Binge eating victory



  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    Thank you to all of you for the positive responses!

    I don't want this thread to turn into a debate about disordered eating, just let the posters you disagree with stay on their high horse because their opinions won't change. Luckily this is just the internet, let them feel like big boys!
  • Ripcode
    Ripcode Posts: 142 Member
    The old me would have just eaten the rest of the pizza, chips and mayo today

    Mayo... as in a jar of mayonnaise??
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    The old me would have just eaten the rest of the pizza, chips and mayo today

    Mayo... as in a jar of mayonnaise??

    Haha, no! There was two smalls pots :p
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Food is an addiction

    No, it's a habit.

    is your attitude a habit?

    that horse your on's quite high, really hope you don't fall off and hurt yourself.

    I agree. Men do not seem to understand the gender issues of body fat gain or loss. Women have 2 to 3 times the amount of leptin than do men AT THE SAME BODY FAT LEVEL. What this means is that leptin resistance is much more likely to happen to a woman. In turn, that makes a woman that much more prone to binge eating and food addiction because her brain does not tell her when to stop eating. Women also have the spur of their female hormone, estrogen which is a fat promoter and the more body fat she carries, the more likely she is to be leptin-resistant. And, as if that wasn't enough, she is today, often taking birth control pills, which shut down her natural production of progesterone (progesterone is nature's opposition to estrogen) and tries to replace it with synthetic progestins (among other things, a cancer-causer). The drug companies could have used natural progesterone when they formulated the birth control pill---but you cannot patent a natural substance. Estrogen blocks both the uptake of iodine by the thyroid (sending it into dysfunctional mode) AND it partially blocks the effect of thyroid hormone, at a cellular level. Progesterone is nature's answer to estrogen and it has thyroid enhancing characteristics.

    Men, on the other hand, have testosterone in abundance, which promotes the building of lean body mass and the burning of fat. Because they have a higher level of lean body mass, they have a much wider margin beyond the 1,200 calories a day that every adult needs to have in order for their body to function. They should not judge women.
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I am so pleased that not all men are like this
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I am so pleased that not all men are like this

    Yeah--me too.
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I think that men have a biological advantage over women but it is obvious that women can overcome their natural disadvantage by using tools like MFP---we have a lot of testimonies to that effect. But if you have never walked a mile in someone else's shoes, then it is a good idea to avoid judging them in their struggles. That is gracious and kind--qualities that are in short supply it seems.
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I think that men have a biological advantage over women but it is obvious that women can overcome their natural disadvantage by using tools like MFP---we have a lot of testimonies to that effect.

    Good to have some backing.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    It has been my observation that some men will often pride themselves in being "logical" when in fact, they are being cold and unkind toward women, who they frequently judge to be "irrational".
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I think that men have a biological advantage over women but it is obvious that women can overcome their natural disadvantage by using tools like MFP---we have a lot of testimonies to that effect.

    Good to have some backing.

    I do not at all back your behavior. I am merely reinforcing the idea that MFP is a powerful tool to be used in one's struggles against excess body fat.
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I think that men have a biological advantage over women but it is obvious that women can overcome their natural disadvantage by using tools like MFP---we have a lot of testimonies to that effect.

    Good to have some backing.

    I do not at all back your behavior. I am merely reinforcing the idea that MFP is a powerful tool to be used in one's struggles against excess body fat.

    But my behavior is just making the point you did? Is it because i'm male that it's insensitive? Some people need a kick up the backside to get them in gear, I unapologetically give that and genuinely know i'm giving the person more help than the people saying well done for not pigging out today.
  • absinthia70
    absinthia70 Posts: 56 Member

    I was a binge eater (I like to say 'was' because I don't let myself binge any more) and yesterday I binged on an entire sharing bar of chocolate, chips, mayo, take-away pizza and garlic bread. I had a about a third of the pizza and this morning I woke up feeling absolutely terrible. Bloated and full of crap food that has definitely put a few pounds of water weight on me for the next few days. However, I ate a slice of the cold pizza today and I am now going to throw the rest away. It tasted disgusting and with every mouthful all I could think about was what I was putting into my body.

    I'm very sad that I binged and I know I'm going to have to work twice as hard after that binge, but after the slice of cold pizza I will now throw the rest away. There is a part of me that wants to just eat it and make today a binge day too, but I want to take care of my body today. I want to be able to control my binge eating by just saying 'no, it's not worth it', because it's not.

