Rice- The Enemy?

I really like basmati rice and I hate brown rice. Is it bad to eat about 1 cup of it for lunch sometimes? I know sometimes people suggest no white rice and white bread when trying to loose weight. Also I don't eat rice every week either.


  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    I eat rice 3-5 times a week an it never hindered my loss or gains.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    As long as you don't have blood glucose problems, it shouldn't be a problem.

    edit: I just noticed I wrote "should" instead of "shouldn't". Oopsie.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    It's not so much about what you eat as it is how much you eat. If you like rice, enjoy responsibly.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It's not so much about what you eat as it is how much you eat. If you like rice, enjoy responsibly.

  • 86_Ohms
    86_Ohms Posts: 253 Member
    Agreed on portion control.

    When losing weight, I go as much Paleo as possible, and that lifestyle states all grains (wheat, rice, corn) are not really tolerable because of how much genetic manipulation they've gone through to achieve what we have today.

    To each their own though. Keep your carbs in check while incorporating grains into your daily intake.
  • I'm your typical Asian that LOVES LOVES LOVES rice! HAHAHAHA.

    Hmm....I agree in that I think you can eat rice, so long as you practice portion control! I've been eating rice my entire life and have just recently been more conscious about what kind of rice I eat and how much of it. I actually LOVE brown rice and eat that most of the time.

    Like any carb, rice is just another form of carbohydrates and I think you can treat it like any other as far as I know. =D
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Unless it's packing heat, it's not the enemy.

    Like all things, moderation and making it fit in your caloric goals will ensure that it never is the 'enemy'.
  • kekeleeks
    kekeleeks Posts: 74 Member
    I think moderation is key. I think a cup of white rice is about 200-230 calories. So keep that in mind. I don't think the calories change much with brown rice either. I enjoy brown rice but definitely prefer white, especially Jasmine. Try cooking the brown rice with chicken stock, or throwing in a cinnamon stick to add more flavor to the brown rice.
  • FitnessMind_SS
    FitnessMind_SS Posts: 37 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight, an energy surplus is your enemy.

    Individual foods aren't.
  • patter10
    patter10 Posts: 23 Member
    It's not so much about what you eat as it is how much you eat. If you like rice, enjoy responsibly.

    I've been noticing the truth behind that. However, balance plus moderation equal's success
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    What do you mean by enemy? Honestly I would say no. If you can fit it in then go for it.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    The only thing to fear is fear itself.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight, an energy surplus is your enemy.

    Individual foods aren't.

    This!!! Don't deny yourself! You need to pre plan and fit it into you calories and or macros. Enjoy the rice!!!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I think the key to rice is frequency. sometimes is fine... I also think its important to have variety. Eating rice by itself doesn't offer much in the way of vitamins and minerals. Rice combined with steamed/sauteed veggies is a lot more nutritious. I would split the cup of rice in half and eat it for lunch for two days. Then, you can add some steamed edamame each day to add a bit of protein and micronutrients. You can buy it frozen in a steamable bag - super easy to microwave!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    It's all about portion control...
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Like with booze and sex, enjoy responsibly.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member

    BTHO Rice!!!!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    No? Eat at a deficit and you'll lose weight.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Unless it's packing heat, it's not the enemy.

    Like all things, moderation and making it fit in your caloric goals will ensure that it never is the 'enemy'.

    my rice robbed me with a glock...
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    eat alot of rice!! amazing muscle building fat burning food!!