New Rules of Lifting for Women????

Hi Peeps.

I have just joined the gym and like using the weight machines (I hate cardio) but I am also really interested in starting the New Rules of Lifting for Women programme.

I wanted to check before running out to buy the book - if I wanted to do the lifting at home then what equipment would I need to buy? I would use the free weights in the gym but there is always a load of fellas using them which puts me off, I think it would be something I would prefer to do at my own pace at home. Plus my gym membership is only a 6 week weight programme so I have no access after this time.

Also if anyone has used the NROLW on its own to great affect let me know :o)

Thanks in advance.


  • mp1117
    mp1117 Posts: 9 Member
    I've done it twice and LOVED it. It really made me appreciate weightlifting. I can't comment on working out at home since I did this at the gym. My first time was at an all women's gym and my second was at a co-ed gym. I understand feeling intimidated, but if you do decide to go the gym route, just know that no one will judge you. You have to walk into the "man zone" with confidence and do your workouts.

    There's a group on Facebook for this program (titled the same as the book). Lots of helpful women there and I know some have done the workouts at home. From what I have read, they have amazing home gyms. You'll see your strength increase, so you may have to invest on a good set of weights, a bench, a squat rack, etc. Best of luck to you!
  • lucyhemming31
    Thanks mp1117 for your reply :o)

    I think maybe the gym route it is then!! I might head down to my local bookshop this weekend and have a little flick through the pages and see what it entails - I am hoping limited cardio!! lol I am NOT a fan of cardio at the gym..all that running and cycling and your getting nowhere!! Give me a walk in the fresh air any day :o)
  • mp1117
    mp1117 Posts: 9 Member
    I haven't done it in a while, but from memory, I think the only cardio is HIIT (High Intensity Inteval Training) and you can choose however you want to do that - running, cycling, etc.

    The book is great - really debunks the myths about women and lifting.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    You would need to buy loads of equipment. Just barge into that weight room like you own the place! If possible, go at odd hours like in the morning, middle of the day, or super late at night to find the thinnest crowd.
  • mmoister79
    mmoister79 Posts: 20
    I do the NROLFW program at home. I just started a few weeks ago. So far I have done well with the equipment I have at home. The book provides modifications for exercises that can be done at home versus on a machine (when needed). Most of the exercises can be done with a set of weights (I bought a set that has adjustable weights). I also have a weight bench with barbell, but I think if you don't have that, you can modify the exercise.

    I highly recommend the program. I have only been doing it for a short time, but I can already see differences in my body.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
  • Kellylicious01
    I started NROLFW on 4/29 and absolutely love it! I've already seen some great definition. Previously my exercise routine was 3 days of cardio and 3 days of DVDs at home (Most Jillian MIchael DVDs) using 6#, 8#, & 10# dumbbells.

    The first 16 workouts, which should take you 6 weeks to complete, consist of deadlifts, dumbell shoulder press, wide-grip lat pulldown, lunges, swiss ball crunches, squats, push ups, seated rows, step ups, and jack knife crunches. As written the program uses dumbbells, barbells, the swiss ball, a high step (so that your upper leg becomes parallel to the floor) all of which you may have at home. However, it also uses a cable row station and a lat pulldown machine which you probably don't have. But the book does give a substitute to these two exercises that you can use dumbbells or barbells at home.

    My advice to you...utilize your gym membership and start the program at the gym. I know EXACTLY how you feel, trust me. I have had a gym membership for a few years now and this is the first time I am in the "scary" side of the gym. And you know what? NO ONE is looking at you or watching you or judging you. Trust me! They are more into their own self then to look at you. Sure I was intimidated and embarrassed the first or second workout but I am well past it now. It feels great to be over there!
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    I do the NROLFW program at home. I just started a few weeks ago. So far I have done well with the equipment I have at home. The book provides modifications for exercises that can be done at home versus on a machine (when needed). Most of the exercises can be done with a set of weights (I bought a set that has adjustable weights). I also have a weight bench with barbell, but I think if you don't have that, you can modify the exercise.

