


  • Horsezee
    Horsezee Posts: 22
    For me most painless was my finger. It didn't feel like anything that I can remember. My other tattoos are on my arms. It feels kind of like burning, but honestly, all you have to do is zone out, and it's like nothing is even happening. The worst part of getting tattoos is the healing. (imo)
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member
    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located?

    The most painful tat I have is on my foot and the least painful is on the outside of my leg just above my ankle.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done?
    None- I knew who was good around my area. Never shop for a tat based on price.

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc.
    I dont have an answer for this. Sorry!

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

    I would wait until you lose more weight depending on where you want to get the tattoo.
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    My best advice regarding tattoos is to never get one you would be embarrassed to tell you grandchildren about... Me at age 6 "grampa, why do you have a picture of a naked woman on your arm?" True story... His reply: "I was in the navy and stupid". Hetried very hard to get it removed, but it is still there.
    I have one on my tummy and my ankle, no drugs or alcohol, the pain was completely bearable... (and I'm a BIG whimp)
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Do I have to be dark-skinned to answer?

    1) I only have 2 right now, but from my experience and what I've heard from others, the areas with less muscle and fat (thinner "padding" between the bone and skin) hurt more. One of mine is on my left shoulder, and the closer the artist got to my shoulder blade, the more it hurt. It was also worse during the shading portion than during the outlines because of the difference in the kind of needles used.

    2) I visited 2 places with friends while they got theirs, but only the one place that I got both of mine to actually get them. I did a LOT of research before getting them though.

    3) As I mentioned, I'm not dark-skinned, so I don't really have an answer here.

    4) Make sure it's something that you're absolutely sure you want. Think about it for a long time before actually getting it. If you wait a couple months and still want it on your body for the rest of your life, then go ahead, but remember that it's a lifelong thing. NEVER get a name (unless it's a parent/grandparent/child/etc. NEVER a SO even if you're married, but that's just my opinion)!!! It should mean something to you.

    My mom hates tattoos because she's kind of a "Bible thumper" and thinks that "your body is a temple" and doesn't think God would want anyone to "disgrace" him by scarring their body, blah, blah, blah.... Love my mom with all my heart, but she's a little old school. If my body's a temple, I'm gonna decorate the walls. :laugh:

    ETA: If I can get in, I'm getting 2 more on June 1 (one on the inside of my right ankle above my ankle bone, and one on the inside of my left foot going kind of over my arch). I also have at least 3 more after that planned out, and if I ever reach my goal of running a half-marathon or full marathon, I'm getting one to commemorate each of them. :smile:

    Another edit for reference to average pain ratings:
    Gotta disagree with these charts....but I guess its different for each person.
    That's why I said average. They do vary, but those are the general ratings. Obviously pain is subjective so it will depend on the person.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located? SUPPOSEDLY on the ribs, BUT my most painful one is in the middle of my back. Mostly because most of it was done on my spine, the lines were super thick and it took the longest.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done? I took longer in deciding what I wanted than where I was going. looking back, not the smartest decisions I've ever made...

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc. no clue - sorry!

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated. make sure what you are getting is exactly what and where you want it!
  • Dr_Flo
    Dr_Flo Posts: 465
    I have 9 tattoos and plan on getting plenty more.
    Pain is relative, there are places that can be more tender than others... I seem to have chosen most of them. (inner arms, chest, ribs)
    The biggest thing is what you're putting on you.

    Dont worry about what anyone else thinks.. its about what you think.
    *** DO NOT GET A FAD TATTOO!!!***
    Everyone Ive ever known, to include myself that has done it has regretted it.
    I got a tribal scorpion on my left arm and I often wish I hadnt. Its the only tat Id want covered up.

    Think about what you're getting. Decide if it defines you. What meaning does it really have to you. Once you have that in order, research shops. Look very carefully through the artists portfolios. Make sure that what you're asking for can be done right by the artist you choose.

