Does anyone ever SAY anything?



  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    A year or so ago I lost about 25 pounds and FINALLY somone at work said something. Then they all started complimenting saying that they'd noticed for awhile. I'm like speak up people!:laugh:

    I bet they notice. Keep up the good work, you're doing great!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    19 lbs is about when people started noticing (so like 3 weeks ago - haha) and only because I started getting SMALLER... even though I lost a lot of weight, I didn't start losing dramatic inches until just recently when I vamped up my exercising. I think people are only noticing now because my clothes are so much looser. Don't worry! Just keep working hard because YOU know you've done it. And that shirt sounds awesome.
  • labreemike
    labreemike Posts: 91 Member
    good job hard to beleave my coworkers are more supportive than your friends and familyoh well people are strange and always remember skinny people suck. unless i become one.
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    Lots of good comments here. I have to say MacMadame's hit home for me. We winter in AZ , so don't see people from home for 4-5 months. I didn't tell anyone I was changing my lifestyle. When we returned home I got both good and bad comments.Some people did comment "did you lose it intentionally?" Some said nothing, but asked my husband if I am or was sick. These days we hear cancer all the time, so I agree, I think people are afraid to say anything. I have since lost a total of 80# and really get the "intentional?" question. Be proud of your accomplishments. You will hear good comments soon. Best wishes for a good journey :flowerforyou:
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    Wow, hot topic. I have a second comment. Sometimes they don't notice unless you've lost it in your face. Especially if you're wearing the same clothes.
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    All very good points.

    My friends don't say anything for two reasons most likely: a.) They don't care; or b.) they're kind of jealous. I'm not saying that to sound cocky! My friends are kind of insecure about their "attractiveness."

    My family is what upsets me. Mostly my mom. She gave me **** non stop about my weight in high school - I was either too fat, or too thin. And now she says nothing. Now that I've finally gotten a grip on health and nutrition, she says nothing. It hurts.

    And I would think that my co-workers would notice, because I've only been working there for 9 months...but I can see why they haven't. I gained 18 pounds during the first 6 months of me working there. Quite possible they didn't want to bring attention to the fact that I had gained from when I started working there.
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    If I am making a comment to someone else, I will usually say something like "You look amazing!" but I don't know that that gets around the issue of making sound like they looked not so good before.

    The people around me most frequently have said nothing about my weight loss, but when I went in to give blood this weekend, the phlebotomist whom I hadn't seen since March remarked that I had lost weight when she saw me. Shopping at Chicos yesterday the sales assistant, going to bring me a--gasp--size 0 pair of python-print jeans--also noticed I had lost weight.

    My husband has really noticed the last ten pounds and tells me every day how nice I am looking--which is the best motivation of all!
  • bumbalina
    bumbalina Posts: 33 Member
    I totally get where you're coming from ... my hubby doesn't see what I've changed but he's the first to make a jab about "that's a big piece of cake" or "didn't you have ice cream last night too" ... it's frustrating as heck. He claims it's cause he sees me every day, my argument is if he sees me every day and one day realizes my shorts aren't as tight that a nice comment would be nice. Congratulations on what you've lost and one day they'll notice.

    LOL! I think I married his double!! My husband is excatly the same. His favourite new phrase is "are you allowed to eat that?"
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I agree with the face comment. It was only last week that my boss asked me if I losing weight. (I was eating carrot sticks at my desk! Lol). She said she could tell, especially in my face. It made my whole week!!!

    My uncle lost a ton of weight a few years ago in about 9 months. At our family Christmas party everyone told him how great he looked, but behind his back gossiped if he was sick.

    As far as people saying something acknowledges your horrid " before" picture, I agree, but I'm no longer in denial. I did look horrid, I am working on it, but I ain't never going back! :)

    and I'm sooooooo looking into the t-shirts! ;)
  • Dive_Girl
    Dive_Girl Posts: 247 Member
    Ok....being a mom who has been accused of being too critical (yes that would be me) she might have taken a step to not criticize her daughter no matter after years of nagging. That is exactly what I have done lately with my own daughter. My daughter just never seems to get with the program but, she is a grown woman now and I have decided to only offer advice if it has been asked of me and love her just the way she is. I need to trust that she will (like I did) eventually figure it out on her own. Sometimes it is very difficult to stop "correcting" or "guiding" our offspring and although usually done with good intentions comes off as nagging or being critical.

    Ok, that's my mommy opinion.

    As far as the others? It sounds as though my dear you are over due for a shopping trip. You don't need to spend a lot of money to show off your new bod. I am not a believer in waiting until you are at your goal weight either. A new pair of duds always makes me feel great about my appearance. And how you feel about yourself will shine through, everyone will see it. It's called, retail therapy.

    Although I haven't seen any new pics of you recently, I am sure you're looking awesome with all the workouts you've been doing.

  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    It might also be that people are reluctant to feed into the "fat is ugly, thin is beautiful" stereotype. I know that if I see someone and I notice that they've lost weight, if I comment at all I'm always very careful with my phrasing to make sure that I don't imply that the only reason they look good now is because they are thinner. I don't like to say anything that might make someone more likely to equate their self-worth or attractiveness with the shape of their body. Having struggled with an eating disorder, this is a big thing for me :-)

    So, there might be people who do notice, and do think you look good, but don't want to say "Oh, you've lost weight, you look great!" because they don't want to suggest that if you happened to gain the weight back you'd no longer be as good or attractive or whatever.