    I highly recommend the program. I have only been doing it for a short time, but I can already see differences in my body.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)

    I just got the book and will be doing at home...any advice! Also Im slightly confused with the Stage 1 workouts... LOL!
  • Kellylicious01
    Let me add onto my want to use the gym because your goal is going to be to keep lifting heavier. It will cost a pretty penny to equip yourself at home with everything you need.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    It's a great program :) It's what turned me on to lifting!

    Honestly my best advice would be to stop letting those guys at the gym intimidate you. The gym is really the best place you can lift for a lot of reasons. I used to lift at home because I was scared to go to the gym, but once I finally sucked it up and started going I loved it. I stopped caring about what those stupid guys thought pretty fast. Most of them didn't even notice me, and the ones who did were just impressed to see a girl in the free weights section!!

    But if you really want to lift at home, it's doable. The thing is that the program requires a lot of equipment so unless you have a lot of money to spend on a home gym, it won't be easy. However, I did the first couple of stages with almost nothing but a set of adjustable dumbbells, and I just modified a lot of the moves. Once the dumbbells got too light, and I couldn't afford to buy more, is when I finally started going to the gym.

    So you can do it at home with some (heavy) dumbbells, but just be prepared to spend a lot of time on the internet/youtube researching how to modify some of the moves to be dumbbell-friendly...
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    I just started it today and am going to be doing it at home - all I have at the moment is a set of 15kg dumbells, a mat and a ball! Hoping to get a bench off ebay, and I've ordered a barbell with another 30kg of weights which I figure should keep me going for a while. Was looking at steps but I don't think they are high enough to be worth getting and seem expensive for something not quite perfect, so I just used my bottom stair today!
    Add me if you want some support :)
  • katiwagner
    katiwagner Posts: 82 Member
    I am getting ready to start this program, so I am also interested in the advice. Thanks in advance.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    This sounds awesome. I just purchased the book for my Kindle. Sounds like I'll be getting back into gym and lifting ... I'm excited! Thanks everyone!
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    And you know what? NO ONE is looking at you or watching you or judging you. Trust me! They are more into their own self then to look at you.
    Typical meatheads. :laugh: Just kidding.

    I just got the book, but I'm not going to pay for a gym membership. I just hope my tiny fitness room at my apartment complex has what I need. Seriously... the "fitness center" is the size of my bedroom. :grumble:
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I just got the book in the mail yesterday :)
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    started reading the book last night...after an hour I'm hooked...its a great read. Can't wait to start. I am lucky I have a very complete home gym (squat rack, leg press, benches, bars and free weights galore). I did have agym membership once upon a time. I agree: be brave and do your thing. Own it, no one cares....if they are watching~ impress them with your power and good form.
    Good luck
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    For girls lifting at home: Don't limit yourselves. I was easily deadlifting and squatting over 60 pounds within the first stage of NROL4W. The point of Stage 1 is getting you to lift has heavy as you can handle, not as heavy as you have access to at home! I really don't think you can do the system justice without a barbell and plate set.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    You would need to buy loads of equipment. Just barge into that weight room like you own the place! If possible, go at odd hours like in the morning, middle of the day, or super late at night to find the thinnest crowd.

    I agree with this. I'm lucky enough that my husband works out and he invested in a home gym. Otherwise, I'd go to the gym. Pounce on the equipment asap and glare meanly at anybody who tries and cramp my stilo.
  • jkbear40
    jkbear40 Posts: 37 Member
    I have everything I need at home. My husband has all the equipment I need. Even to the higher weights. The only thing I had to buy was the Swiss ball.
    I am only on stage one. Did workout B-3 today. I am really enjoying it. I get a little nervous about the other stages. I'll deal with it then I guess.
    No more Barbie weights for me!!!
  • Kellylicious01
    Today is a day off for me, but tomorrow I do Stage 1 Workout 5A. If anyone wants to add me as a friend, feel free!