Chronic Constipation



  • EIEIElenaO
    EIEIElenaO Posts: 101 Member
    I am going back to my GI doctor next week so everything will be discussed with him before doing it!


    Plus, remember that any doctor's advice is one person's professional opinion.

    For years I was told to just drink more water, eat more fiber/fruits/veg, try prune juice. It was frustrating, as I did follow the standard advice and nothing helped.

    Finally a GI doc discovered that I had a +90% blockage in my lower colon (due to an hard benign mass crushing it from the exterior). I was less than 1 cm open and no one could even figure out how I was functioning anymore. Since my resection surgery, things have greatly improved and I function well with some extra magnesium supplementation.

    My example is extreme and unlikely, but due to that, all the other doctors understandably missed it.

    So yes, absolutely, go to the doctor and try the advice. If it doesn't work, try back or seek another opinion. And keep seeking until you find relief. Your fix is out there.

    As I understand it, having paralysis on a portion of the organ is it's own complicated medical condition and no amount of fiber with wake up peristalsis is the nerve damaged section.

    Good luck and keeping seeking.