Insanity, P90X, Tapout or Other Does It Work?

carakit Posts: 126 Member
Has anyone out there had any great sucess with any of workout programs? They look fun but Im not sure I am in good enough shape to try them out and I dont want to get frustrated and give up after I spend all that money. I have about 70-80 pounds to loose and I have been doing a group bootcamp twice a week for the last six months. But now that is over and Im looking for something else to take its place. Does anyone have an feedback on any of these programs, what worked, what didnt. DId you hate it or love it. Any recommendations would help. Thanks!


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I love Insanity. I am incorporating weight training too, so I don't just do cardio. It's hard, but doable and you can go at your own pace and take breaks when you need. I have more endurance, am leaner and stronger. The best thing for you is to find out what you like, that way you don't give up on it. All of these are almost daily workouts, not something that you will do twice a week, just something to think about if that is what you are looking for.
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    I haven't done Insanity or Tapout and I never consistently did P90X (too much of a time commitment for me), CLX, Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire, but I have stuck with Les Mills Combat. It's a great workout, IMO. There is a enough variety in the workouts (get the Ultimate pack) and I think it's definitely the most adaptive for all fitness levels of the Beachbody programs.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I did a hybrid of P90x/insanity last June. I felt that it was difficult but you definitely see a difference from week to week. I just finished Insanity on Saturday. I thought I was in shape and Insanity just kicked my butt every day. It is insane. It does not matter what shape you are in. It is hard. I am about to start Asylum up this Wednesday. If you like any information on any of these workout, I would love to share them with you.

  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    I did insanity for about a year and I saw results and I thinned otu a ton....just wish I had stayed with it. I also did some p90X the only complaint I had about that was that there were a lot of things like pull ups and lifting weights and if you don't have that you have to substituted something else in that works the same muscle area. I also really liked insanity because, i know someone is goign to say I'm nuts, I thought it was FUN...sure the guy is annoying as hell and you want to kill him the first couple of times you do it (at least I did) but once you get really into it and start to feel that you're doing better it's amazing and you'll love it!
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I use to do a Les Mills Combat class at the gym and loved it!! I didnt know they had workout video. I will have to try that! I do think just from seeing the infomercials that Insanity would probably work best for me. How long are the workouts for Insanity usually?
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I use to do a Les Mills Combat class at the gym and loved it!! I didnt know they had workout video. I will have to try that! I do think just from seeing the infomercials that Insanity would probably work best for me. How long are the workouts for Insanity usually?

    Month 1 is around 40 min. Month 2 is around 60.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Befit in 90 on youtube is a good program as well. It's not as challenging as p90x or insanity but it was still challenging enough for me, even after I'd be working out consistently for a year. And best of all it's free.
  • MdotSole
    MdotSole Posts: 56 Member
    I've completed Insanity and I'm currently working on a hybrid of Insanity and RevAbs...In two months on my first round of Insanity I lost 25lbs and 4 inches off of my waist. I'm probably going to do hybrids of Insanity and other workouts from here on out - its hard for me to do something completely different when I've already experienced something that I know works 100%.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I have done Insanity and P90X...GREAT results...the great thing about Beachbody products, they have a 30, 60 or 90 day money back guarantee...if you don't like them, send them hassles. I've done that before and had excellent customer service.
    Best of luck!
  • geoffreyhancockstr
    geoffreyhancockstr Posts: 13 Member
    I did P90X2 and Rodney Yee Yoga for almost 85 days now, 5 to 6 times a week and had to modify the heck out of it in the first month, but I kept at it. I had to commit to the time, but I made it work. I haven't lost a ton of weight, nor do I look like some of the people on the Beachbody site, but I feel great, lost about 20 lbs and 7 inches, I have way more energy now sleep better and generally feel healthier.I am going to move into the regular P90X after this week. My friend did Insanity, she liked it, but found it harder than P90X. I liked the variety in the workouts. Another friend used the 10 minute trainer, and had excellent results with that one to.
  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    If you're concerned about the monetary investment, you could try Supreme 90 or Weider X-Factor. They are sold at stores like Walgreens, Walmart, Target, etc, and are a fraction of the cost.

