3+ months on Mfp--What changes RU seeing in/around you?



  • 1tjs10
    1tjs10 Posts: 8 Member
    ducklec, 20 lbs is GREAT!! Congrats...don't be so hard on yourself. It is a slow process and time is going to pass regardless. Look at it this way for every 1lb you loose its equivalent to 4lbs on your joints!! So that is an 80lb difference to your knees!! :D
  • thistimewillbedifferent
    thistimewillbedifferent Posts: 217 Member
    I joined in January and have lost 32 lbs but don't see a difference at all in how I look, and I haven't gone down any sizes yet, although a few items of clothing are a bit loose. (My friends and colleagues say they see a difference, but they might just be being nice/supportive.) What I do see, however, is a huge gain in energy (I used to think I was high energy, but now it's through the roof), the ability to zip up several flights without getting out of breath, the ability to toss my carry-on bag in the overhead compartment completely effortlessly, the amount of times I've been able to increase the weights I'm lifting at the gym, the number and type of sit-ups I can do without resting, etc. My triglycerides also went from high (162) to normal (116) -- I had them tested in both January and April by the same lab. So I'm okay with not seeing a difference yet -- I sure feel one!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I am feeling more energetic and alert...my body doesn't hurt as much...people are starting to notice my weight difference...I am starting to challange myself in more areas of my life - trying things and doing things I would not of done before....I am so happy I stumbled across MFP :love:

    This is the first time ever (of all the times I have tried to lose weight and get healthy) that it hasn't been hard and the progress has been slow and steady...everything just seems to be moving along...I don't feel deprived and I am enjoying "the community" I have found!! :flowerforyou:

    YAY and me too! I feel sooooo much more energy and alert as well and I'm so glad about it! I can also relate to the "process" not being as hard too. Way to go and you ROCK! Thanks so much for posting!!!
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    I think the most important change I've noticed is how careful I am with food now... I haven't restricted myself of anything, as long as it fits my macros :P I had never been able to keep a food journal before, so that's huge for me. I've also felt more committed to work out, and I feel the need to exercise.

    I can notice the difference in my body (slimmer, tighter) and people have noticed too :) I've gone down two sizes in pants, and I love getting compliments about how good I look. However, my favorite compliment is: "Wow, I really admire how disciplined you are to have achieved this". OH YEAH! :happy:

    What do I have to change? mmm my sleeping habits... I should probably go to bed earlier and wake up earlier... but I'm a night person! It's so difficult for me :(
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I Iost 40 lbs 2 years ago, gained 13 lbs back over the winter with the holidays. I just knew I would gain it all back, a girl at work did the same and gained it all back. I was getting depressed about this. Someone at the gym told me about MFP, wow it worked. I lost the 13 lbs plus 7 more! I changed my goal to lose 6 more. Yes,I am happy! People have noticed. I begin to eat what I want now and stay under calorie limit, before I was really restricted, frozen dinners,brocoli and chicken. This seems to be doable! Back in my clothes feeling loose!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I am walking/light jogging 2 miles a day which I was never able to do before at my highest weight. Also, can do a whole Zumba dvd at mid/high intensity. I have gone down a few sizes in clothes which is great. I haven't had alot of people notice but I notice and that is all that matters. I have more energy and continue to make great choices even when the scale isn't moving alot.

    That is soooo tremendous--just rocking. Doing a whole Zumba at mid/high level is too fabulous--I'm not into zumba, but I've read where scores of people have lost tons of weight doing it and I'm just so GLAD you've posted this--so encouraging--WOOT! :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I've stopped seeing a change on the scale, but continue to see excellent drops in inches!! :) I saw my in-laws this past weekend for the first time since December. The first thing they said to me? "Where is the rest of you?!"

    Made me feel amazing :) I've been busting my butt since January. :)
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    The first thing they said to me? "Where is the rest of you?!"

    Made me feel amazing :) I've been busting my butt since January. :)

    Lovely compliment :p congratulations! you do look great!
  • ericnealdavis
    ericnealdavis Posts: 66 Member
    What changes are you seeing and feeling in and around you after 3+ months of being on Mfp?

    What comments are people making about you/your changes?

    If you are not seeing/feeling changes after being here 3 months...what do you think is wrong/what do you need to change?

