How about you shut up about what I am eating!



  • swillybay
    swillybay Posts: 61 Member
    That's exactly why I leave my diary closed - I would never DREAM of saying anything like that to someone else who has an open diary - have actually gleaned some great ideas for snacking from their diaries so appreciate it, but if I have an opinion about some of their choices of food, what business is it of mine??!!! None. I'm not the boss of them, nor them of me, hahahahaha!
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I am all for people looking at my diary and telling me where I am doing good and where I am doing bad. I appreciate that feedback and the more detailed the better.

    However I do not appreciate when someone makes comments about what I am eating and they are eating crap!

    For example:
    I am cutting up pineapple and I hear ... I thought you didn't like pineapple. Which is true not a huge fan. I can take it in small bits. Then I hear.....your wasting your money it is going to spoil. Okay I did not buy a lot of pineapple and it was already cored. I figured my son might eat some of it too.

    This all coming from a person who is eating ice cream and doughnuts as she says this.

    I didn't say much... because I already know in my head that I am doing something right. I have lost almost 25 pounds. So in one ear and out the other. No stopping in the brain to process. Just Keep it Moving.

    So, you are all for people looking at your diary and giving their opinion to you, I'm down with that.

    I don't really understand the rest of your post. It appears as the rest of your post is about someone in person and not one of your friends on MFP, or at least that is how it reads. So how does that pertain to your diary on MFP?

    If someone commented on my diary about a food choice...I'd probably take it into consideration, I highly doubt I'd look theirs over to try find something "unhealthy" to use as a retort.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member

    My aunt gets a whole pineapple, 2 mangoes, a red pepper, a small red onion, and a few jalapenos to taste (we like it spicy):devil: Chop it all up into itty bitty pieces (i think she gets it to like 1/4 inch or smaller cubes) and mix. It lasts a few days in the fridge or you can give it away. I had 100g (about a half cup) and it was only about 100 calories.

    Ohhhhh - that sounds delicious. And I think I have everything but the pineapple in my fridge right now.

    My family gives me all kinds of crap about the food I buy too. You just can't win with some people.
    My son will tell me not to eat this or that or whatever - then he'll eat an entire loaf of bread in one evening. Of course he's losing weight and I'm not so it even drives me more crazy. (but he still bought me chocolates for Mother's Day).
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    You have two choices here: address the offender or close your diary. Or you could do both. Problem solved.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I may have the wrong end of the stick here, but it sounds like the person who was criticizing her was there in person, not on here. The people who were offering her advice on here were the ones she was pointing out in a positive manner.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I find that having my diary open is one of those things that helps me to stay on target. Call me on stuff. Yes, I ate B&J the other day, call me on it. I'll tell you that I only ate a fraction of what I used to eat.

    I don't consider it an interference.

    As for the pineapple or whatever, I would just tell people, hey, my tastes are changing. I'm trying new things. How's your donut, doughboy?

    Oh and I get this ALL the time at home. I get it about my workouts. I get that my husband is much faster than I am in the pool, but when he calls me on how fast he is, I point out that I swim for an HOUR of non-stop laps, where he does one fast one and has to spend ten minutes in the shallow end. Who's the bi*ch?

    Sorry. Got worked up there.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    No matter how well I eat now, after so many years of eating poorly I don't think I have the right to make negative comments about anyone's food choices. I guess you could say that my diet criticism license was revoked by the food police!

    Yeah, you're right; but it's sometimes fun to say things in my head that I'd REALLY like to say aloud to those who criticize me. For a while I was into making rude faces behind their backs, but I got scared I'd get caught so stopped. Now, it's all in my head :grumble:
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    I think OP is making two points:

    1. Her diary is open and she welcomes MFP members' comments re her diary.

    2. She does not appreciate people who observe what she is eating for lunch or dinner and making unsolicited negative comments, while they, themselves, are eating poorly.

    Me - I don't appreciate my SO telling me I spend more money on food because I eat chicken -- he thinks my $1.99/lb chicken is more expensive than this $3.99 box of crumb cakes and apple danish that he stuffs his face with. I just smile and offer him some chicken (which, by the way, I paid for).

    Let's face it, unfortunately, most of us (not all) have a history of past failures. But there comes a time - like now - when we will be successful !!

    VICTORY to the MFPers!!
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I think OP is making two points:

    1. Her diary is open and she welcomes MFP members' comments re her diary.

    2. She does not appreciate people who observe what she is eating for lunch or dinner and making unsolicited negative comments, while they, themselves, are eating poorly.

    Me - I don't appreciate my SO telling me I spend more money on food because I eat chicken -- he thinks my $1.99/lb chicken is more expensive than this $3.99 box of crumb cakes and apple danish that he stuffs his face with. I just smile and offer him some chicken (which, by the way, I paid for).

    Let's face it, unfortunately, most of us (not all) have a history of past failures. But there comes a time - like now - when we will be successful !!

    VICTORY to the MFPers!!

