STARVING!!! after morning cereal



  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    Porridge oats. That is the answer.

    QFT I can't have anything else or I am starving after an hour! Oats keep me filled up till lunch time!

    ^ This

    I usually make overnight oats and take them to work with me. I also found granola and yogurt keeps me full until lunch. I also just found a handy container that allows me to keep the granola and yogurt separate so now I can take that too!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    My body seems to prefer the regular oatmeal that you cook yourself vs. the packaged stuff. I will add cranberries or raisins and cinnamon. (Sometimes, milk.) It fills me up for hours. Oatmeal has several grams of protein in it, which helps IMHO.

    Regular cereal will make me feel like I'm starving. It either has sugar in it or is just processed carbohydrates. Bran cereals are a little more satiating, but I will still get hungry in two hours. It just seems like a waste of money to me.

    IMHO, you would be better off with bringing a hard boiled egg and a banana with you to work. You get a good mix of fat/protein/carbs that way. Even trail mix is a good option. Greek yogurt may be filling, too. But, it can have high amounts of sugar. (You can always buy plain and add your own berries or honey.)
  • runlilyrun
    runlilyrun Posts: 140
    Recently I've been starting the day with a toasted bagel and some soft cheese. Comes in at way under 300 calories, feels indulgent, and keeps me going all morning.
    What bagel is this? Is it a mini bagel? I have never seen one that low in calories, especially after adding cream cheese or what not.

    Have a look at my diary - it's the New York Bagel brand we have in the UK, each bagel weighs around 90g, then I put about 14g of soft cheese on.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I don't eat breakfast. No matter what I eat it makes me feel ravenous. I just avoid eating until around 11am. Cereal is the worst too, because not only does it not fill you up, you end up doing the cereal dance. You know, eat a bowl of cereal, and there's milk left, pour in more cereal, but it needs more milk, eat cereal, milk left...., add more cereal.... needs more milk......

    Not eating breakfast is counter-productive to losing weight (if that's what you're trying to do).

    Uh, no it's not. I don't usually eat breakfast and have lost weight just fine. The whole 'must eat breakfast to start your metabolism' has been thoroughly debunked. If you're hungry eat. If you're not-then don't eat.

    Some better breakfast options-

    -plain Greek yogurt with honey or fruit
    -eggs and veggies-either scrambled together or you can make breakfast 'muffins' with them and freeze them easily
    -egg and banana pancakes-two ingredients, less than 1o minutes to make, and they taste awesome.
    -hard boiled eggs-great with some salt on them and you can pre-make them ahead of time and keep them in the fridge for up to a week

    Also, there is no law that says you have to eat a food that's been marketed for breakfast. I sometimes eat chicken, ground beef, a salad etc etc for my first meal of the day. These kinds of foods will keep you fuller much longer than a bowl of cereal. And when you factor in the cereal (how many servings are you actually pouring into that bowl?), plus the milk-calorie/macro wise you may be better off eating 'non-breakfast' things anyways.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day. try, eggs, meat- whatever you care for- and slice of toast, or oats, or maybe some hashbrowns on the side. lately ive found that greek yogurt- i eat the Zoi brand- as well as a bagel keep me full for most of the morning. add in my almond milk and im set to go. ^ ^

    Nope-not true at all.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Bread/grains/cereals eaten at breakfast make me famished all day, esp if there is to enough protein.

    So I start the day with a fruit/protein smoothie or a protein bar and yogurt. It keeps me full
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    Try deli ham or turkey and a piece of smoked provolone rolled up in a whole wheat tortilla and just microwave it for 30 seconds.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    If you like the ease of cereal in the morning, try Kashi with Protein (yes, I eat the plain one). I have eaten it almost daily since starting my weight loss journey. I add in a half of a banana or some other type of fruit and skim milk. It has worked for me. I think the protein helps.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    I get that with ceareal too; in fact, i get that with alot of breakfasts, for some reason eating breakfast kick starts something inside of me and i just can't stop eating! However, i love breakfast, as done right it really does set me up for the day. The two main things i now consume for breakfast is peanut butter and boiled egg, (not together lol). Fills me right up! It sounds a bit boring to have them constantly, but i'm still perfectly happy with it. Although i would like to branch out and discover more filling foods, (hate oatmeal unfortunately).
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    Yeah, try protein. I had two eggs and 4.5 oz of baked ham for breakfast. Not hungry at all. If I do get hungry, I'll start snacking on my homemade beef jerky.

