - it comes in a little portable, pre-measured container. South Beach has tasty little snack bars that have nutrients, too.

    Water - get one of those 24oz plastic cups with the lid and straw - 3 of those during the day will provide your 8 glasses of water and thensome! Add a little flavoring if plain water doesn't grab you. Eventually, cut back on the flavoring - soon you'll see that you will actually CRAVE just plain old ice water! (squeeze fresh citrus in it too for added benefits!)

    and MOST important - BE HONEST! WEIGH and MEASURE! If you can't resist those french fries one day - no biggie, just tweak your pre-planned food diary accordingly (one morning we all went out to a Mexican restaurant after work. I couldn't resist a couple of beers and loaded nachos - ouch! 1500 calories!!!!!!!! I took the leftovers home and noshed on those - and those only for the rest of the day) No one has to see your diary but you. If you find that being TOTALLY honest is pushing you over your daily allowance, you need to make adjustments to the portions - not what you log!!!!!!!

    It's not complicated science - if you take in more calories than you expend, you will gain weight - it you take in les calories than you expend, you will lose weight.

    The recipe thing on here is really handy. You plug in the ingredients and the number of servings the recipe provides and it will calculate the intake per serving. If one full serving is too many calories, cut it back accordingly. If it's not enough - add more. JUST BE SURE TO MEASURE!!!

    FRESH, FRESH, FRESH. Healthy substitues (pasta - go toward vegetable or whole grain), honey or Stevia vs sugar, greek yogurt vs regular, etc.

    I really find that pre-planning works well for me. That way I know from the start of the day what I can have, and I can spread it out throughout the day accordingly. Another thing you can try, too is "The 8-hour Diet" (google it). It helps with plateaus - might help you jump start.

    Stick with it. And remember ... it took a while for that weight to come on - it's gonna take just as long for it to come off (if not longer). Patience!
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Thanks for your feedback smcs1222!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member

    The cafe is work at focuses on healthy food and I'm the one preparing most of it so I know what goes in and I make my meals extra healthy. Though I do indeed need to be more consistent in what I eat. I admit I have probebly a few to many snacks sometimes. and that all adds up eventhough some might be healthy. The reason why I havent logged for a long time is due to family issues during wich I completly gave up and gained the few kg's I had managed to lose while I was active on here.

    You are lucky then at work, there's barely anything I can eat at work anymore! lol. Snacking can be an issue for me as well, I try to keep healthy snacks ready and try to find alternatives to certain things to make them a little better :) If you crave the "crunch" feeling then baby carrots and celery work well for example :)

    Sorry to hear about your family issues :( I've dealt with many myself and I know it's easy for those to take priority! But you need to recognize this and decide is it just you have no time to plan/ cook healthy meals? Or is it you are an emotional eater and when you're stressed you eat? I was a mix of both so that's why I make sure to always have some healthier options in the house now. realising I'm an emotional eater has helped me a lot!
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member

    The cafe is work at focuses on healthy food and I'm the one preparing most of it so I know what goes in and I make my meals extra healthy. Though I do indeed need to be more consistent in what I eat. I admit I have probebly a few to many snacks sometimes. and that all adds up eventhough some might be healthy. The reason why I havent logged for a long time is due to family issues during wich I completly gave up and gained the few kg's I had managed to lose while I was active on here.

    You are lucky then at work, there's barely anything I can eat at work anymore! lol. Snacking can be an issue for me as well, I try to keep healthy snacks ready and try to find alternatives to certain things to make them a little better :) If you crave the "crunch" feeling then baby carrots and celery work well for example :)

    Sorry to hear about your family issues :( I've dealt with many myself and I know it's easy for those to take priority! But you need to recognize this and decide is it just you have no time to plan/ cook healthy meals? Or is it you are an emotional eater and when you're stressed you eat? I was a mix of both so that's why I make sure to always have some healthier options in the house now. realising I'm an emotional eater has helped me a lot!

    It was a bit more complicated then that... A lot of things that should stay in the past were dragged up and they just messed me up. I lost all motivation, was very depressed and well lets just say I wasnt feelng very full of life. But yes I know I can be an emotional eater. I find that finding distraction by watching a movie or something helps, I have never really wanted to eat much when watching a movie cause I'm to engaged in the story lol.