


  • snowyd20
    snowyd20 Posts: 176
    The key is just run...your 5k will improve
  • stephanieogle35
    Do all of you run straight through? Or do you have to walk some? I finished the C25K program on a treadmill and just started jogging outside. I run my first 5K tomorrow. Gulp!

    It depends on how much running I've been able to do recently. I run outdoors, and it's been raining a LOT here, so when I go out tonight it will have been 6 days since my last run. If I try to run under 2 miles, I can probably run it straight through, but since my goal is to run 3 miles tonight, I may need to walk for a minute or so midway through. I have found that some of my best overall times during a run, come during runs that I made myself walk for a bit, so I don't think of it as a big deal.
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    Do all of you run straight through? Or do you have to walk some? I finished the C25K program on a treadmill and just started jogging outside. I run my first 5K tomorrow. Gulp!

    I usually run straight through. That is not to say I do not drop to a walk break if I feel I need it. I too did C25k. I am not onto 5k to 10k. I had a 35 minutes run today. It felt great! Spring in New England running along the Charles.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Just sent a request. I am new to running as well, but it's something I intend to do for a very long time (already have my half marathon training scheduled for starting in November! eek!) I'm running my first 5K on May 18th.
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    The user "AmyRhubarb" is a runner, gives great advice and is very active on MFP
  • erinalysa14
    erinalysa14 Posts: 58
    Hey guys! I started running summer of 2012, my first 5k was Oct 2012 and I just completed my first 10k (without stopping to walk!) this past weekend. I was slow as anything but now that I know I can do it, I am working on increasing my time. I dream of doing atleast one half in the near future! Would love some running friends!
  • oliviabog
    oliviabog Posts: 101
    I run, I'm going to try to do a 9km tomorrow. I was going to start training for a half marathon in April but i had my gall bladder removed in April and I've only been back in the game 2.5 weeks. Its been frustrating but I'm getting there!

    I'd love more runners support. I also have two babies, one 2.5 year old girl and a 17 month old son. I run in the evening during the week and during the morning at the weekends. 2 days on and 1 day off.

  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me, I don't typically do it unless people say it's ok. I've been running for just over 3 years, up to 40+ miles a week, go 6-7 days a week, have done several races, up to a half marathon, and am training for my first 26.2 in October.
  • Maaike84
    Maaike84 Posts: 211 Member
    I just started running again also, had an injury but am now working my way up to a 5k again! I might run one on May 18th, not sure yet if I will feel ready for it. I do take breaks when building up now, but am able to run through for a longer period now as long as I pace myself!

    trying to run 3 days a week. You can all add me if you like, it would be nice to support each other!
  • justmeg86
    justmeg86 Posts: 40 Member
    When I joined the gym 3 years ago (in July) I worked up to running. I waited until I had lost some weight to start, but by the next summer I was running just over a 9 minute mile. This past year I dealt with a lot of crap, sickness and otherwise, and kind of quit running. I have since started getting back into it and I'm getting frustrated. Some days I can run for what seems like forever and be fine, and other days it takes everything I have in me to run a mile! I am not fast by any means, I run about an 11 min mile, sometimes 12, and try to incorporate some interval training in best time for 2.5 miles was 28:45 a few weeks ago. Someday I would like to run a 5K but the problem is I live in South Dakota and can't run outside more than a few months out of the year. I went for my first run outside a week ago and about's really hard for me to keep my pace when I'm not on a treadmill.....I don't know if there are any tips to do so, but any guidance would be helpful! And good luck on your upcoming races everyone!
  • Spikethered
    Spikethered Posts: 108
    Hi, I run a few time a week, and will soon be training for a marathon ....please feel free to add me!
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I'm almost done with week 2 of C25K and I'm loooooving it. I've always been a hiker/walker, but I wanted to up my fitness level and stamina, so I'm a brand new baby runner. Joining that group now, anyone who wants a buddy should feel free to add me :D
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Do all of you run straight through? Or do you have to walk some? I finished the C25K program on a treadmill and just started jogging outside. I run my first 5K tomorrow. Gulp!

    I used to think I HAD to run with no walk breaks. However, I stumbled across Jeff Galloway's website, and he advocates a walk/run approach. I find it helps me quite a bit, and it doesn't affect my time. I generally walk for a minute around the 1 mile or 10-11 minute mark, if I feel I need it. I still keep my pace up, sometimes it's a fast walk, sometimes a slow jog. I try to do this for no less** than a minute, then I get back to the running and reassess at the next mile.

    **I meant no MORE than a minute! OOPS!
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    Do all of you run straight through? Or do you have to walk some? I finished the C25K program on a treadmill and just started jogging outside. I run my first 5K tomorrow. Gulp!

    I used to think I HAD to run with no walk breaks. However, I stumbled across Jeff Galloway's website, and he advocates a walk/run approach. I find it helps me quite a bit, and it doesn't affect my time. I generally walk for a minute around the 1 mile or 10-11 minute mark, if I feel I need it. I still keep my pace up, sometimes it's a fast walk, sometimes a slow jog. I try to do this for no less than a minute, then I get back to the running and reassess at the next mile.

    Thank you. I did 3.4 miles in 50:37 jogging/walking. I haven't even graduated to "running". I can't seem to get my body to move like that. Maybe I am too self-conscience about it? I am going to push though. :)
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Do all of you run straight through? Or do you have to walk some? I finished the C25K program on a treadmill and just started jogging outside. I run my first 5K tomorrow. Gulp!

    I used to think I HAD to run with no walk breaks. However, I stumbled across Jeff Galloway's website, and he advocates a walk/run approach. I find it helps me quite a bit, and it doesn't affect my time. I generally walk for a minute around the 1 mile or 10-11 minute mark, if I feel I need it. I still keep my pace up, sometimes it's a fast walk, sometimes a slow jog. I try to do this for no less than a minute, then I get back to the running and reassess at the next mile.

    Have you tried an interval based program like Couch to 5K? Basically it starts with like 60 seconds of running, then 90 seconds walking alternated for 20 minutes, then you build from there.

    Thank you. I did 3.4 miles in 50:37 jogging/walking. I haven't even graduated to "running". I can't seem to get my body to move like that. Maybe I am too self-conscience about it? I am going to push though. :)
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    If you need more runners...please add me. I ran my first official 5k two weeks ago, another this weekend, and starting to do 10k trainer because I got addicted.

    I never ever ever dreamed I'd run 6 blocks...let alone do a 5k or a 10k. :) Regardless of an add or not...keep on runnin'!
  • emilygray7165
    emilygray7165 Posts: 69 Member
    I try to run 2-3 miles every day, just started in the last month or two. Working up to doing a 10k run in October. :)

    Thats great! I hope to get to 10k eventually!

    Haha, not sure if i'll be able to do it, but i'll give it a good try!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I love running I am doing Zombies Run! its so fun <3 feel free to add me anyone :)
  • WeWillOvercome
    WeWillOvercome Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks so much everyone :) You guys are awesome! I just ran into a lady at my daughters preschool who ran a half marathon a week ago. She is officially my hero. She prob thinks Im a weirdo cause I was asking her a million questions haha
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    HI! I love running! My son's 20th birthday is June 1st. :bigsmile: I'll be running my 3rd half in July. I never thought I'd be saying that either. It's addictive!