I've grown a tail, and other weight-loss Issues



  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    My tail bone is at a 90 degree angle as opposed to the normal 45 degree angle. This creates discomfort when sitting. I think it's just one of those things you will have to try to accommodate. I don't know if the right kind of cushion could be of help. But it is worth a shot.
    Maybe something like this?

  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    this is going to sound odd... but i know tailbone issues are common during pregnancy. you may want to look into that, not because you're pregnant, but because i believe it's due to weight change issues. not totally sure, i wasn't the one having the pain. but you might be able to find more info/solutions.
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    When I lost a significant amount of weight in the past (went from 200 to 135 pounds) I also had tailbone pain, but really only when sitting on harder surfaces for long periods of time. I didn't notice it at work or in the car but the kitchen chairs killed me. My doctor said nothing was wrong I just needed to readjust and get used to the new shape of my seat!!

    It went away eventually, but you may want to consult with a doctor. My MIL actually had to have surgery to remove a portion of her tailbone because it was injured and caused her chronic pain.
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    I would of NEVER thought of this......crazy! I hope it gets better!
  • GKoz004
    GKoz004 Posts: 87
    As far as the tailbone, I'm kind of clueless. I would say maybe you've lost TOO much weight, but judging from your profile pic, you don't look emaciated or anything like that haha. Maybe try to build some butt muscle as a cushion?

    The armpit problem is one I can assist you with! I had that problem when I was at my lowest weight. I just pulled and stretched the skin over a little with one arm (left) and used my right hand to shave under my right arm, if that makes sense. I did this in front of the bathroom mirror so I can see what I was doing haha. Easy peasy! Also, muscle growth here might help as well, so maybe muscle can fill in the space a bit.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I forgot to mention another possibility. Since you've lost the fat in your posterior you might want to try to build up the muscle in that area.

  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    If the pain doesn't go away in a few weeks see your Doctor.

    It could be mild coccydynia (your tailbone is your coccyx) which should resolve if you improve your posture, lean slightly forward when sitting, use painkillers or heat / ice patches.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    As an anatomist, I would suggest you see your doctor for an x ray. If you have been overweight for a significant period of time I believe it is more likely to be a postural issue, however, than a structural one. Your spine adapts to carrying your excess weight by increasing the natural curvature along its length (much like when women are pregnant).

    A physiotherapist will be able to give you exercises to decrease the pronounced curves. However, the good news is, if it is not a structural problem, the ligaments along your spine will readjust the curvature over time so you should not continue to have issues.

    Till then....padding, my friend!! :smile:
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    As an aside, I would definitely buy a book with that title! It made me giggle! :laugh:
  • I HAVE A TAIL TOO OMG. seriously. but mine has always been like this, and you can feel it if you feel around my tailbone. Even sitting up in my bed can be painful.
  • Farrahrm
    Farrahrm Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful suggestions! I will definitely look into buying a cushion like the one posted. My throw pillows keep falling out of the car every time I get out, lol. I remember when I was really young, like maybe 4 years old, bruising my tailbone so bad that my mom thought I broke it. It must have been bad if I can remember something from that age. I have a great Orthopedic Dr that I haven't seen for awhile, so this wasn't an issue last I talked to him.

    I did go buy some special shaving cream, I had just been using regular bar soap...and some wax strips in case I get brave enough to attempt waxing. I haven't shaved in front of a mirror since the last time I was pregnant, but that sounds like a great idea.

    I do squats, no weight due to my back injury, but about 2 sets of 30. And bench 170 lbs 2 sets 10-11 reps, so I'm not sure how much more muscle I can put on. I also do 30 - 60 minutes on the elliptical at lvl 10 resistance at the gym. I'm thinking I'm not going to be one of those "bootylicious" women. Haha.
  • FitFunFabulousNicole
    FitFunFabulousNicole Posts: 94 Member
    I would RUN to go buy your book with this title! lol - Love it :) Especially since I have noticed the same thing!
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    I've encountered this tailbone problem. It's very uncomfortable @ night as I lay on my back and
    'try' to fall asleep. It's not easy to get used to. It was my first big loss area. My arm pits are hard
    to shave now too since they actually are conclave as they are meant to be .. Idk about your
    shaving issue .. no chest hair. lol
  • Farrahrm
    Farrahrm Posts: 33 Member
    Idk about your
    shaving issue .. no chest hair. lol

    I don't have chest hair! Yikes.
  • Linnier67
    Linnier67 Posts: 1
    I have to admit, I'm happy to hear that someone else is having the same problem. About 5 years ago, I lost 75 lbs and began having this problem. My doctor sent me to a general surgeon who examined me and said that my tailbone was normal and that I had just "lost my cushion". Unfortunately, I gained my weight back. The problem went away. I have recently lost 80 lbs and the problem has returned. I have never heard of anyone else having this issue. Nice to know I'm not the only one. :)
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I have to admit, I'm happy to hear that someone else is having the same problem. About 5 years ago, I lost 75 lbs and began having this problem. My doctor sent me to a general surgeon who examined me and said that my tailbone was normal and that I had just "lost my cushion". Unfortunately, I gained my weight back. The problem went away. I have recently lost 80 lbs and the problem has returned. I have never heard of anyone else having this issue. Nice to know I'm not the only one. :)

    Same with me. It hurt to sit in a bath. I'd sure take that pain again!
  • A cushion as suggested would help. Also, you may want to consult a chiropractor. It could be possible that as your weight has decreased, your center of gravity is shifting, and your tailbone is having trouble aligning properly.
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    I've always had sticky-outy bones, and they do get painful if I sit down for too long. It is quite annoying, I always have trouble on the wrong sort of chair -_-
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    It could just be posture. When I was thinner, if I sat in weird positions (hunched over, leaned back, ect) it would hurt my tailbone, but if I would sat up straight, there was no pain. I think the worst had to be those plastic chairs in school. My little brother is the same way.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Sorry, I don't get the tailbone thing, but maybe it's time for some squats? If you don't have sufficient padding from fat, add some muscle...

    ETA: Sorry, I see now that this was already mentioned. Maybe if you're having back issues and feel uncomfortable with weighted back squats, try goblet squats.