Non-Scale Discouragement



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Actresses are not good role models/ aspirational goals!

    Choose your own goal, not what looks good on someone else (if its believable)
  • Rikki007s
    Rikki007s Posts: 102 Member
    Actually, she's a Playboy Bunny, and Playmate of the Year, so her weight is actually correct. So correct in fact, that it's on Wikipedia.

    Like the others said, you should make your goal and then reevaluate.

    Wikipedia is user created, so we can trust it only as much as we can trust the references included in the article. I noticed there is no reference provided for her weight on the Wikipedia page and her personal website doesn't seem to mention her stats either. The Wikipedia page could very well just be quoting the stat from the movie.

    She looks pretty small though, so she very well could weight 117.
  • Barmaidsah
    Barmaidsah Posts: 29 Member
    LOL...It's on Wikipedia!...LOL There's a reason most academics won't accept Wikipedia a reference for research. It's fine to start there, but it is user edited and NOT the ABSOLUTE truth. Don't worry about what others say their stats are. Get to your original weight goal and go from there.

    Also, I have COPD, so lots of cardio and strenuous lifting are out of the question for me. HOWEVER, I still take a resistance band toning class and will be starting a Zumba class in June. Any instructor worth taking a class from can and will adjust the exercises to allow almost anyone to participate.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Yes actresses work very hard and spend a lot of time and money to be thin, but they aren't necessarily happy about it. It's a job requirement and it's not fun or normal for most people to have to be so restricitve in our eating, when it's not required for us. Also often they don't look as good in real life as they do on film or camera. Right now the people around me think I look fantastic, and they think I look very thin. I am 5'7 tall and around 140 pounds. I'm happy and healthy and look good for a normal (non-hollywood) person, so why would I want to lose more? Oh and, the healthy weight range for a 5'7 female is 120-160 pounds. So if she is 117, she is underweight - something most of the world would be happy to avoid.
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    I am 5'7", current 187. Goal 150, have hourglass figure, hips and butt. I was 148 high school thru college before gaining > i know I feel good at 148- 150, and look good. In my Opinion, 130 would be unrealistic for me to even attempt 130! Also, 150 puts my in proper BMI without struggling every day or being too thin. Would I love to be 140 or less? Sure, but know it is not likely! 150 is a safe, obtainable goal for me, especially if I am healthy in my other areas of life. Curves are wonderful and think how boring if we all were sticks!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    First off... what everyone said about actresses and models lying about their weight. That's something I figured out as a skinny teenager when I'd sneak a peak at my brothers' Playboys. I was about 110 pounds and 5'5, and pretty much a skeleton. The playmates were taller than me, and every single measurement was bigger than mine, but miraculously weighed 107 pounds. Bullpoopie on that.

    Secondly, scale weight is largely meaningless.

    I was about 120 pounds in the first picture, and almost 15 pounds heavier in the second. The difference? In the first pic, I'd lost weight with a jaw problem (couldn't eat) and in the second, I was eating right and exercising right, so I have a lot more muscle mass.


    I'm a good 20 pounds heavier in the second picture here, but the same vintage dress fits. My arms are no longer spaghetti noodles. That's the biggest difference. Well, that and I got a better hairdresser that didn't give me Spock bangs. :wink:


    There's more pictures of a similar vein in this thread:

    Forget the scale. And don't compare yourself to others.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I'm 5'8" & weighed 118 lbs while in college. That was way too thin! At 135 I looked & felt healthy. At this stage in my life I'm shooting for 150. I believe that is a healthy weight for me & I know all the clothes I can't fit right now will fit at that weight. Why would you compare yourself to someone on tv? You need to identify what is healthy for you & be comfortable with that.

    Sage advice. I'm 5'7". Weight in high school: 134 College: 145 Prepregnancy: 155 Starting MFP: 180 Goal: 160 and we'll reevaluate. Will I EVER get to 134 again? Hopefully not. My body isn't 18. My priorities are health and fitness. And as for the many, MANY women who are 5'7" on this board and aiming for 130 pounds, good luck to you. It won't work for me. I'm a big broad. But I'm a strong, badass mom who isn't worried about the scale (don't even own one). Just the shape.

