I did not know! I did NOT know!



  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member

    4. I did NOT know: That my sweet tooth could actually be pretty much defeated, and I would one day no longer crave sweets and junk food the way I once did.:tongue:

    Okay, how did this happen?????!!!!!??????

    honestly? by eating real food for a few weeks. Hubby and I have been cutting costs and calories simultaneously (not easy at all) and therefore eating most if not all meals at home. We do not keep sweets or junk food of any kind - (chips, soda, chocolate, etc. even if it says "low fat" on the label) in the house. if we want a treat we go out for it and have to plan financially for it as well. so after about 3-4 weeks of drinking water, and eating healthy food like whole grains, fruits, veggies, etc. (and even some fun food like SPAGHETTI!) and keeping the sodium low, neither one of us craves junk like we used to.
    i've surprised myself by actually *gasp* turning DOWN an offer for ice cream, and we were both surprised when we went out at a fast food restaurant on a whim and suffered the consequences physically. Not only did the food taste bad and overfill us, but it was heavy on our stomachs and made us both sick.
  • treasurep
    treasurep Posts: 88 Member
    I didn't know that: A perfect stranger could boost my confidence more than my family-thanks MFP! Kudo's to you all!
    I didn't know that: I would get depressed if I didn't get to work out.
    I didn't know that: I could push myself to continue when my legs are yelling quit and my heart is beating out of my chest.
    I didn't know that: I actually like shopping
    I didn't know that: being happy with myself actually imporoved the whole house's attitude..boy was I negative-sorry Family.
  • hawaiibound
    hawaiibound Posts: 158
    I did not know:

    That I would be looking forward to Jillian Micheals kicking my butt everynight!
    That losing 6lbs would make such a differnece in my confidence!
    That I could actually get up and do it....that nothing taste as good as being slim!
    That the farmers market would be my favorite store :)
    That my husband would join my everynight is doing "our chick flick" (30 day shred)
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I did not know that my arms could grow. I can now scratch any part of my back.
    I did not know that anything other than a hot flash caused sweating

  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I did not know:
    4. That I would be a nicer Mum to my kids if I wasn't so unhappy with myself
    5. That when I took away the weight I would realise the problem is how I see myself, not how others see me

    Thought provoking topic - thanks x

    my two faves and the most inspiring reasons of all to just KEEP GOING!!!!
  • That my husband would join my everynight is doing "our chick flick" (30 day shred)

    This is so awesome. I wish my husband would workout with me. I think it would be fun!
  • katiejo33
    katiejo33 Posts: 7
    1. I did NOT know: a person typically eats 1,000 MORE calories at Subway than they originally intend to. (I actually proved this theory when i realized that my 2 cookies and soda with my healthy sandwich was costing me an extra 900 calories):sad:
    2. I did NOT know: That i could actually run a mile, or TWO, and not die. :noway:
    3. I did NOT know: That i could make myself look BETTER than my wedding photos if I just made an effort. :love:
    4. I did NOT know: That my sweet tooth could actually be pretty much defeated, and I would one day no longer crave sweets and junk food the way I once did.:tongue:
    5. I did NOT know: That working out just once a day for 20-30 minutes could actually improve my mood & productivity as well as my health. :happy:

    Right?!?! I was SO sad when I found out the calories for Subway cookies. I mourned over not getting them the last time I went there for lunch.

    Here's my five I didn't know's:
    1. That there were so many people out there that have the same struggles as I do!
    2. That those Skinny Cow chocolate ice cream bars I vowed I'd never try are actually really good (and only 100 calories)!
    3. That not only should I watch my calorie intake, but also my sat. fats (one of the foods I love to cook isn't too bad on calories, but the sat. fat was crazy high! No more of that junk!)
    4. That I would ever have enough energy or drive to go to the gym aftera long day at work.
    5. That drinking water has such an important role in losing weight.
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    One other major! That the reason I hated skinny low rise jeans was because I never could wear any. Now this is what I go for first in the jean section. I did not know I would EVER get into a size 12 tall, skinny, lowrise jean/capri:laugh:

    I am so LOVING all the comments that you guys are adding here:flowerforyou: . We the MFP family are going to inspire others to stick with this!
  • jeweljade
    jeweljade Posts: 93
    1. I did not know that I could do cardio workouts for 45 min straight.
    2. I did not know that I could live without my coke zero and other chemically sweetened drinks.
    3. I did not know that I could feel this energized and strong.
    4. I did not know how much doing the right thing encourages others around you to do the same.
    5. AND.,... I did not know how good it felt to catch my hubby checking me out :blushing:
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    I did not know that:

    1. Greek Yogurt is a quick, easy, and FILLING breakfast that actually keeps me from being so ravenously hungry later on. Not eating breakfast in general has contributed to my sluggish demeanor.