    The old me would have just eaten the rest of the pizza, chips and mayo today, but now care too much about myself to do that. It isn't just the calories and fat that is stopping me, it's the emotions that come after binge eating.

    So today, although I feel like absolute ****, there's a part of me that is proud of myself, instead of ashamed of myself.

    Congrats to you for knowing you were bingeing and being able to stop and throw everything out! I am in the midst of an emo-eating thing right now, where I know I should stop, and rationally, logically, tell myself to have that container of yogurt vs. the brownie from my kid's birthday (and half a bag of chips, and leftover pizza, and chocolate) but it's just not getting through to the rest of my brain. Each day is a new day, and I'm proud of you too!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I think that men have a biological advantage over women but it is obvious that women can overcome their natural disadvantage by using tools like MFP---we have a lot of testimonies to that effect. But if you have never walked a mile in someone else's shoes, then it is a good idea to avoid judging them in their struggles. That is gracious and kind--qualities that are in short supply it seems.

    Then stop judging men on how easy we have it. You post constantly about how you're addicted to food and the struggles you've had and then turn right around and post this type of comment. It all ads up to so much whining and a "poor me" attitude. If you want to be healthy, the own it.

    I am NOT judging men---they have won the obesity sweepstakes it seems. AND I am not "addicted to food". I am getting healthier by the day, by God's grace. You have no idea of the health issues I have had to face in my life. I had a congenital malformation in my neck that I didn't even know that I had until 12 years ago, and it took three years (and three surgeries) to correct it. Since it was on my carotid artery, I nearly lost my life when an infection set in. It has taken me a long time to recover my health but I am getting there. I do not accept your cold and heartless judgment of me and other women.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I think that men have a biological advantage over women but it is obvious that women can overcome their natural disadvantage by using tools like MFP---we have a lot of testimonies to that effect. But if you have never walked a mile in someone else's shoes, then it is a good idea to avoid judging them in their struggles. That is gracious and kind--qualities that are in short supply it seems.

    Then stop judging men on how easy we have it. You post constantly about how you're addicted to food and the struggles you've had and then turn right around and post this type of comment. It all ads up to so much whining and a "poor me" attitude. If you want to be healthy, the own it.

    I am NOT judging men---they have won the obesity sweepstakes it seems. AND I am not "addicted to food". I am getting healthier by the day, by God's grace. You have no idea of the health issues I have had to face in my life. I had a congenital malformation in my neck that I didn't even know that I had until 12 years ago, and it took three years (and three surgeries) to correct it. Since it was on my carotid artery, I nearly lost my life when an infection set in. It has taken me a long time to recover my health but I am getting there. I do not accept your cold and heartless judgment of me and other women.

    It's funny that you automatically make the claim that I'm judging "other women." This is not a man versus woman thing and yet you struggle to make it one on a daily basis with your posts. That is a diversion from the real issue of facing your issues and struggles head on and moving forward. You are not the only one that has had to deal with struggles. Yet, you just seem to be particularly vocal about yours. Quite a few people on MFP have had health issues of one type or another. Cancer, back issues, fibromyalgia, low T, and MRSA to name a few. At some point you have to accept your struggles, accept who you are and who you want to be, and OWN it. That in no way takes away from anyone's (including your) problems. But complaining, and saying someone has it easier, doesn't move you closer to your goals.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I think that men have a biological advantage over women but it is obvious that women can overcome their natural disadvantage by using tools like MFP---we have a lot of testimonies to that effect.

    Good to have some backing.

    I do not at all back your behavior. I am merely reinforcing the idea that MFP is a powerful tool to be used in one's struggles against excess body fat.

    But my behavior is just making the point you did? Is it because i'm male that it's insensitive? Some people need a kick up the backside to get them in gear, I unapologetically give that and genuinely know i'm giving the person more help than the people saying well done for not pigging out today.

    No one here is here to "get a kick up the backside to get them in gear". They are here to get encouragement. Your behavior does not encourage---judgment never does. And before you say that I am judging you---I will say that I do not know you or your struggles but I am judging your behavior to be unkind. OP deserves to be applauded for her victory--not condemned for what YOU see as a lack of moral power.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I think that men have a biological advantage over women but it is obvious that women can overcome their natural disadvantage by using tools like MFP---we have a lot of testimonies to that effect. But if you have never walked a mile in someone else's shoes, then it is a good idea to avoid judging them in their struggles. That is gracious and kind--qualities that are in short supply it seems.