    My husband did Supreme 90 with great results. We are both doing X-Factor now (don't worry about sharing the pushup thingies if you're doing this with a partner--they're not necessary and I think they just throw them in to justify charging a little more.)

    I have to agree about the supreme 90 day, its about $20 in ****s sporting goods and that is what i started with a year and a half ago and it helped me a lot and at the time i was 50 pounds heavier and had never really worked out and after doing that you should be better able to handle some of the more intense workouts like insanity and P90X
  • mfleeg
    mfleeg Posts: 137 Member
    I am about 30 days into Insanity and I feel like it definitely does work! You're your own person and you will know what kind of workout you need. I had a bunch of homework out stuff, wii Zumba, wii Gold's Gym cardio.... and I found myself being the type of person who needed a program like Insanity to push me and motivate me. After 30 days, I have definitely seen results.... so much so that I am on my way to purchase p90x, so that way I can get some resistance training in as well. :) I definitely want to keep insanity for the cardios and add in some resistance.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I think almost any workout routine, in combination with proper eating can "work." Just depends on what you wanna do. If you choose any of these programs, don't worry about not being able to keep up with the folks in the videos. Go at a pace that is challenging for you, but that you can maintain throughout the entire video. Modify certain things if need be.
  • janessanessa
    janessanessa Posts: 299 Member
    I haven't done Insanity or Tapout and I never consistently did P90X (too much of a time commitment for me), CLX, Turbo Jam or Turbo Fire, but I have stuck with Les Mills Combat. It's a great workout, IMO. There is a enough variety in the workouts (get the Ultimate pack) and I think it's definitely the most adaptive for all fitness levels of the Beachbody programs.

    Les Mills Combat-ee here too, and LOVE IT to pieces. Just started my second month. I've also finished Turbojam, Turbofire, Chalean Extreme and Brazil Butt Lift! :) I have Insanity as well, but I haven't done it yet.
  • Dragonflag07
    Dragonflag07 Posts: 64 Member
    The Beachbody programs do what they say on the tin. Insanity will get your cardio up to amazing levels and you will definitely be in better condition - losing inches as well as pounds. P90X is a good all round balance of weights and will get strength and fitness up. No idea about Tapout. Doing Body Beast and getting awesome results but I'm not sure thats what you're looking for at the moment. Both P90X and Insanity are amazing - also kinda depends on your opinion of the trainers
  • mikemcd22
    mikemcd22 Posts: 14 Member
    Basically echoing what has already been said... I Did P90X and lost about 17 pounds and 3 or 4 inches off my waist. It is definitely a time commitment so be prepared. Following that up with Insanity (about 2 weeks left) and as mentioned above, it is a great cardio program that will kick your butt. I can definitely see a hybrid in the future.

    As for needing the weights etc. for P90X you can substitute with Bands for almost all the exercises and otherwise modify to use what you have at home. Both are worth the money IMHO. If you are going to invest in anything beyond the program itself, I suggest a Heart Rate Monitor.
  • mzdawnte
    mzdawnte Posts: 20
    Insanity is awesome and it kicks my butt daily. I'm on day 38 and it's tough. The program is allowing me to lose a lot of bodyfat quickly. I post pictures to instagram after each workout. Check them out and follow me: shawanda_twine
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 697 Member
    I've done both P90X and Insanity. They're both great programs and will help you to achieve results so long as you stick with them and manage your diet. Moves can be adapted. You will get results.
  • jalloggio
    jalloggio Posts: 141
    Anything will work as long as you stick with it . Seriously every exercise program is gonna foster results problem is most people who start never finish or fall off the wagon
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    Did P90x and even thou it is hard I saw a big difference in my over all muscle tone....doing it again this is week one for me.