    For some reason, I find that eating sugar and milk make me hungry in the morning, so if you want to do cereal, consider trying a low sugar version with high fiber, such as my fav - Uncle Sam! I eat that with unsweetened coconut almond milk.
  • Willowjet
    Willowjet Posts: 12
    I have a piece of whole grain toast with crunchy peanut butter and a half of a banana almost every morning...that keeps me full from 8:15ish until noon! Occasionally, I switch to a Special K flatbread Sausage, egg and cheese sandwich. Both are filling and keep me going until lunch! :)
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    I find the best thing to eat for breakfest is eggs. You said you do not have much time but you can boil them night before..have them in the fridge and have hard boiled eggs for breakfest. Or scrambled really does take 2 minutes...or you can do poached in the microwave for 2 minutes!

    I also smear almond butter on a rice cake sometimes in the morning...or have cottage cheese with some berries in it (raspberries are my fav).

    Most boxed cereals are full of sugar as also salt and you will feel hungry 30 minutes after eating them...try something high in protein not carbs.
  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member
    You have to change a definition of cereal. For me, cereal is cooked oats, buckwheat, millet, rice, spelt, etc. Whatever comes from the box, is not a cereal but a bunch of chemicals. Once grains cooked, you can choose whether you want to add some sweets (raising, prunes, honey, fresh fruits) and milk or eat it as is. It is great alternative to the protein breakfasts.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Recently I've been starting the day with a toasted bagel and some soft cheese. Comes in at way under 300 calories, feels indulgent, and keeps me going all morning.
    What bagel is this? Is it a mini bagel? I have never seen one that low in calories, especially after adding cream cheese or what not.

    Have a look at my diary - it's the New York Bagel brand we have in the UK, each bagel weighs around 90g, then I put about 14g of soft cheese on.
    Thanks! My husband likes bagels in his lunch sometimes, but he likes to keep his calories in check. This would be nice for him.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member

    OMG THIS! if I don't have protein in the morning I'm a raging cracra! 1 egg + 1/3 avocado + 1/2 cup spinach tucked in half pita pocket plus hot sauce!

    OR: fruit + kale + almond milk + protein powder (or almond milk or chia seeds) + healthy fats (coconut oil or avocado)

    OR: veggie juice from juicer with a handful of brazil nuts or almonds

    OR: giant omelette with lots of veggies
  • ptammyw
    ptammyw Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with the protein eaters. I can't eat cereal(or anything with refined carbohydrates) in the mornings because it spikes my insulin level, then I'm tired and hungrier later (plus I can never limit myself to simply "one serving".) Better choices for breakfast are eggs or greek yogurt, or protein shake. If you need some kind of carb in the morning, fruit or oatmeal are better. Good luck!
  • chellec23
    chellec23 Posts: 147 Member
    I used to eat 3-4 servings of walmart's version of Honey Bunches of Oats in the morning, and would end up starving 3 hours later. When I started this journey a little over a month ago I was bringing 1 cup of Dannon Light & Fit vanilla yogurt and some canned fruit..either half a can of apricots or a full can (drained of course) of mandarin oranges with 2 tablespoons of wheat germ. Well the first 2-3 weeks of doing this my weight was not budging and I was eating 1400-1600 calories a day.

    Last time I was losing weight a few years ago my breakfast was 2 cups (2 servings) of Multi-Grain Cheerios with skim milk. So, I have switched back to doing that. Now after almost 3 weeks of doing that I have dropped 10 lbs. I eat breakfast at about 6:30 and have lunch at 11:30. I usually get a LITTLE peckish around 10 so I'll have a low-fat string cheese (60 calories) and this is working really well for me hunger-wise. Maybe you should just try a different cereal?
  • runlilyrun
    runlilyrun Posts: 140
    Recently I've been starting the day with a toasted bagel and some soft cheese. Comes in at way under 300 calories, feels indulgent, and keeps me going all morning.
    What bagel is this? Is it a mini bagel? I have never seen one that low in calories, especially after adding cream cheese or what not.

    Have a look at my diary - it's the New York Bagel brand we have in the UK, each bagel weighs around 90g, then I put about 14g of soft cheese on.
    Thanks! My husband likes bagels in his lunch sometimes, but he likes to keep his calories in check. This would be nice for him.

    My breakfast usually looks like this, to get an image of how much cheese:
    The way I look at it, a bowl of cereal 'my way' was about 400 calories or more - this has never been nearly that much.