    Then stop judging men on how easy we have it. You post constantly about how you're addicted to food and the struggles you've had and then turn right around and post this type of comment. It all ads up to so much whining and a "poor me" attitude. If you want to be healthy, the own it.

    I am NOT judging men---they have won the obesity sweepstakes it seems. AND I am not "addicted to food". I am getting healthier by the day, by God's grace. You have no idea of the health issues I have had to face in my life. I had a congenital malformation in my neck that I didn't even know that I had until 12 years ago, and it took three years (and three surgeries) to correct it. Since it was on my carotid artery, I nearly lost my life when an infection set in. It has taken me a long time to recover my health but I am getting there. I do not accept your cold and heartless judgment of me and other women.

    It's funny that you automatically make the claim that I'm judging "other women." This is not a man versus woman thing and yet you struggle to make it one on a daily basis with your posts. That is a diversion from the real issue of facing your issues and struggles head on and moving forward. You are not the only one that has had to deal with struggles. Yet, you just seem to be particularly vocal about yours. Quite a few people on MFP have had health issues of one type or another. Cancer, back issues, fibromyalgia, low T, and MRSA to name a few. At some point you have to accept your struggles, accept who you are and who you want to be, and OWN it. That in no way takes away from anyone's (including your) problems. But complaining, and saying someone has it easier, doesn't move you closer to your goals.

    I am achieving my goals. I reject the statement, "This is not a man versus woman thing and yet you struggle to make it one on a daily basis with your posts." I have faced all of the issues that I have ever had in my life (thank you very much, Sigmund). I never said that I was the only one with struggles--I cannot imagine how you could have arrived at that conclusion. I fully own my life and I thank God that He saw fit to bring me through many toils and much pain. I do not complain because I think my life is more blessed than I ever deserved. I speak up when I see an injustice occurring. It has often incurred the wrath of those who would victimize others but it is just done in a small bit of gratitude toward the One who forgives.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Do you think many men that control their diet get to a point when there brain says to stop eating? Using MFP you know exactly how much you can eat then stop. I just cant see that as valid reason.

    I think that men have a biological advantage over women but it is obvious that women can overcome their natural disadvantage by using tools like MFP---we have a lot of testimonies to that effect. But if you have never walked a mile in someone else's shoes, then it is a good idea to avoid judging them in their struggles. That is gracious and kind--qualities that are in short supply it seems.

    Then stop judging men on how easy we have it. You post constantly about how you're addicted to food and the struggles you've had and then turn right around and post this type of comment. It all ads up to so much whining and a "poor me" attitude. If you want to be healthy, the own it.

    I am NOT judging men---they have won the obesity sweepstakes it seems. AND I am not "addicted to food". I am getting healthier by the day, by God's grace. You have no idea of the health issues I have had to face in my life. I had a congenital malformation in my neck that I didn't even know that I had until 12 years ago, and it took three years (and three surgeries) to correct it. Since it was on my carotid artery, I nearly lost my life when an infection set in. It has taken me a long time to recover my health but I am getting there. I do not accept your cold and heartless judgment of me and other women.

    It's funny that you automatically make the claim that I'm judging "other women." This is not a man versus woman thing and yet you struggle to make it one on a daily basis with your posts. That is a diversion from the real issue of facing your issues and struggles head on and moving forward. You are not the only one that has had to deal with struggles. Yet, you just seem to be particularly vocal about yours. Quite a few people on MFP have had health issues of one type or another. Cancer, back issues, fibromyalgia, low T, and MRSA to name a few. At some point you have to accept your struggles, accept who you are and who you want to be, and OWN it. That in no way takes away from anyone's (including your) problems. But complaining, and saying someone has it easier, doesn't move you closer to your goals.

    I am achieving my goals. I reject the statement, "This is not a man versus woman thing and yet you struggle to make it one on a daily basis with your posts." I have faced all of the issues that I have ever had in my life (thank you very much, Sigmund). I never said that I was the only one with struggles--I cannot imagine how you could have arrived at that conclusion. I fully own my life and I thank God that He saw fit to bring me through many toils and much pain. I do not complain because I think my life is more blessed than I ever deserved. I speak up when I see an injustice occurring. It has often incurred the wrath of those who would victimize others but it is just done in a small bit of gratitude toward the One who forgives.

    Name calling. Excuses. Martyrdom.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Congrats on your victory. I was a binge eater for years. I was able to stop about 4 months ago.