havent ate since bfast - HELP!!!



  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Wow, regardless of if this is a troll or not do you know how much mental damage you could be doing to someone with the eating disorder right now? Jesus.

    This is a site for SUPPORT and people talk about food related issues/mental relation to food all the time. So this person should just NOT seek support advice? We should just tell them to screw off because they have a mental disorder?

  • alexandrathecool
    Thank you for the people giving good suggestions, amd to the people being rude im sorry you feel the need to be so mean. Ive never been in a situation like this. And i post my problems on here because my family doesnt understand.
  • themelmac
    themelmac Posts: 59 Member
    Wow it's kind of amazing how rude and unsupportive so many people are on here. Also, a lot of people who need to educate themselves on these topics before throwing out random, insolent responses.

    Luckily for you, if it's fresh, actual mexican food there are a lot of healthy options that will fill you. Remember, you've only had 230 calories today, so you have a lot of lean room! And you should be coming close to your recommended intake every day.

    Just get something with lots of veggies (beans are great! filling and nutritious) and not fried. Also, fresh salsa for the win.

    Yes to this ^^^, you ate 250 calories today so, you probably have 1,000+ left over for the day. Holy cow! That means you could eat almost anything and still fall within your calorie allotment for the day. Enjoy dinner!
  • cosmic8o8
    cosmic8o8 Posts: 131 Member
    You're going to a Mexican restaurant, how are you struggling with how to get a meal in? Just choose the healthiest entree option you can find.
  • purple4sure05
    purple4sure05 Posts: 287 Member
    I see this post, this is a typical troll only ask for help if you really need it.

    People on this site can be very rude. I just started trying to use these boards for support a few days ago like OP and have been appalled by some of the responses that frequent users give.

    The OP is seeking help because they know they have a problem and want someone to reassure them. That is the purpose of this post. Not to "troll". As a previous comment mentioned, yes, OP is "seeking attention": THEY WANT HELP AND REASSURANCE. Have you never wanted support in a tough time?

    In response to the original comment, I think you should take a step back, relax, and try to think about the bigger picture. Don't listen to insensitive, negative comments. It's a good thing that you're reaching out for help. When you get too wrapped up in calorie counting and weight loss, it's easy to go off the deep end occasionally and dip into some extreme behavior. Just keep telling yourself that your health and physical well being are what matters the most, and that undereating will only stall your metabolism and cause complications. Eat a healthy snack as soon as possible, and eat something healthy but filling while you' re out with your friends. What good is weight loss if you can't even enjoy your daily life because of it?

    Good luck and I hope everything works out for you. You can always seek out a counselor if you feel that this is a reoccurring issue that you don't have much control over.
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    There must be something healthy at the mexican place. Dont put yourself through only drinking water whilst all your mates eat yummy food whilst your practically starving. If your anxious about eating junk, go for a healthier option or ask the waiter to put half your meal to go in a paper bag, so you dont have to worry about skipping lunch the next day. You must understand skipping meals on a long term basis will not give you a strong, toned and healthy body, or mind for that matter.
    Good luck though :)
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Thank you for the people giving good suggestions, amd to the people being rude im sorry you feel the need to be so mean. Ive never been in a situation like this. And i post my problems on here because my family doesnt understand.

    Well doll, I've been through a rigamarole of mental and eating disorders. Being healthy is difficult for some people (we probably wouldn't have this site if it were easy). I actually have been sitting at home with only junk food in my house (my mother's) and forgot to eat since breakfast. Easy solution, cooked up a nice healthy meal with a balance of nutrients!
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    Thank you for the people giving good suggestions, amd to the people being rude im sorry you feel the need to be so mean. Ive never been in a situation like this. And i post my problems on here because my family doesnt understand.

    People are being rude because you're posting a ****ing stupid thread.


    I don't know bro, how about, eat something?
  • Seraphemz
    Seraphemz Posts: 84 Member
    No. Im not. I was hopeing for some suggestions from KIND people, not to be bullied.

    Actually I don;t care if you have that taco or not. But the shutting up .. that's pretty key.

    You're a huge d*ck!!! Most of the time I see you on the forums its nothing helpful. Just wanted to let you know....
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Thank you for the people giving good suggestions, amd to the people being rude im sorry you feel the need to be so mean. Ive never been in a situation like this. And i post my problems on here because my family doesnt understand.

    People are being rude because you're posting a ****ing stupid thread.


    I don't know bro, how about, eat something?