    A mediocre artist can really jack up a tattoo design. They are not all at the same skill level, not even close.
    ** Just because he has tattoos, doesnt mean he CAN tattoo **
    Remember, in the tattoo world you absolutely get what you pay for.

    If they are worth their salt, they have their stuff online. Read reviews from people that have been to them and CHECK THEIR WORK!
    They might be a great artist, but maybe they only do one type of tattoo realy well and its not waht you want.
    Dont be afraid to move on and find the right artist.

    DO NOT RUSH IT! Impulse tattoos are rarely appreciated after they heal.

    Best of luck to you .. if it was me.. I'd wait till I was at my goal weight, depending on where you're putting it. The last thing you'd want is for it to deform.
  • XMan714
    XMan714 Posts: 19 Member
    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located? - I have 3 tattoos. One on each shoulder and one on my left rib cage. The left rib cage was painful, but that was the second tattoo I got. Knowing what it feels like changes your idea of what pain is. I can generally tell you that to me a tattoo is more of an irritating feeling like somebody is scratching you really hard. There are moments that you get shocked from it because it may hit a sensitive area. Imagine somebody that smokes bumps their cigarette into you. Any part of the body where there is little fat or muscle will hurt much more because there's nothing to cushion the needle.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done? I never window shopped. I've gotten tattoos at places other people have gone or have heard of having a good reputation. Then again, all three were pretty spontaneous tattoos to mark special times in my life.

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc. - I have moderate colored skin and prefer the basic "black" color tattoo. I'm not into colors much, but it's really personal preference. If your skin is very dark, then ask the artist which colors would contrast best on your skin. These days a good artist will have good ink and do a good job of having it show on any color skin.

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated. - Get a tattoo that has meaning to you. All tattoo artists I've spoken to say the meaning behind it inspires them as much as it does you.

    I forgot to add that I am still looking to lose about 120 pounds. Should a wait before I get a tattoo? - Depends on the area of the body. Many areas of the body where skin will stretch or shrink would not be good to get a tattoo if you're going to drop 120 pounds. If this is something you've thought about for a while, you can wait until you've lost the weight then get it. It will have even more meaning. Bring a before and after pic when you get it. I guarantee the artist will be in awe!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located?
    Most: chest (left breast), top of thighs - least: back, side of thigh, side of upper arm.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done?
    For first one, 3 places - varies down the years till I started putting them on my own skin

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc.
    For a newbie, shoulders (outside not back), side of calf, side of thigh - for dark skin, stick w/ brighter colors or black w/ shading. Depending on brand of ink, I've seen some great work on darker skin. For the most part, I've mostly done black or black w/ shading on darker skin. The few colors I've done (pinks, greens, blue) the greens and pinks took well, the blue didn't stay horribly noticeable (not sure due to application or aftercare).

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
    This is permant skin art, yes it can be removed but it's costly & painful, so consider placement & design carefully: Ask yourself, am I willing to let my mom, grandmother or any children you either have or plan on having see it? Will it effect my ability to get or keep a job (visible tattoos on lower arms, hands, neck, face, etc). Is this something that may effect my relationship (current or future)? And finally, as you age, your tastes will change. Your SKIN will also change - think about how well the tattoo may look in 10, 20 or 30+ years? Are you willing to take care of it correctly (stay out of the sun or use block, lotion the skin, FOLLOW CORRECT AFTER CARE, etc).

    I forgot to add that I am still looking to lose about 120 pounds. Should a wait before I get a tattoo?

    Depends on the location - i got all of mine when I was larger, 77 pounds larger. Most have not been effected, but the 2 large pentagrams on the tops of my thighs have "shifted" to the inside more than on the top. Other than that, mine have not been effected.

    If you want it in a location where you have alot of "fat" now and the skin will need to shrink alot, you might want to wait as it may effect the outcome.

