Help!! Do I weat this bikini or not????



  • elsh1700
    elsh1700 Posts: 17
    I think you look great. I have worn bikinis looking a lot bigger. In saying that you have to be comfortable and feel sexy whatever you decide to wear... Tankinis are just as nice as bikinis.
  • slyrat
    slyrat Posts: 28
    Wear it! I think bikinis are more flattering on everyone, anyway.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    i wouldnt becasue I know how judgmental people can be. even the sports illustrated models admit to working out hard and stressing before the shoot. I think maybe another 20lbs and you will be more confident. If you are confident, wear it now. I am not being mean. I am trying to be honest.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I was just struggling with the same thing... Just bought the bikini in my profile picture.. Haven't exposed my stomach since probably high school... Over 20 years ago... Feeling some trepidation about it, but...
    Its all a matter of comfort. If you feel confident and comfortable then wear it. ????????????
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    i *really* feel bad about my belly, so personally i wouldnt wear it.. i would wear the tank instead. Even when i was super thin.. i wouldnt even sit down because i would get a roll in my belly (ya know, when even the skinniest girl sits, her skin has to fold when she sits.. ) well, i was taught that was "fat" so i didnt sit..

    So if you feel comfortable wearing that, then i say wear it. I for one would never be comfortable and will never be comfortable wearing one. Hell, i wont even wear shorts. lol. Congrats on your figure.. you look great! I hope & pray one day that i can feel as amazing as you do! <3
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    Wear it only if you feel confident in it. If you have to ask, maybe you're not ready yet. Wait a little while until you think you're ready.
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    You dont look bad in it. U can tell there is work to do. But u dont look awful. And if i were you i would were it. U look like a real woman not these stick super models that have no shape. I guess to some it up u do look sexy because u have meet on u and look like a real woman! I wouldnt look at u at the beach and think hey look at that woman she should not be Waring that. I say ware it u may be shocked about the heads u may turn:)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member

    There are other options.

    idk if this is a joke but wtf that could seriously damage someones confidence. she looks great

    it was a joke.. shes going to the beach.. kind of like saying "why not put on a winter coat" sheesh.. lighten up! It was funny!
  • bdkglk
    bdkglk Posts: 67 Member
    Wear it with confidence!! You will be fine!!!! There is no law against having curves. Show them off!!
  • kairsme
    kairsme Posts: 29
    Wear it, and don't let the couple of negative Nancy's spoil it for you either!
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    You look fine. Go for it.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    You look fine. Even if you looked bad, why would you care about the thoughts of people you don't know and probably will never see again?
  • ChelliRae
    ChelliRae Posts: 1
    Wear it with confidence and have fun! :smile:
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    Rock it! And I'm being honest. It's not just okay. It's super-hot!
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I'm probably going to get a lot of crap for this, but I think if you lost 10-15 more lbs it would look great on you. That said, you have a beautiful body and if you want to wear it, you shouldn't care what I or anyone else thinks. But, you asked for honesty so I'm giving my honest answer. Please don't hate me. :ohwell:

    I agree with this in all honestly. I think you have a lovely shape and with the right attitude could rock that bikini like anyone else but if you already feel some trepidation, it may get 20x worse when you are out there and see people looking at you (whether they are judging your bikini or not) and you might not enjoy yourself as much. I would stick with the comfortable tankini so I wouldn't worry at all but its all about how confident you are! Have a great time!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I was just struggling with the same thing... Just bought the bikini in my profile picture.. Haven't exposed my stomach since probably high school... Over 20 years ago... Feeling some trepidation about it, but...
    Its all a matter of comfort. If you feel confident and comfortable then wear it. ????????????

    LOL... and here i was thinking you need to gain a few pounds!

    Excuse me? How rude. She looks frigging awesome.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    It does look good! One thing you could work on (if you want) is doing some squats so you take the emphasis off your tummy focus and add muscle and roundness to your butt. This is what I am working on now, too. :)

    But the bikini looks good!
  • JohnnyCashMoney
    After losing a few pounds and now heading off on a girls trip to Vegas, I am REALLY struggling with whether to wear my tankini or make the venture into bikini land. I don't know if I am still too big to wear one and I know when I look at my body,
    My feelings won't be hurt if it's a "no"; I just want a nice and honest answer.


    I've never posted pics, so I hope this works ...

    Probably not just yet...

    What was I thiinking? You look hawt! Wear it and whatever happens in Vegas...requires pictures.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    No, don't weat it. Don't sweat it either. Or wet it. Or wheat it, cause gluten free's the new craze haven't you heard?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    After losing a few pounds and now heading off on a girls trip to Vegas, I am REALLY struggling with whether to wear my tankini or make the venture into bikini land. I don't know if I am still too big to wear one and I know when I look at my body, I am looking at it through very harsh lens. I don't want to be “that girl", you know the one I'm talking about, the one that get's the "ooooh, she should not be wearing that!" comments. What do you guys think?? To wear or not to wear??

    My feelings won't be hurt if it's a "no"; I just want a nice and honest answer.


    I've never posted pics, so I hope this works ...



    To me you look good. But since you mentioned ur friends and the broken lens, i get that. It would help me decide if you are ready to wear it if I knew what you think is acceptable. can you put a pic of someone you think is just barely okay to wear her bikini, then I can tell you if you are actually there, or will later wish you hadn't worn it. TBH though, there will always be that person who says those things and to me that's more about them than you. Usually when I hear one of my friends says it a lot all I hear is "blah blah blah, i'm a dirty tramp". LOL noooo just kidding, all i hear is "I'm not comfortable with my body yet and that's why I don't wear that" even though she's really saying "i think she's too old/overweight/etc for that everything has it's place and time and her time has passed". it's her one flaw and I'm hoping it's a phase that will be gone when she reaches her goal weight and loses some of her insecurity, which she has a right to given her recent past.

    Just to shed some light on why it shouldn't matter what those people say.