    2. Losing weight and eating better has helped me realize that at least some of my unidentifiable pains (as in Dr. says nothing is specifically wrong) and sensations may have been weight/nutrition related as they've subsided a lot.

    3. I was eating over 4 servings of most things at dinner.

    4. How I have gotten used to huge portions without even realizing it over the years.

    5. How difficult it is to eat out because of huge portions and many restaurants not disclosing nutritional info on their dishes.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I did not know:

    That I would be looking forward to Jillian Micheals kicking my butt everynight!
    That losing 6lbs would make such a differnece in my confidence!
    That I could actually get up and do it....that nothing taste as good as being slim!
    That the farmers market would be my favorite store :)
    That my husband would join my everynight is doing "our chick flick" (30 day shred)

    I've lost 6, too, and even though it only seems like a small victory for my personal goal (aiming for about 18 lbs total), it DOES boost your confidence a ton!
  • Tonyv01
    Tonyv01 Posts: 56 Member
    This is only day two for me of my workout routine and nutritional lifestyle change. As i sit here sore in every muscle of my body, even grunting as I lift my water bottle (no more soda), thank you all!!
    Great posts, the inspiration is exhilarating. I cannot wait to return here at some point in the future and add my own "Ah-Ha" moments of euphoria!
  • Thank you so much for sharing that. It gives me a different perspective on things to reach my goal. Have a wonderful week.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I did not know that losing weight had more to do with my health than being skinny
    I did not know there are 4 servings in a box of mac and cheese
    I did not know that lobster tastes delish............it was the butter I was tasting before
    I did not know I could feel 20 yrs younger just by exercising each day

    I did not know there were so many wonderful people in the world until I came to MFP:flowerforyou:
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Wow, what an inspiring thread!

    Let me see if I can think of any...
    well, I didn't know I could get my 'skinny legs' back! (I thought they were gone forever)
    I didn't know how much energy I'd need for 2 or 3 little grand kids and that exercising would actually 'give' me this energy!
    That eating more healthy would not only be good for my weight but my skin would look better too.

    Thats all I can think of right now (gotta go chase my 2 yr. old grandson lol!)
  • What food are you eating on a regular basis..like your new fav food?

    Zuchinni and summer squash cut into thin strips and steamed, topped with spaghetti sauce and chicken chunks. I could eat it 3 meals and day!
  • Sorry meant to start a new thread.
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    I did not know that losing weight had more to do with my health than being skinny
    I did not know there are 4 servings in a box of mac and cheese
    I did not know that lobster tastes delish............it was the butter I was tasting before
    I did not know I could feel 20 yrs younger just by exercising each day

    I did not know there were so many wonderful people in the world until I came to MFP:flowerforyou:

    Wanna hear something horrible? I gained most of my weight between age 22 and 28. Although I dated a few women I never married, and often, as a bachelor, for dinner would make not one but TWO boxes of Kraft Mac and Cheese and throw a can of tuna in it...and EAT THE WHOLE DAMN THING.

    Although I still think that sounds delicious (I am not at the point where the bad food no longer even sounds good anymore), I haven't done that in a long time!
  • Kimd1972
    Kimd1972 Posts: 45
    These are good!!

    1. I did not know that I would lose 155 lbs without surgery!
    2. I did not know (or ever imagine) that I would be teaching aerobics!
    3. I did not know that I could be stronger than my husband and still be soft.
    4. I did not know that I could have so much self control over my diet!
    5. I did not know that a website that is so GOOD for me could be FREE!!
  • DJackson230
    DJackson230 Posts: 306
    I did not know that I could be friends with someone that I have never met.
    I did not know know if I would ever be happy with my weight again.
    I did not know that I must have been eating 4 to 5 thousand calories a day at times!

    Great thread TJ , who by the way is my friend : )
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