    Good luck, remember - study shops, artists, and designs. This is a permanent piece of art you will carry with you for awhile. Don't do spur of the moment things, no NAMES or DATES (unless it's children, family or people who have passed on).

    Also.... ink is contagious - YOU WILL WANT MORE.

    I have 23 & counting :smokin:

    *edited cause i no speel*
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located?
    I have 7. I've got both shoulders (one more on the shoulder blade), entire forearm, one of my wrists, lower back, and a foot. I've sat through several 2+ hour sessions. I have a high tolerance for pain, but the one where it went over a scar and it broke open, that was a bit rough. Those pain charts aren't very accurate. I did homework during one session and fell asleep during another. But I'd say my shoulders hurt the least.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done?
    Originally went to a highly known/respected shop (knew lots of people who went there), but recently have switched to a friend who now does all of my work.

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc.
    I'm about as white as Casper the friendly ghost, so not much help there. Bicep, chest, and shoulder are always safe with men.

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated. I forgot to add that I am still looking to lose about 120 pounds. Should a wait before I get a tattoo?

    If you're planning on losing weight, get it in a place that doesn't have a lot of fat, so it's not going to look deformed, or just wait; I had to have a tattoo touched up because it stretched during my pregnancy, and I was lucky it didn't ruin it. Other than that, shop around and make sure you absolutely LOVE it before getting it (coming from someone who's had one removed and covered up).

    ETA: I know a lot of people get tattoos with their BFF or because it's the "in" thing right now. People change, and so do trends.
  • jsbieniek
    jsbieniek Posts: 76 Member
    I just got my first tattoo at 43. It is on my shoulder. The pain was tolerable, certainly not the worst pain I've ever felt. I put a lot of time in deciding what to get because, hey it's forever! Make it count! I went to someone that a friend recommended and I had seen his work.
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    For dark skin, I would check out a few places and ask to see the books of their different tattoos. Guaranteed there will be black guys in there to give you and idea as to how it might look on you. While you're there, if you have a pic of what you want - bring it and get an estimate. Keep track of these!

    My only tattoo ... I waited THREE YEARS until I got it. I finally figured, if I have consistently wanted it - never once wavered, and in my 30's - I want that sucker. So I got "FIGHT" (in the same font as Fight club) on the inside of my right wrist. Everyone teases me that it's upside down, but *I* want to look down and see it! lol

    It was only rally painful over the vein, otherwise, I was talking to my friend who's boyfriend was doing my tattoo, so it wasn't that bad. WHen I have the money, I'm getting another one on my right forearm. :)
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    Oh yeah! Your weight! You should ask the tattoo artist how it might look. You may be beter off waiting,
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located?
    To be honest, my most painful spots were my spine and on the underside of my arm. I've heard shoulders hurt horribly but I have one there as well and it didn't bother me. My friend got one in the same spot and he said it hurt really bad for him. People react differently to pain, so all I can really say is YES it will hurt, but the pain is bearable and it goes away :] Choose a location based on what you want, not on the pain factor.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done?
    For my first tattoo I did zero research and went to the local guy, and he was terrible. I learned my lesson! After that, I visited a few places, and got recommendations from friends. Stopped at a place where I felt like just a number to another that was literally in a guy's kitchen. I finally selected an artist who I'd heard good things about, and he'd been tattooing for almost 40 years. He was amazing, and has done most of my tattoos. Unfortunately, he recently retired, so it's back researching for me!