    I can hardly begin to list the changes I am seeing and feeling now that I'm about 3 months into MFP. I've lost 41 lbs, mostly through eating right and walking, and I feel better now than I have for years. When I started I was determined that I was going to lose weight and not deprive myself of the things I like to eat. I had tried Atkins, shakes and a few other diets over the years and eventually they failed because I was denying myself the foods I like. This time the only concession I made to my diet was to quit eating white bread (and cut way back on whole grain bread too) and to severely limit my intake of white rice and other high glycemic starches. I started eating quinoa and brown rice and watched my calories and the weight started to come off. Great right! But here's the thing, the healthy eating has started to snowball. Now I'm getting more and more interested in making healthier food choices. I've started looking for organic foods and reading up on nutrition. I've started adding flax and chia seeds to my morning oatmeal and I love it (the nutty crunch of the flax really perks up a bowl of oatmeal). I've taken a renewed interest in cooking and I'm now looking for new recipes and experimenting on my own. One of the things I've rediscovered is that the addition of a little bit (and I mean little, no more than a tablespoon or two) of sauce to chicken or fish can go a long way to creating a meal that is still healthy but also satisfying to the palate. Don't be afraid to add a little bit of a cream or butter sauce to dinner. It adds a few calories, but I find I'm more satisfied and less likely to want to snack later. Lastly, I find that I WANT to walk and exercise now and when I get to 210 lbs I'm going to start a C25K program.

    People started to notice that I was losing weight about 20 lbs ago, but the comments are really starting to pick up now. There have been a few of the "you're getting too skinny" or "are you sick?" comments but most of them have been positive. I just assume that the "too skinny" comments are people being jealous and I smile to myself.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've stopped seeing a change on the scale, but continue to see excellent drops in inches!! :) I saw my in-laws this past weekend for the first time since December. The first thing they said to me? "Where is the rest of you?!"

    Made me feel amazing :) I've been busting my butt since January. :)

    Hi-Fives and Congrats!!!!!!

    I too am seeing the scale move slowly each week, BUT like you, my inches are disappearing and literally melting off of me--I'm thrilled to be wearing smaller size pants & tops!!!!
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    I feel STRONG! It is so awesome to be over 40 and feel like my body's just getting healthier and stronger as months goes by. Using MFP has kept me on task and I am addicted to logging every day. It's 125 days now and I feel better than I have in 20 years!
  • Let's see. I can (as I discovered yesterday) walk 3 miles at one time (though my feet are STILL in agony today - I think I've got a problem there that's not just weight-related), I've lost about 7 inches at both my hips & waist, I'm down a size and a half (started with snug 24s, and am now starting to notice my 22's are getting fairly loose, with my sole size 20 fitting wonderfully) and I'm steadily (albeit slowly) adding stairs I can climb in a single shot.

    Haven't lost any pounds in the past two weeks or so, which is starting to aggravate since my food log shows me consistently at or under my daily net goal. Even assuming I'm underestimating food (which is possible, though I weigh many things more now than I was), I somehow can't believe I'm underestimating by at LEAST 7000 calories a week (per FitBit, I'm operating at least at a 7,000/week deficit even with some surges lately in what I've been eating).

    But my activity and energy levels have definitely skyrocketed, and it's just 30 pounds. I can't wait to see what I might be like when I've lost 130.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    I think 3 months was the tipping point where I finally started to *feel* like I was getting somewhere significant. A lot of that was looking at my photos (so glad I took those!!). I looked back in my blog to see where I was at at 3 months:


    And you know what the great thing is? If you find your momentum and motivation, three months turns in to six months:


    And six will turn into twelve (seriously excited to see what a year on MFP will bring me!!)....

  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    I have been on MFP about 80 days and in that time I have seen the following:

    1. I have to cinch my belt up two more notches and will need a new one when one more is needed.
    2. Two shirts that were to tight in the arms to wear, now slide on easily.
    3. The size 18 jeans that used to be unbearably tight are now comfortable.
    4. I slid into a movie theater seat this weekend without touching the sides and the last time I was there (a year ago), I felt the arms on each side.
    5. My energy level has skyrocketed. I sleep better, however I need less sleep. I take the stairs instead of the elevator and I am not out-of-breathe.
    6. The image in my mirror or my progress pictures is showing less lumps and my rear end is lifting up instead of heading south. My breast are even starting to look perkier thanks to my strength training.
    7. I do not hurt as much, again thanks to strength training. When I started on MFP I had chronic neck pain and lower back pain. My neck acts up once in a while now and my back rarely hurts. I believe that in a few months I will be pain free.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Let's see. I can (as I discovered yesterday) walk 3 miles at one time (though my feet are STILL in agony today - I think I've got a problem there that's not just weight-related), I've lost about 7 inches at both my hips & waist, I'm down a size and a half (started with snug 24s, and am now starting to notice my 22's are getting fairly loose, with my sole size 20 fitting wonderfully) and I'm steadily (albeit slowly) adding stairs I can climb in a single shot.

