Logging before you eat?



  • 8snowwhite8
    8snowwhite8 Posts: 14
    I do this as well. It really helps me stick to plan. I can switch it up if I need to but generally stay the course. I've got a long way to go (current goal is 190 but I'm thinking that will lower as I get closer to that goal). Having a routine of planning ahead helps me so much. I'm going on vacation in a months time though, that's the true test of meal planning. I still think I will log meals every day but they may not be made to plan as they are now. I keep telling myself I'll make the healthy choices but allow in some treat days. I plan to be pretty active during the holiday at least so I won't be just sitting around for the 2 weeks. Good luck to all on their journey!
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    I usually log things as soon as they are planned. It really helps me to hit my macros. I usually add in my breakfast after I eat it. Then usually when I am making my lunch, I plan dinner as well and log that along with my lunch. Then I can pick my after lunch snack and after dinner snack. Usually cottage cheese if I need more protein, almonds if I need more fat, fruit if I have already met fat and protein goals, or some combination of all 3 if everything is already pretty well balanced.
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    I do this too because I usually forget to add in what I've eaten that day, i think it's a great idea. as long as you're eating exactly what you logged and remember to add anything else you might've eaten

    This :-)
  • MeghanMorrical
    MeghanMorrical Posts: 7 Member
    I plan out everything I eat, I log it before I eat it and I always leave about 200-300 calories open for the unexpected treat. (like if someone brings cookies to work). If I don't end up eating anything bad i sill it with a low sugar snack at 6pm. I think if you log it before you eat You are more likely to stick to what you log and if You end up over on calories or anything but you really want that one snack, you can rearrange the rest of the day to fit around that one item.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I've done it before....I find if I pre-log, especially on days where I have "alot" going on, I tend to remember that hey I was only suppose to eat x amount of x.....

    Generally, I log after I've eaten however.
  • wtref
    wtref Posts: 3
    I've been logging the day in advance. It helps with having that "day's goal" all day.
    Also, if you know you're going into a danger zone (out to dinner or a nice brunch)... if you have the rest of the day tailored to that, you don't feel bad about splurging (in moderation of course) and you can still come in under for the day's calories. it is all about choices. it is good to know them beforehand. good luck!
  • anyamb
    anyamb Posts: 52 Member
    I've been doing this for about 2 weeks (this week is my third). Usually about a week in advance -- I figure that since I'm already planning a menu for my weekly grocery shopping, I may as well plan it out on MFP and make a grocery list while I'm doing it. I tend to make extra for dinner to eat for lunch the next day, so that simplifies the process. I don't plan snacks, so I usually end up with 100-300 calories left each day to "play with". And I make sure to alter anything I've changed or added, which isn't much since I've only bought what I planned to eat. The only meals I don't plan in advance in the food diary are meals out, which I'm trying not to have as often anyway.

    It takes a little bit of extra time, but it's worked really well for the last few weeks. I'm planning to continue.

    Edit: To clarify, I plan WHEN I'm going to have a meal out, but I don't plan WHAT I'm having at that meal.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    When I lived on my own I planned my meals weeks ahead. Saves a lot on groceries and with all my allergies you kind of have to plan ahead.
    Seemed to work quite well in terms of weight loss as well.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I literally do this everyday!!! Sometimes I don't log EVERY meal beforehand, but it helps me see what I'm going to consume beforehand and make changes where needed. Sometimes I can say, do I really need 2T of peanut butter, or is 1T enough? I like doing this, I see not harm in all, and have only see good things come from it. When you are prepared ... have a game plan ... you succeed! :)
  • lisahewitt22
    lisahewitt22 Posts: 102
    I always do this and I don't think it's a bad thing, just a bit annoying if I decide to have something else and have to change it haha
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I find that logging before I eat, helps me to stay on track and only eat what I log, instead of eating more.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    By at least partially pre-logging your day you prevent yourself from getting pigeonholed into eating a bad dinner (like a tuna and peanut butter sandwich so you can hit your macronutrients), or not having any calories left for dinner.
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    I log before I eat and change if need be. It keeps me on track.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I sometimes do log in advance for dinner, if I know I won't be able to get on the computer after dinner becasue my hubby wil be playing online poker, as he does for hours every day, and I know what exactly I will be eating..
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I do this because it helps keep me in check with my macros and prevents me from eating crap just because it fits my calories. If I only looked at calories my diary would be like 90% carbs.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I do it to see if something fits within my marcos, if so thats what im gonna eat. Nothing wrong with plannin your meals out.

    This is exactly what I do. Why eat extra carbs if I'm still low on protein? I need to know what fits into my day before I shovel it into my mouth. I have very specific goals and if I don't log first I'd bedoing myself a disservice.
  • HikeThatMountain
    Yep, I often log before I eat, especially when getting close to dinner time or adding snacks I want to eat, but haven't yet, just to see it I can fit it in without going over.
  • mrsbishop2010
    I always log before I eat. I play around with my food diary days in advance so I can get the maximum nutrition along with a variety each day. Sometimes unexpected situations may arise so I usually give myself 300 cal that isn't planned for in case I'm out or have an impulsive craving which is usually during TOM. But for the most part I don't put anything in my mouth until it's logged. I plan my meals and snacks at least 3 days in advance. This helps me stay on track and ensures that I only buy accordingly at the store which saves on the grocery bill. This has worked very well for me!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I sometimes do, sometimes don't. If I know that I'm going to be having a specific thing for dinner (maybe we're going to a restaurant and I already know what I'm going to order) I'll pre-log that. That way, I can see where it puts my numbers and I can better plan my lunch so it fits those numbers. Or sometimes if I don't quite know what I want for dinner, I'll log different things into the dinner slot and see where that puts me and that helps me decide so I just leave it there even before I actually eat it. I also know that I'll always have yogurt as an evening snack, so often I'll just put that in as well.

    I don't think it really matters one way or the other. It's not like MFP is actually checking the contents of your stomach and calling you a liar, lol. If pre-logging helps you plan ahead or helps you feel accountable and honest...then by all means, do it. If pre-logging makes you feel locked-in and guilty about changing your mind...then don't bother. It's all about what works best for you.
  • sullycc
    sullycc Posts: 37 Member
    I log a day in advance so I can figure out what to make for an evening meal for the whole family and work round that to fit my macros. It just becomes normal after a while. I always have a few cals to play with so if I eat something unexpectd during the day I can take something out planned for later etc. You can just amend as you need to.