    YES!!! And I am NOT giving up my free range, hand fed, cage free brown chicken ova, either, even if they are five bucks a dozen!

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • Yeah, like everyone is saying, there will always be people who have issues :/

    My parents are starting to accept my healthier choices but at first they actually got annoyed with me, saying I was eating weird stuff, taking offence if I wanted to eat something different or eliminate something from the meal, mocking me... but now they just accept it, and are even taking on board some of my habits (:

    So yeah, don't let other people bring you down, everyone is unique, everyone can make their own decisions, and if they can't respect yours then they aren't worth your time (:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Oh and I get this ALL the time at home. I get it about my workouts. I get that my husband is much faster than I am in the pool, but when he calls me on how fast he is, I point out that I swim for an HOUR of non-stop laps, where he does one fast one and has to spend ten minutes in the shallow end. Who's the bi*ch?

    Actually your husband might be doing it the better way. There is an indication that people who do high intensity for a few seconds and then rest until their heart rate comes down, actually lose more body fat.
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I would say this person is already a better friend because they are taking the time to look over your diary and relate it to what they know about you. Personally I would prefer someone who makes this sort of effort over the normal 'Good job!', 'Good day', 'Yummy day' sorta rhetoric I see day after day.

    If somebody were making comments I regularly found hurtful I would first thank them for paying attention and trying to help me. Then I would mention how their words made me feel. If they were truly a good friend, I hope they would change.

    If they couldn't and it got too much, there's always friend removal.

    This was not about anyone here. Everyone here is being supportive. It was a family member. One who eats **** all the time and yet talks about me.
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I think OP is making two points:

    1. Her diary is open and she welcomes MFP members' comments re her diary.

    2. She does not appreciate people who observe what she is eating for lunch or dinner and making unsolicited negative comments, while they, themselves, are eating poorly.

    Me - I don't appreciate my SO telling me I spend more money on food because I eat chicken -- he thinks my $1.99/lb chicken is more expensive than this $3.99 box of crumb cakes and apple danish that he stuffs his face with. I just smile and offer him some chicken (which, by the way, I paid for).

    Let's face it, unfortunately, most of us (not all) have a history of past failures. But there comes a time - like now - when we will be successful !!

    VICTORY to the MFPers!!

    1. exactly -- If someone here says hey you should watch that you are eating ABC. I would think about. But when someone in my house says that crap they do.

    2. That is exactly my point
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I may have the wrong end of the stick here, but it sounds like the person who was criticizing her was there in person, not on here. The people who were offering her advice on here were the ones she was pointing out in a positive manner.

    YES YES YES!!! NO ONE here has been nasty to me. This person was in my house an I am related to them.

    I appreciate people on MFP looking and commenting on my food choices.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I may have the wrong end of the stick here, but it sounds like the person who was criticizing her was there in person, not on here. The people who were offering her advice on here were the ones she was pointing out in a positive manner.

    YES YES YES!!! NO ONE here has been nasty to me. This person was in my house an I am related to them.

    I appreciate people on MFP looking and commenting on my food choices.

    I completely mis-read your opener...I thought you were initially saying you didn't want people to "judge" your diary, if they had certain things in theirs...

    Now, about your real issue...I would simply reply with something like..."I'd rather throw away some fruit, than eat that fatty calorie laden junk you are eating"....I am very direct with people that criticize me in real life, much moreso than people here. I usually regard people here as trying to accomplish what I am doing, so they actually get "more" leeway with me than someone I know could really care less.

    Good Luck with the home folks...I know it can be challenging.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    No matter how well I eat now, after so many years of eating poorly I don't think I have the right to make negative comments about anyone's food choices. I guess you could say that my diet criticism license was revoked by the food police!

    LOl cute.. love the honestly too and you are humble! :drinker:
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109

    My parents are starting to accept my healthier choices but at first they actually got annoyed with me, saying I was eating weird stuff, taking offence if I wanted to eat something different or eliminate something from the meal, mocking me... but now they just accept it, and are even taking on board some of my habits (:

    My family was the same way! My grandmother, especially. I lived with her until about six or seven months ago and I decided to cut out junk food and most processed foods last summer in an effort to lose the weight I'd gained during my senior year of college. I told her and she could not believe what I wasn't eating anymore! I wouldn't eat most of what she bought at the store and she got upset! It wasn't "junk food" per se, just a LOT of processed food. I wanted to eat more fresh food. When I started to bike four miles a day and bake my own wheat bread every week (ugh, to have that sort of time again!), my family branded me a "health nut."

    Now, I get flack from my co-workers about my dieting habits, mostly for the fact that I batch-cook on Sundays and bring the exact same lunch to work almost every day. This is generally leftovers of something I made on Sunday. It usually lasts me until Wednesday, then I pack something else. Meh. I like what I cook and it works for me.
  • rudz99
    rudz99 Posts: 1
    great job! Why worry about what other people are saying when you already lost 25lbs! You must be doing something right!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It makes me laugh that so many people assumed it was someone on this site.