    Hang in there. Change your mindset. And for pete's sake, give up comparisons to celebs. Nothing about most of them is real.

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    *waits patiently for someone to point out that all celebrities lie about their body stats. they aren't that tall, they don't weigh that little, their waist and bust don't measure out to those numbers. hell, they weren't even born in that year. if she said it, she was lying.*

    Again, I know the internet can be changed, but still... It's on Wikipedia.

    Oh, I didn't realize this was a troll thread until just now. Good one, you totally got me there.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member

    Actually, she's a Playboy Bunny, and Playmate of the Year, so her weight is actually correct. So correct in fact, that it's on Wikipedia.

    LOL....I am so happy, my drivers license still says 160, so I must be 160 still. :laugh:
    Cmon who even puts their real weight on a drivers license anymore. So much of the big screen and mags are photoshopped. Look up whoever without makeup. You will see human everyday people and not these unattainable beauties you think are real.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    You need to set more realistic goals than the body of a 5'7" actress. I also don't want to encourage you to go against doctor's orders, but I have NEVER heard of lifting causing complications with an ulcer. I recommend you get a second opinion, preferably from a doctor that actually has some knowledge on the topic (ie, a sports medicine doctor not a GP).
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    First, celeb lie about their weight all the time. Second I am 120 pounds and 4'11" ..........117 is ......well see my first. Be the best that you can be......not anyone else
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    You can't shape YOUR life based on someone else. (Everyone in Hollywood LIES) Aim for your goal and then re-evaluate based on YOU. How do you feel, do you look healthy? Then adjust.... Please, trust in you and listen to your body !!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I would recommend setting fitness goals and continue to push yourself and be proud of what you accomplish. Your body will reflect your hard work and you will be the best 'you' you can be. Everyone else can do what they want. I hope by the end you will feel pride and self-fulfillment.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    My discouraging moment: So I saw Starsky and Hutch again last night, and in it was Brande Roderick. She states her height at 5'7", her weight at 117-ish in the movie. I'm 5'6. This is extremely discouraging, as I thought twenty more pounds and I'd be good... No, turns out I need to lose 45-50lbs more. I thought being 130 would be healthy and almost "too thin" looking for me, but she does not look anorexic. She looks healthy. Super discouraged that I'm "only halfway", and not as close to my end goal as I apparently thought.

    Anyone have any advice/words of wisdom/etc? The way I see it, if I'm shorter, I could conceivably - and maybe should - weigh less than her. Am I wrong?
    Take into account your body type. I recommend you keep your goal weight at 130 and adjust as appropriate not just based on appearance but on how you feel.

    I recently read some advice I wish I'd thought of when I started: Take pictures now and along the way. We see ourselves in the mirror every day and can't properly evaluate ourselves. Pictures side by side show us how much progress we've really made.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Learn now - stop comparing yourself to others...ESPECIALLY celebs/movie stars/characters
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member

    I am so done with the forums. The general impression I am getting from responses is I'm an idiot, a troll, and expecting unrealistic things.

    Thanks for your "support". I am no longer discouraged in my goals. I realize that I will never look a certain way as this person is lying about everything that she probably doesn't even exist, so... Congrats?
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member

    I am so done with the forums. The general impression I am getting from responses is I'm an idiot, a troll, and expecting unrealistic things.

    Thanks for your "support". I am no longer discouraged in my goals. I realize that I will never look a certain way as this person is lying about everything that she probably doesn't even exist, so... Congrats?

    Wow....everyone was very supportive. But if you want to take it this way......... Good luck
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member

    I am so done with the forums. The general impression I am getting from responses is I'm an idiot, a troll, and expecting unrealistic things.

    Thanks for your "support". I am no longer discouraged in my goals. I realize that I will never look a certain way as this person is lying about everything that she probably doesn't even exist, so... Congrats?
    Everyone here was helpful, but whatever.