out of calories for the day, what do you do?



  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Eat enough for dinner to be satisfied and try to stay under goal tomorrow. I try to think of my goals more in terms of a weekly amount rather than daily. If you mess up one day there's always tomorrow to fix it.
  • MissCarter79
    MissCarter79 Posts: 227 Member
    I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old. They go to bed at about 8pm leaving the rest of the evening free. Have you any fitness dvds, skipping rope, you could even do jumping jacks, run around your back garden, lift something heavy, dance if you have some one else in the house go for a run, walk etc. You can even exercise with your 2 year old.

    Dancing burns a lot of calories! Turn on some tunes and rock out with your 3 year old!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I also had a bad lunch and don't have enough calories for dinner. I'm going to do my best tonight to eat a decent dinner, be okay with being over calories, and move on. Tomorrow I'll plan better.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Once I'm out of calories, I'm done eating. I thought that's how this works? :P But seriously, you have to learn to work within your goals. If you give yourself permission to use all of your calories and then eat more, you're not really learning to make better choices. One day or a day once in a while won't hurt, but you need to be careful not to let it become a habit. Try planning and logging your day in advance.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
  • evanrecovery
    1. Throwing kids up into the air (safely) burns off a ton of calories, they are great weights, it's fun, and I'll bet they outlast you! Small kids LOVE to mimic workout routines. I bet if you put a video on, they would join you for a while. It's pretty comical. Even the walking indoor videos by Leslie Simones (sp?), you just walk in place, but can burn quite a bit in an hour. They even make kids exercise DVDs you can do with them. My kids loved to sit on my back while I was doing pushups and sit ups. LOL Talk about weighted work!

    2. I cannot believe the calories on those fresco bean burritos! The Nacho Dorito hardshell (X2) I had yesterday was 340 calories (for two).
    I LOVE exercising with little kids! They're so funny! I used to help teach toddler dance classes and it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    this is why i prelog and stick to it! at this point, id use lettuce (2 cups 15 cals), and make a cucumber salsa to top it (1 cup is 30 cals) and grill 1 chicken breast (110 cal) in lemon juice, salt and pepper, to chop up and add in to the salad... there... 150 cal dinner!

    here is my cucumber salsa recipe, it makes a huge batch tho!
    2 peeled cucumbers diced into small cubes. 2 tomatoes diced into small cubes. 1/3 cup chopped red onion. entire bunch of cilantro, chopped. 2 jalepenos chopped up. 2 spicy yellow peppers chopped. 2 tablespoons minced garlic. 1/8 cup lemon / lime juice. 1/2 cup fat free sour cream. salt and pepper to taste. mix it up, chill, serve over salad, over chicken, on crackers, anything really... its super good... turns out to be about 30 calories for 1 cup. (entire batch should make about 8 cups...)

    just throw this over the chicken and lettuce... makes anything taste tasty!!!
  • lattarulol
    lattarulol Posts: 123 Member
    How do you know what you are really eating? You haven't logged any other days besides today, so you can't be that concerned about one day?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I was bad at lunch. Had two fresco bean burritos at taco bell for a nice 700 calories. Now I am faced with a dinner of plain spring mix salad and four cherry tomatoes. And maybe a piece of celery. I don't think working out for an extra hour is feasible with my two year old needing my attention after being at daycare all day, unless the rain holds off and I can take her for a walk. Anyway, lesson learned (and yes, I was overly full after eating two). I guess this is part of it, learning how one choice affects the whole day!

    "Walk" a mile or 2 in front of the computer ....... 33 minutes low impact aerobics

  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    Have a sensible dinner and move on. One day doesn't make a difference. My choice of two-year old workout- chase and hide and seek. Also dancing- Laura bekner has great little kid songs- my daughter likes the Goldfish song. We swim like fish for like an hour. I use a fitbit and I can get an extra 2000-3000 steps when I track it.
  • 58cayo
    58cayo Posts: 26
    Low sodium broth and frozen mixed vegetables makes a quick no/low calorie vegetable soup. Have a cup, maybe this can hold you over til tomorrow
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    plan better? LOL add in another workout?? but honestly if its a once in a while thing...do not sweat it....just continue with your day as normal....
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    If I don't have time to workout or go walking, I usually try to just have a lot of veggies and lemon water or tea. If I feel like my body genuinely needs more, I'll add an egg. Sometimes I log the overage on the following day and try to make up for it the next day.
  • KtotheD78
    KtotheD78 Posts: 58 Member
    drink a tall glass of water
    add some lean protein to the salad (so that it will be more filling) and call it good
    if you go over a bit, it's not going to hurt anything
  • C12254
    C12254 Posts: 198
    either work out to earn those burritos or go over your calories for the day. i wouldnt suggest that unless you have been pretty good and staying under on a regular basis. but going over wont kill you. just make it as healthy as filling as you can
  • Ashshell
    Ashshell Posts: 185
    I'd go over a bit for the day. Make a low calorie dinner (e.g. cabbage and some tilapia - less than 300 calories) to get you through the evening and start over tomorrow. This is a good lesson to learn and I've done the same thing.

    Edited to add:

    Going over for one day isn't going to have a noticeable effect on your weight-loss. I typically go over once a week because I enjoy eating what I want without worrying about every single calorie every now and then. I am steadily dropping 1.5-2lbs per week.
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    Today was my first day logging after a loooooong lapse. You would think I would have been extra vigilant, and my intention was to not have one of my snacks, but oh well. After some exercise I am where I need to be for the day, and I am going to drink lots of water to flush the sodium. Lesson learned on twosies at Taco Bell! I have some good meals planned out that are heavy on fiber and some super foods, so I feel ok with day one. My salad for dinner was a little bitter, but I added a tiny bit of salsa so it wasn't too terrible. Need to get off the packaged snacks, but I love belvita!
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    As soon as Toy Story is done I am going to do a set of twenty!
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    I am adding my voice to the eat a healthy dinner, and learn your lesson. I am happy to see hpw everyone incorporates playing with their kids into their exercise routine. People look at me like I have two heads when I mention it. I know women who complain they never have time to exercise and how out of shape they are and take their kids to the park and read a book or play on their phone the while ignoring their child.......somehow chasing your kid is not "real" exercise.:huh:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would eat something nutritious and filling, if still hungry.
    If not hungry, I would not eat.
    If I had time or felt up to it, I might go and do some exercise at the gym.
    But I find it abnormal and unhealthy to be so obsessive over that number that one would be stressing over whether they could allow themselves to eat anything else if hungry. Too extreme.