5 things you have cut out!



  • Healthychick84
    Healthychick84 Posts: 17 Member
    -white rice, pasta ,breads, etc
    -cow milk
    -All non water beverages (I'm not a drink person anyway, been drinking only water 4 more than 3 years
  • mompom1114
    mompom1114 Posts: 10
    There is nothing that I have completely cut out, but these things are 90% out of my diet:

    White pasta, bread and rice (all brown and whole wheat)
    Red meat
    Regular soda
    Yogurt with fruit (I stick to plain greek yogurt with fresh fruit)
    A full dessert. (I will have a nibble or a small portion but never an entire dessert to myself)
  • I've cut out...
    1. men who wear sparkling Ed Hardy shirts.
    2. men who wear 2 Polo shirts at once.
    3. men who wear their hats sideways.
    4. men who refuse to fish with me.
    5. bagels... until next week.

    I love this
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm in maintenance, but I'm in the habit of leaving the following out of my diet, and I don't miss them (much).

    1. Sugar-sweetened beverages (regular soft drinks, fruit juice, etc.)
    2. Bread before dinner
    3. Cheap, low-quality chocolate that isn't worth the calories (the kind that come in a "value-sized" giganto-bag)
    4. Fake "diet" sweets and desserts (my philosophy is that if you're going to eat it, eat a small quantity of the real thing instead)
    5. The other 17 servings of sweets I used to eat every day (I've cut back from 20 sweets per day to three. I wish I could say I were exaggerating)
  • centarix
    centarix Posts: 123 Member
    I've cut nothing. I still eat 1 piece of cake per day. My foods have remained the same for the most part. I just practice smaller portion sizes :smile:
  • autumnpath
    autumnpath Posts: 72 Member
    I'm gonna jump on the nothing bandwagon. If I want pizza, I eat it: but in moderation. However, I HAVE quit eating fast food (just the thought of greasy hamburger and fries makes me want to puke) and I've cut out diet soda...
  • FettsLady
    FettsLady Posts: 82 Member
    I haven't completely cut out anything. I have severely limited soda - have had two sodas in two months. Cut back on alcohol. If I must do fast food, I check nutrition first and make my decision based on where I am for that day's goals. I agree, moderation is key.
  • Meex83
    Meex83 Posts: 4 Member
    Non-Diet Soda
    No bread after lunch
    ALL fast food (This was the hardest)
    Cheese Fries
  • nygrl4evr
    nygrl4evr Posts: 196 Member
    I haven't cut out anything. I am just mindful of how much I am eating. I have ice cream or a couple of cookies once in a while. Just not every day and not huge servings. I have learned that I have to keep track of my calories but the reward is that I can still be bad once in a while and not end up the old me.
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    Processed junk and frozen meals.
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    White bread
    White pasta
    Sugary cereals

    Can only think of 4 :)
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    Fast food

    Krispy Kreme, pastry:sad:

    Whole milk

    Candy (except dark chocolate almonds)

    White bread (unless I make it myself--I add protein and vitamins)

    White sugar. I use honey or turbinado sugar.

    Idaho potatoes (I still do sweet potatoes from time to time)

    This probably doesn't count, but layabout days. I do something physical every day..

  • meghan_elizabeth
    meghan_elizabeth Posts: 15 Member
    Nothing....just eat everything in moderation, or find healthier ways to prepare it. For example: french fries. I recieved a T-Fal acti-fry for my bridal shower. We cut up 3 potatoes, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and let it cook for 30-35 minutes. I enjoy the taste more than frozen fries because it's fresher, and it's much healthy than deep fried french fries. You can get 3 large servings out of one batch, and they're under 100 calories each.
  • TheQueenofBee
    TheQueenofBee Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't cut out anything, but I do try to stay away from bread. I am very conscious however of how MUCH I am eating. Yes I am the crazy lady who takes measuring cups to a restaurant with me! I want to know exactly how much I eat, because my eyes deceive me. :) Simply being accountable to myself and knowing every calorie counts has been working.
  • mmickeep
    mmickeep Posts: 22 Member
    Nothing in particular...BUT I have stopped eating any food that I find I don't thoroughly enjoy--for example, if the "old me" went to a restaurant or a party and had an item she didn't particularly like (a pie that was too sweet or tart; some BBQ that wasn't quite up to par, cold french fries) she used to continue eating it until she finished the item. Now if "New Me" gets an item I don't find delicious, I STOP EATING IMMEDIATELY and either send it back or trash it. I don't want to waste a single calorie on sub-par food or snacks.

    good answer!
  • jlcrph
    jlcrph Posts: 41 Member
    Potato chips/dip
    Diet Soda
    Fast Food
    Fried Foods
    White flour/sugar

    All of which I used to eat regularly - now just on very rare occasions!
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    1. Fast Food
    2. Pop
    3. Most sweets (I occasionally have a splurge and will treat myself)
    4. Most boxed good
    5. Alcohol (I'm working on that.)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    (I don't have a problem with eating sub par food. If it doesn't taste great, it doesn't go in my mouth. I kind of don't get that, finishing cold fries? Gag!)
  • xprplstardust
    xprplstardust Posts: 105 Member
    white bread & white pasta, I go with whole grain/whole wheat. but other than that, i haven't cut anything out. i have a mt dew maybe once a month if i'm lucky, sometimes i just need that fizz. i eat my favorite foods in moderation - oreos, ice cream, kit kats, candy, cream cheese and other foods, and I only drink alcohol once a week on a Friday night & although i can have up to 5 in one night, i usually keep it to 2 & i always work the calories into my day.
  • Fjcookie
    Fjcookie Posts: 48
    I haven't entirely cut out anything, but I have limited my intake of soda, wine, mixed drinks, chips and eating out. I exercise harder on the days I know I will indulge in them in order to not exceed my calorie allowance. Of course, I have only been using MFP for a little less than two weeks, but I had no idea of how many calories I was consuming when I drank and ate out. And I wondered why i was putting on the lbs. What a shocker it was for me to realize how many calories i was taking in.