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc.
    I am as white as white gets, so I can't be of much help here. I do have a tattooed friend with very dark skin, and she selected bright colors for her tattoos, but she is also a girl so bright pinks may not be up your alley :]

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
    When you decide what you want, think on it for a while before going in.
    Be sure it's what YOU want.
    Don't let the artist talk you out of something you want or into something you don't want but keep in mind they are creative individuals who might suggest something interesting/different that is worth considering - as long as in the end it's your choice.
    Before you go - make sure you have eaten and are hydrated. I made the mistake of not eating before getting my first tattoo and almost passed out.
    If you get lightheaded/feel woozy during the middle of getting your tattoo - it is completely fine and manly to let your artist know and to ask for a break!
    LISTEN TO YOUR ARTIST when they tell you about proper aftercare, and follow their instructions! They know what they're talking about.
    (Whoever said the healing process is the worst part - I absolutely agree! The pain of a tattoo lasts a short time but scratching or bumping a healing tattoo is not fun!)
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    I want a small one on my ankle, like a butterfly, but my husband says "NO TRAMP STAMP FOR ME"... He's such a butthead. I should go do it anyway!!! Ugh!!!

    Tramp Stamp is the lower back tattoo's. You know, the ones guys see when "enjoying the company" of said tramp. Never heard of tats anywhere else being dubbed as such.

    I don't have any, but do want one. I just am too wishy washy to get one. Oh, and cheap. I can't come up with a design that incorporates all that is important to me that I still like a week later. I agree with waiting until you've lost the weight. You never know what it'll look like after, and you don't want your art to be ruined. Also, how dark are you? I've seen ppl who are a mild latte , and the black shows up nicely, and looks good. Then there are the guys that are as dark as ebony and you can't see anything unless you have your nose touching their skin and them pointing to it. (hope you don't take that as disrespectful, just don't know how else to say it) So in that case, white may be better, but tends to fade easier. Talk to the tattoo artists. They can help out a lot. Just be sure to look at their previous work, and google them!
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    Thanks guys, right now, I am thinking about the upper arm. Just because I hear it's not painful up there.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located?
    Honestly, they all hurt. It is a needle dragging on your skin cutting into you so the ink will stay. My tattoos hurt the most when they took the longest. My mermaid took me 6 hours and it isn't even leg started twitching at the 6 hr mark because it was all scar tissue being coloured on at that point. I had to stop. Thinking of it though, the inside of my bicep hurt the most. close to the armpit=super sensitive.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done?
    I visited only a few. Check out portfolios. Last place I went to (didn't get anything done) they had flash art all over the walls (just the pictures of standard tattoos) and I asked them for a portfolio and it was hidden behind the counter. Some kids in the shop waiting to be tattood did not even understand what a portfolio was. This is so crucial! Some artists are amazing, until they ink.

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc.
    I am not dark-skinned, so I have none. But I would check out google!

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
    You'll get tons, so I don't have too many recommendations other than: if you put a deposit down for them to draw something up, and you don't love it, don't get it! Also, be firm with the artists, a lot of them are smug, just be honest and tell them what you love and hate about the piece before they put it on your body.
  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located?

    I have 3 currently, will get another by the end of the year.

    First one on my foot is a typical girly butterfly (don't judge, I was 18!) on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most painful) it was a 4. Mind you, I have a freakishly high pain tolerance.
    Second is 1 Corinthians 13, 4:6. It takes a good quarter of my back up, on the right side. It was a 1. Actually I played Angry Birds and I started dozing off to sleep.
    The last one, is a key about 4 inches long about 1 inch under my right breast. It hurt like a mother effer I would say a 10. I would never get another tattoo there. EVER.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done?

    The first one, like I said I was 18. I got lucky because I didn't shop around. The second I checked out their website. I got my second and third tattoo the same day.

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc.

    No idea, I'm super translucent pale. ;)

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
    Don't drink before. It'll thin your blood and make you bleed more.
  • DrowningMermaid
    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located?
    :sad: The back of my neck was, by far, the very worst. It's the only tattoo I've ever been in the middle of and considered leaving because I couldn't handle it well enough. I have 13 tattoos in various places on my body and that one drilled right into the spine and brain stem, and I've already got neck problems, so I think the vibration of the machine just increased my troubles at the time.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done?
    :indifferent: I didn't visit a lot of places. I was uneducated when I first started getting tattoos, so most of mine are poor quality or healed badly, weren't done right or other problems. I wish I'd done more research. Eventually I found one artist I liked and just went wherever he was. He's done three of my tattoos in three different shops. Another shop, I showed loyalty because I had friends connected there and though their prices were high, the quality of their work was good... Definitely do your research and don't go to a shop just because they're having a deal... usually it's not worth the discount. I speak from experience.