    Haven't lost any pounds in the past two weeks or so, which is starting to aggravate since my food log shows me consistently at or under my daily net goal. Even assuming I'm underestimating food (which is possible, though I weigh many things more now than I was), I somehow can't believe I'm underestimating by at LEAST 7000 calories a week (per FitBit, I'm operating at least at a 7,000/week deficit even with some surges lately in what I've been eating).

    But my activity and energy levels have definitely skyrocketed, and it's just 30 pounds. I can't wait to see what I might be like when I've lost 130.

    You're rocking this thing Tory!!!! 30 pounds is awesome. Ya know, I noticed as I'm losing (far more inches than pounds at this point), my shoes are getting bigger--and when I put on smaller shoes (a.k.a. shoes that actually fit) my feet don't hurt like when I'm wearing my now too loose/big shoes. See if perhaps your shoes are a bit too big, that may be causing some of your foot pain!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    My last update said I've been logging daily for 105 days. I've had so many changes.
    I've lost 17 pounds.
    I've lost one pant size and two top sizes.
    I no longer want to take a nap every afternoon.
    I sleep better and wake up feeling better.
    I no longer have an extreme struggle to get myself not to eat certain things, although I have treats and food I want regularly.
    I feel that this has become my new normal. I've accepted that this is how I need to eat and live if I want to be healthy and look good.
    My family has adjusted to not having junk food in the house all the time. Just sometimes. :wink:
    I feel much more confident.
    I enjoy clothes shopping again.
    My husband tries to cop a feel every time I walk by. :laugh:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    What changes are you seeing and feeling in and around you after 3+ months of being on Mfp?

    What comments are people making about you/your changes?

    If you are not seeing/feeling changes after being here 3 months...what do you think is wrong/what do you need to change?

    I can hardly begin to list the changes I am seeing and feeling now that I'm about 3 months into MFP. I've lost 41 lbs, mostly through eating right and walking, and I feel better now than I have for years. When I started I was determined that I was going to lose weight and not deprive myself of the things I like to eat. I had tried Atkins, shakes and a few other diets over the years and eventually they failed because I was denying myself the foods I like. This time the only concession I made to my diet was to quit eating white bread (and cut way back on whole grain bread too) and to severely limit my intake of white rice and other high glycemic starches. I started eating quinoa and brown rice and watched my calories and the weight started to come off. Great right! But here's the thing, the healthy eating has started to snowball. Now I'm getting more and more interested in making healthier food choices. I've started looking for organic foods and reading up on nutrition. I've started adding flax and chia seeds to my morning oatmeal and I love it (the nutty crunch of the flax really perks up a bowl of oatmeal). I've taken a renewed interest in cooking and I'm now looking for new recipes and experimenting on my own. One of the things I've rediscovered is that the addition of a little bit (and I mean little, no more than a tablespoon or two) of sauce to chicken or fish can go a long way to creating a meal that is still healthy but also satisfying to the palate. Don't be afraid to add a little bit of a cream or butter sauce to dinner. It adds a few calories, but I find I'm more satisfied and less likely to want to snack later. Lastly, I find that I WANT to walk and exercise now and when I get to 210 lbs I'm going to start a C25K program.

    People started to notice that I was losing weight about 20 lbs ago, but the comments are really starting to pick up now. There have been a few of the "you're getting too skinny" or "are you sick?" comments but most of them have been positive. I just assume that the "too skinny" comments are people being jealous and I smile to myself.

    :glasses: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :glasses: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :glasses:
  • msewe171
    msewe171 Posts: 7 Member
    I am down 11 pounds and went from a size 8 to a size 4! I feel great.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I've been on here 3 months. I am noticing inches lost and feeling stronger in general thanks to JMBR. But unfortunately, I still am having problems with finding the right calorie intake since I have not lost any scale weight yet. Super frustrating, but as long as I keep losing inches, I try not to care about my weight.
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I have been here for almost 3 months. I've lost 27 pounds so far. My clothes are getting huge on me and I've had to buy some smaller clothes. The best and most important change for me is that my blood sugars are way better and I've been able to decrease Lantus (long acting insulin) from 80 units a night to 50 units a night.
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