    There are some people who literally cannot even see food without an anxiety attack. EDUCATE YOURSELF and stop the ignorance and cruelty.
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    Thank you for the people giving good suggestions, amd to the people being rude im sorry you feel the need to be so mean. Ive never been in a situation like this. And i post my problems on here because my family doesnt understand.

    People are being rude because you're posting a ****ing stupid thread.


    I don't know bro, how about, eat something?

    There are some people who literally cannot even see food without an anxiety attack. EDUCATE YOURSELF and stop the ignorance and cruelty.

    Ignorance and cruelty? Pick something up, and put it in your mouth. Now chew, then swallow. Repeat.

    Was that hard? Stop babying people that make nothing but ****ing excuses for their poor choices.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    No. Im not. I was hopeing for some suggestions from KIND people, not to be bullied.

    Actually I don;t care if you have that taco or not. But the shutting up .. that's pretty key.

    You're a huge d*ck!!! Most of the time I see you on the forums its nothing helpful. Just wanted to let you know....

    No tacos for you either.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Thank you for the people giving good suggestions, amd to the people being rude im sorry you feel the need to be so mean. Ive never been in a situation like this. And i post my problems on here because my family doesnt understand.

    If you want more empathy and a better response then divulge more information.

    Sometimes just saying that you do not have tine to eat and you are going out for a meal with other people can create problems will not give you the help or advice you may be looking for?

    People are not mean they are just responding to the information you have given.

    In a nutshell it seems from what you posted that you skip a lot of food and then you do not have time to eat, then you go out for a meal but you get anxious about eating?
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Thank you for the people giving good suggestions, amd to the people being rude im sorry you feel the need to be so mean. Ive never been in a situation like this. And i post my problems on here because my family doesnt understand.

    People are being rude because you're posting a ****ing stupid thread.


    I don't know bro, how about, eat something?

    There are some people who literally cannot even see food without an anxiety attack. EDUCATE YOURSELF and stop the ignorance and cruelty.

    Ignorance and cruelty? Pick something up, and put it in your mouth. Now chew, then swallow. Repeat.

    Was that hard? Stop babying people that make nothing but ****ing excuses for their poor choices.

    Have you ever even HEARD of an eating disorder?
  • SaebraSpirit
    SaebraSpirit Posts: 150 Member
    You could always use Intermittent Fasting or try a 24hr fast?
    http://www.leangains.com/search/label/Intermittent Fasting Primer

    I usually use these a few times a week, they cut fat like crazy especially if you eat low carb ;D
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    so i havent ate since breakfast..which was a bar and shake = 230 calories. I usually skip lunch and im gonna be passing papers out at dinner time so no food there. I'll be coming home late so i wont eat then. But after the paper thing im having to go to mexican with the people im with where i planned on just drinking water. I dont know what im asking here i just need help on what to do..
    P.S- if i eat anything out that i knows bad for me i get super guilty and really bad anxiety

    If you've only consumed 230 calories today - you could probably be able to eat what ever looks tasty at the mexican rest and it would fit into your calories and macros. There are no bad foods...just bad portions of foods. And not eating at all is more unhealthy than having a couple of chicken tacos and calling it a day. This post smacks of eating disorder. Food is not the enemy. Educate yourself and seek help if you continue down this path.

    ps...if this is a troll....damn it!!! I hate when I waste good advice on someone just trying to garner attention:grumble:
  • Shr3dded
    Shr3dded Posts: 232
    Thank you for the people giving good suggestions, amd to the people being rude im sorry you feel the need to be so mean. Ive never been in a situation like this. And i post my problems on here because my family doesnt understand.

    People are being rude because you're posting a ****ing stupid thread.


    I don't know bro, how about, eat something?

    There are some people who literally cannot even see food without an anxiety attack. EDUCATE YOURSELF and stop the ignorance and cruelty.

    Ignorance and cruelty? Pick something up, and put it in your mouth. Now chew, then swallow. Repeat.

    Was that hard? Stop babying people that make nothing but ****ing excuses for their poor choices.

    Have you ever even HEARD of an eating disorder?

    Yes, and I've seen many people get past them. By sucking it up, admitting its THEIR fault and doing something to change it. Not asking people online why they cant eat or eat too much, but by just admitting they are doing just that and ****ing changing it.

    Stop with the "lets baby this person" bs. If you aren't eating enough, eat more. If you're eating too much, stop ****ing eating so much.

    Common sense, ever heard of it?
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