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc.
    :glasses: Here's a bit of info about tattoos on dark skin: I think a lot of darker folks don't do their research and a lot of their ink gets buried in their skin and you can't see it well enough other than the scarring it provides. I don't know why, but some black people get keloid scarring on their tattoos, so you'll want to maybe take that into consideration if you're a hard scarrer when you get an injury, it might not be a great idea. I love a straight black tattoo with white highlights and white "shadow" so to speak. It adds definition for darker skin and though it may need to be touched up eventually (because the white fades away over time) it's worth it for a tattoo that really POPS.

    For tattoo placement... well, you have to play your strengths or enhance the things you'd rather cover up. I don't love my thighs, so eventually I want to get a nice pretty thigh piece to make them more appealing to me. I love my hands, so something dainty that will make them look even better is more my style for that. I've got large shoulders, so I have a big sun on one of them and will eventually get a big moon on the other. My back is wide, so I covered it with a bird. It's all up to you in the end. I agree that something on the bicep (and I'm not talking tribal bands, but maybe something longer - half sleeve from the shoulder to mid-bicep so you can still wear business casual clothes and not worry about offending clients with your brazen appearance:wink: Plus, if you click that link, the very tribal looking tattoo that covers the whole shoulder... that's "The Rock" and we all know how dead sexy he is. :love: I'm a huge fan of that style of Samoan art.

    :ohwell: And regarding your weight... I have gotten tattoos at all different sizes and they don't appear to have really changed at all for weight gain or weight loss. Obviously if you start building a lot of muscle quickly, you'll get stretch marks, which will "cut" into your ink... so if you plan on doing some bulking, maybe hold off on the ink.

    I really hope you eventually post up pictures of anything you decide to do. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • xshannonxmariex
    Hey everyone it’s me again. The desperate, no premise, looking for a date guy. Or at least that how some people on here view me….lol

    My next topic is tattoos. Years ago, I was that guy who said “I will never get a tattoo.” Fast forward to today, and I want on like crazy. So before I put something permanently on my body, I would like to ask some questions to my brothers and sisters with tattoos.

    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located?

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done?

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc.

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

    I forgot to add that I am still looking to lose about 120 pounds. Should a wait before I get a tattoo?

    As always I love different opinions. If you hate tattoos by all means tell me why.

    1. Pain, where was your most/least painful tattoo located? I only have one but I got it on my ribs/side. Most people said it should have hurt like a ***** but my tattooist hard to try to stop me from giggling.. it's all about YOUR specific pain tolerance.

    2. How many places did you visit before you got it done? I visited 4 places first (but it was because I also needed a piercing and was gonna kill 2 birds with one stone)

    3. What would you recommend for a dark skin person? Color, location, etc.
    There are so many people with darker skin who have amazing tattoo check this out it may help>>

    4. Any other recommendations, thoughts, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
    Just remember when you're getting it to have faith in your tattoo artist.. Most try to make each tattoo they do their very best and if you doubt them it can give off bad energy.

    I would also wait before you get it if you are planning on losing more weight/ bulking up because the skin will stretch and the tattoo will most likely change.
  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    I have to disagree with those pain charts. The further towards your hand that you go on the inside of your wrist, the more painful it is. Also having my partial sleeve, I can now see why so many guys get tattoos on their upper outer arms... no pain. The back of my neck was fine, ankles were fine, shoulders / shoulder blades had some tender spots but I was there from open til close getting work done. (ouch that's a long time!) My secret one (at the top of my rib cage / cleavage / sternum area) was pretty painful.