What would you do if you earned $10,000 per month?



  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    Take care of my dad, he is a long haul truck driver and in his 50s. It is starting to wear him down. He needs to come off the road.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I think alot of people earn 'good' money, but think because they're not living like P-Diddy then they have no luxiuries. There are many things that my income affords me which may not seem like luxuries but they make all the difference in the world. For example if there is an important family or friend event like a 21st, wedding, engagement party etc, we never have to really think about whether we can afford to attend. Even though we live far from everyone and would have to fly to any of these events. My husband and I are able to really spoil each other for our birthdays without thought. I can be relaly generous with friends, family and charities. These are things that I am really grateful for!
  • PrairieMomTo3
    PrairieMomTo3 Posts: 6 Member
    Pay off debt, put lots into savings/retirement/kids college fund, have 2 more kids (5 total), take a family vacation every year, renovate the kitchen once the mortgage was paid off.
  • SoberAlley
    SoberAlley Posts: 30 Member
    Buy a house, marry my boyfriend, and plan for a baby. Save/invest and live normally.