What is the strangest thing your pet eats?

maddox22 Posts: 91
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
My mom used to have a cat that ate spaghetti. My cat when I was younger used to lick our toothbrushes and tear apart mint tea bags to get at the leaves.

My dog eats green beans, peapods, cabbage, and watermelon, but wants nothing to do with carrots or apples (which my last dog loved).

What weird foods does your pet eat? (Or, what "normal" foods does your pet hate?)


  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    My dogs like watermelon, apples (sometimes), green beans, sugar snap peas, carrots (cooked only). My puppy (7 mos) is a garbage disposal. She will eat anything except I gave her a piece of raw potato that she didn't eat. She particularly likes dirty socks, dirty underwear and used feminine products from the wastebasket. :noway:
  • czar1978
    czar1978 Posts: 83
    I thought my lab was the only dog who loved watermelon! :laugh:
  • shalma
    shalma Posts: 80
    My dog goes nuts for the pods of fresh peas!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    My cat loves beer. If I pop open a bottle, she'll come running in from the other room - even if she was passed out asleep. And she does have preferences. No Bud Light for that feline! (Like momma like baby) She also loves fudgecicles. haha My bf's cat wants nothing to do with real food - she's content with kitty kibble and treats.

    My parents had a dog that was a carb addict. They would leave and she's nab a loaf of bread from the kitchen counter.

    On a side note, the mint for the kitty kinda makes sense. Mint and catnip are related.
  • mychampio
    mychampio Posts: 2
    My cat LOVES Asparagus. LOVES it. If I cook asparagus, I always set aside a stalk or two for him which he will devour in under a minute. I understand that mint and catnip are closely related in the plant family, so I understand your cat going for mint tea bags. Why my cat loves asparagus? I have no idea.
  • redbedhead
    redbedhead Posts: 53
    My Male cockatiel refuses to eat any pellets that are yellow or green and will only eat red or brown pellets. However my Female Cockatiel loves yellow and green pellets and hates red or brown pellets. i always have to sort out the bag of cockatiel food (all four colors of pellets are mixed in the bag) when I buy it so that i do not have random bird pellets all over the floor. Those suckers hurt when you step on them!
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    My two dogs seem to eat pretty much anything. But, they are boxers with really sensitive stomachs so I don't feed them anything. Once in a blue moon they get a piece of toast leftover from breakfast and when I make egg whites they get the yolks. When I was younger I had a cat that loved green olives! Funniest thing I ever saw an animal eat!!
  • mooz
    mooz Posts: 101
    I have 2 dogs and they've never eaten dog food. We've always cooked for them. One of them was a stray..the oddest thing she eats...my other dogs poop. I've been told it's a survival thing - she was starving when we got her and still has that instinct to eat the poop. Dogs will also do that to avoid predators following them. Go figure!
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    My husband was at my parent's house one day and he left a PB&J sandwich low enough for their lab to get to. She licked the globs of grape jelly right out of it but left the bread and PB.

    Not really strange but my dog is obsessed with cheese... guess he is his momma's dog. :blushing: My dog is also VERY interested in whatever is on my husband's plate. He leaves mine alone though.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    what a funny thread! I thought I had the weird cat, mine races for my cantelope when I pull it outta the fridge, no clue why. Then within a 1/2 hour proceeds to puke it up on the rug. So needless to say I try hard to not feed him anything but his cat food. Which I also clean up offa the carpet every few days.:sick:

    Life with our furry friends!:heart:
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    I have 2 dogs and they've never eaten dog food. We've always cooked for them. One of them was a stray..the oddest thing she eats...my other dogs poop. I've been told it's a survival thing - she was starving when we got her and still has that instinct to eat the poop. Dogs will also do that to avoid predators following them. Go figure!

    My dog eats her own poo if she gets a chance. She wasn't starving when we got her at all, so I don't know if that's it. I stop her when I see her at it, but I'm sure she sneaks in some when I'm not looking!

    I had a friend who said that a dog that eats its own poo is great--completed self-contained. No cleanup! :-) Not sure whether I agree or not.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    My dog LOVES sliced cheese and potato peelings. He also likes chips, but he won't touch a cracker of any kind... I'm still confused about the cracker thing.. even though he loves cheese more than anything, he won't even eat cheese crackers. :huh:

    One of my other dogs will eat anything. She won't even chew if she doesn't have to. I've heard her yelp somethimes when she was eating because she wouldn't take the time to chew at all. I guess she thinks the food will spontaneously combust if she doesn't swallow it in 1.2 seconds? lol She also eats laying down.. LAZY dog! But then again, she loves going on walks and when you mention walking, she will hype up so much and jump/run around in circles and softly bite your arm to make sure you're going with her.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    My dog likes to chop on the peppermints from Sonic. My daughter feeds him grass and tree limbs too, not as weird though :P
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I had a cat growing up that loved BBQ Chips (only BBQ) and peanuts.

    My current older cat loves bananas, I swear she can hear the peel pop open wherever she is. She also loves all meat (but no lunchmeat) and ice cream bars.... marshmallow creme... even mini-marshmallows... Oh and beer, she also prefers the good beer, no bud light for her. :laugh:

    The younger cat likes pizza crust, saltines (ONLY saltines) and ranch dressing (ONLY ranch). She won't eat meat at all, just stares at me like "WTF is that" until the older cat comes to eat her portion too. :laugh:

    Dog likes about anything but goes NUTS for green beans and zucchini.

    Pets are such weirdos :laugh:
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I had a cat growing up that loved BBQ Chips (only BBQ) and peanuts.

    My current older cat loves bananas, I swear she can hear the peel pop open wherever she is. She also loves all meat (but no lunchmeat) and ice cream bars.... marshmallow creme... even mini-marshmallows... Oh and beer, she also prefers the good beer, no bud light for her. :laugh:

    The younger cat likes pizza crust, saltines (ONLY saltines) and ranch dressing (ONLY ranch). She won't eat meat at all, just stares at me like "WTF is that" until the older cat comes to eat her portion too. :laugh:

    Dog likes about anything but goes NUTS for green beans and zucchini.

    Pets are such weirdos :laugh:

    I wonder if we have sister cats!
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Jack Terrorist - won't eat:

    Dill pickles, raw onion. Anything else he'll eat.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I wonder if we have sister cats!

    Possibly :laugh:

    She'll take a sniff of the beer and if it isn't one of HER preferred brands... off she goes... :laugh: She loves yeungling, so maybe it's the malt in the lagers and darker beers?
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I wonder if we have sister cats!

    Possibly :laugh:

    She'll take a sniff of the beer and if it isn't one of HER preferred brands... off she goes... :laugh: She loves yeungling, so maybe it's the malt in the lagers and darker beers?

    Yeah, mine loves the darker/richer beers too. We have a yearly Oktoberfest with plenty of malty beer and she goes nuts.
  • MrsRLD
    MrsRLD Posts: 25
    Shadow (lab): Pantyhose
    Trixie (lab): drywall, cabbage
    Jake (golden retriever): not really ran into anything he won't eat. Recently chips and salsa.
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    My cat eats any veggie she especially loves lettuce, argugala too! Oh and strawberrys and pretty much any fruit. But she won't eat any meat or cheese. Strange thing I ever heard of
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