Non-Scale Discouragement

Some background on me:

I've been losing weight since September-ish, and my final weight goal is 130lbs. Before breakfast I was 161lbs, for a total loss of 54lbs. I am 5'5 1/2 (closer to 5'6 though) and have more of an hourglass shape. I have a feeling I'll be "skinny fat" and tried to lift weifhts but I have an ulcer (due to severe stress, not due to dieting) so I've been asked by a doctor to wait until it heals so not to aggravate it further.

My discouraging moment:
So I saw Starsky and Hutch again last night, and in it was Brande Roderick. She states her height at 5'7", her weight at 117-ish in the movie. I'm 5'6. This is extremely discouraging, as I thought twenty more pounds and I'd be good... No, turns out I need to lose 45-50lbs more. I thought being 130 would be healthy and almost "too thin" looking for me, but she does not look anorexic. She looks healthy. Super discouraged that I'm "only halfway", and not as close to my end goal as I apparently thought.

Anyone have any advice/words of wisdom/etc? The way I see it, if I'm shorter, I could conceivably - and maybe should - weigh less than her. Am I wrong?


  • petersonabt
    petersonabt Posts: 518 Member
    I am 5'5 and hit 130 (you can look at my pics on my profile) for me 117 would be way to thin. I used to be about that when I was younger and looked ill.

    Everyone's body is different. so keep that in mind. get to your goal of 130 and then reevaluate. don't let it bring you down!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    First of all - actresses and models lie about their weight all the time.

    Second - comparing your body to someone else's body just leads to discouragement, for most people

    third - work on getting where you want, and see how you feel when you reach goal weight. You might be pleasantly surprised. Or you might feel like you want to do a little more work on recomp, and that's fine too.

    Do not panic - this isn't a race. You will be fine.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Don't base your goal weight off someone elses body. Everyone is different.
  • jennagoogles13
    Everyone's body is different. I'm 5'6" and my goal weight was initially 130, and I'm now only a pound away. Sure, I'm happy with the number, but far from happy with my appearance. I really want to build muscle, and if that means I end up gaining weight, so be it. I think having a goal "look" is far more important than a goal weight. Just keep doing what you're doing, and I wish you the best of luck:)
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Use a mirror, a camera and a measuring tape in conjunction with the scale. And ignore the scale.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I agree, use the mirror for a goal look. I've had a lot of people guess my goal weight, and it's lower than the one I have in mind. If I can get there, sure, but right now I have MY goal in mind. And I'm way more concerned with being able to look good in a bikini, despite what the scale says at the end of june :laugh:
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal is 130.... That is about middle for the normal BMI. While I'm going to decide when I get to that goal where I'll go from there, I know that I am not going below 120. For me I feel that anything below 120 will put me close to the unhealthy BMI range. I didn't work this hard to throw myself in the other unhealthy direction. Also, I wouldn't stress what actors/actresses say about weight... either A) they are lying or B) they just have a different body type... I'm willing to bet A.... Also, they tend to do extreme dieting measures to put them self at that low body weight, but then they end up gaining it back later... Don't stress... Just focus on your body... Congrats on your weigh-in :-)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    If you're 5'5 1/2" but closer to 5'6" then wouldn't that be around 5'5 3/4"ish?
  • AESprouse
    AESprouse Posts: 112 Member
    I'm 5'1 and my goal is 130. I haven't been that small since I was a preteen so I'll be happy. My point: do what makes you happy and don't worry about what other people look like. If you are happy with how you look at 130,, great. If not, do what you need to do so that you are happy. Don't don't base yourself off of any else's weight.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Stomach ulcer? I don't see how lifting would affect that in any way. And lololololol at wanting to weigh what and actress "claims" she weighs.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    You're not Brande Roderick. Don't bother to compare yourself to someone else.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Go here:
    It is called mybodygallery and shows pictures of real women at different heights and weights. it is a real eyeopener. You will see plenty of women at your goal weight (and higher) who look very slim and fit. Everyone is different and its amazing how we view others less critically than we do ourselves. After spending some time on that site I actually adjusted my goal weight upwards.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    *waits patiently for someone to point out that all celebrities lie about their body stats. they aren't that tall, they don't weigh that little, their waist and bust don't measure out to those numbers. hell, they weren't even born in that year. if she said it, she was lying.*
  • brenna8806
    brenna8806 Posts: 21
    Stomach ulcers can bleed. Straining can cause bleeding more.
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    Stomach ulcer? I don't see how lifting would affect that in any way. And lololololol at wanting to weigh what and actress "claims" she weighs.

    Actually, she's a Playboy Bunny, and Playmate of the Year, so her weight is actually correct. So correct in fact, that it's on Wikipedia.
    I understand people lie, and I am not trying to say I necessarily want to weigh what she weighs. What I am saying is yes, I want to look like her(to a degree. Not a fan of her breast implants, but whatever), and being that we are similar heights and body types, shouldn't I typically weigh less than her, which would mean I'm far from done my journey, and thst freaking blows.

    And as much as your opinion is valued as far as lifting with an ulcer goes, this was advice from two doctors: a general practioner, and the ER doctor(when I didn't listen to Dr No.1's advice).
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    *waits patiently for someone to point out that all celebrities lie about their body stats. they aren't that tall, they don't weigh that little, their waist and bust don't measure out to those numbers. hell, they weren't even born in that year. if she said it, she was lying.*

    Again, I know the internet can be changed, but still... It's on Wikipedia.
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    Stomach ulcers can bleed. Straining can cause bleeding more.

    ^^ thank you :)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Dont compare yourself to a celebrity. (Who I never heard of.....) they lie. Plus..they have personal trainers and assistants and spend all their time just maintaining that body to have a career. You be YOU. Be the best YOU you can be. Don't try to be anyone else. Be YOU.
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member
    Some background on me:

    I've been losing weight since September-ish, and my final weight goal is 130lbs. Before breakfast I was 161lbs, for a total loss of 54lbs. I am 5'5 1/2 (closer to 5'6 though) and have more of an hourglass shape. I have a feeling I'll be "skinny fat" and tried to lift weifhts but I have an ulcer (due to severe stress, not due to dieting) so I've been asked by a doctor to wait until it heals so not to aggravate it further.

    My discouraging moment:
    So I saw Starsky and Hutch again last night, and in it was Brande Roderick. She states her height at 5'7", her weight at 117-ish in the movie. I'm 5'6. This is extremely discouraging, as I thought twenty more pounds and I'd be good... No, turns out I need to lose 45-50lbs more. I thought being 130 would be healthy and almost "too thin" looking for me, but she does not look anorexic. She looks healthy. Super discouraged that I'm "only halfway", and not as close to my end goal as I apparently thought.

    Anyone have any advice/words of wisdom/etc? The way I see it, if I'm shorter, I could conceivably - and maybe should - weigh less than her. Am I wrong?

    I'm 5'8" & weighed 118 lbs while in college. That was way too thin! At 135 I looked & felt healthy. At this stage in my life I'm shooting for 150. I believe that is a healthy weight for me & I know all the clothes I can't fit right now will fit at that weight. Why would you compare yourself to someone on tv? You need to identify what is healthy for you & be comfortable with that.
  • chillmcgren
    chillmcgren Posts: 31 Member
    Just because she looks healthy in film/pictures does not mean she looks healthy in real life.

    Getting healthy and fit is very important, but the scale does not define your worth. Not that you said it does, just a reminder.