Am I the only homo?



  • syedwards
    syedwards Posts: 8
    thanks jewel! you got me here!
  • BlairKimball
    BlairKimball Posts: 6 Member
    Openly gay mid-40's happily as married as can be to My Fitness Pal.....hello everyone!
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Hey there :bigsmile:

    LOVE the title lol :wink: nice to meet you all :drinker:

    I'm straight but in saying that my best mate is gay she came out about a year ago :wink: as far as I am concerned nothing has changed :bigsmile:

    We are heading off to Spain together in about 2 weeks and I cannot wait :happy: good friends are hard to find :bigsmile: and now we no longer fight over the cute guys LMAO :laugh: :laugh:

    I've also got a cousin who recently married his husband :drinker: In my book if you are straight or gay once you are happy why should anyone be negative :huh:
  • riamonger
    riamonger Posts: 3 Member
    No..You aren't the only one..We are everywhere....:smile:
  • I love the gays! <33
  • I'm straight, but think it's awesome that there are so many homosexuals who are "out" and proud of it. Some of the nicest people and most non-judgmental people I've met have been gay. Makes me wonder why I have heterosexual friends at all!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I'm fact i think people would rather see me with a girl rather than what i prefer to date(black) because interracial dating is more devilish than same sex dating?? I dunno...but i'm secretly a gay man trapped in a woman's body. I am a true *kitten* hag and i go to the gay clubs with my gay guy friends and have a blast. Ive even been known to turn gay men straight for the night(well just in the makey-outy way). And I have been told many times that guys would go straight for me...i think its the boobs? Anyways i feel more comfortble around gay guys, because they are more *****ier than me and way more vain, so i don't feel as bad haha. And I don't get the people who say marriage is between a man in a woman, the way god intended, but yet they cheat on their wives or beat them....god didn't intend for that either. I think everyone is allowed for their own opinions...but f you are gonna have a con-opinion, then at least make sure you are doing everything right for that opinion too(i.e. men that are against gay marriage that watch lesbian porn...wth?)
  • I'm fact i think people would rather see me with a girl rather than what i prefer to date(black) because interracial dating is more devilish than same sex dating?? I dunno...but i'm secretly a gay man trapped in a woman's body. I am a true *kitten* hag and i go to the gay clubs with my gay guy friends and have a blast. Ive even been known to turn gay men straight for the night(well just in the makey-outy way). And I have been told many times that guys would go straight for me...i think its the boobs? Anyways i feel more comfortble around gay guys, because they are more *****ier than me and way more vain, so i don't feel as bad haha. And I don't get the people who say marriage is between a man in a woman, the way god intended, but yet they cheat on their wives or beat them....god didn't intend for that either. I think everyone is allowed for their own opinions...but f you are gonna have a con-opinion, then at least make sure you are doing everything right for that opinion too(i.e. men that are against gay marriage that watch lesbian porn...wth?)

    <3<3 Love everything you said and your view points.
  • out and proud!
  • Snip....

    And I don't get the people who say marriage is between a man in a woman, the way god intended, but yet they cheat on their wives or beat them....god didn't intend for that either. I think everyone is allowed for their own opinions...but f you are gonna have a con-opinion, then at least make sure you are doing everything right for that opinion too(i.e. men that are against gay marriage that watch lesbian porn...wth?)

    Preach on sista!

    I crack up when a guy says he doesn't like gay men because he doesn't want to get hit on by a guy. My response is always, "Right, I see what you mean. Girls clearly can't keep their hands off of you, so of course all gay men will want a peice of you too." Then I point out all the hot chicks who are NOT fighting over him and laugh. But you tell that same guy some girls are making out in the ladies room, and he's like, "Yeah! Who's got a camera?" :laugh:

    The irony of dumbazzism. <---I made that word up.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    OMG seriously! Well I date black guys, and not to sound racist, but most of the black community are more homophobic than white people. They can NEVER understand why I am friends with gays, but I try to educate them on gay people. Like how just because you are hanging out with a gay guy, and you might be a straight guy, doens't mean he's gonna try to hit on you. 1. Gay people aren't trying to convert others, they jsut want to be happy with someone like the rest of the world and 2. You honestly are not their type.And not every gay guy is a flammer. I have seen some straight up thug gangsta gays that you would think was pullin honeys left and right, but actually played for the other team. And yes, gay guys may tell my guy at the time that he is good looking or has a nice body, and i try to explain how they should be flattered cause honestly my gays are straight up b's(i can't say the full word or else it gets starred out) and they aree brutally honest, so when they say someone looks good, they should feel super flattered.

    One thing i can't stand is how much of a fad it is to be a lesbian or a bi now. It's like honestly, you are not a lesbian, stop trying to be "cool" or "freaky' and jsut be yourself. I'm all about experimenting, but where I live most the girls from highschool are all pill popped out and sleeping with each other and think they are like being so cool and wild by hookin up with a girl. Get over it and do something productive with your life instead of tryihng to "shock" everyone. You are not shocking anyone, you are jsut being a fake. (but dont' think i'm saying anything bad about the real lezzies, I have nothing against you guys)
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Oh i forgot to add that some of these girls are the same ones that sat there and harrased my gay friend in highschool and would sit there and laugh and call him the f word...but now, since they are "gay" its totally ok.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    LOVE this thread!!! I also play for both teams! There is just too much to love about both men and women to even THINK of choosing!!

    I've always jokingly referred to bisexuals as being 'greedy' :laugh:

    Love this thread. My dad was a ballroom dancer so I quickly learned about gay men as a child. :smile: I'm very LGBT friendly.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I crack up when a guy says he doesn't like gay men because he doesn't want to get hit on by a guy. My response is always, "Right, I see what you mean. Girls clearly can't keep their hands off of you, so of course all gay men will want a peice of you too." Then I point out all the hot chicks who are NOT fighting over him and laugh. But you tell that same guy some girls are making out in the ladies room, and he's like, "Yeah! Who's got a camera?" :laugh:

    I have always thought this way too.
    "Ohh, I can't be around lesbians. I'm so worried they will hit on me!"

    Get over yourself honey! They have to find you attractive to even think about hitting on you! And what makes you think she'd just start grabbing all over you like a fiend? GET A GRIP, ARROGANT BIZNATCH!!!


    I recently changed clothes in the same room as a lesbian. (*gasp* oh horrors! ha) My only concern was her girlfriend might get upset, not that she was checking me out!
  • dmcpage
    dmcpage Posts: 66 Member
    Play on both teams, I just happen to be married to hetero dude. Open to all kinds of people, it's all good.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I play for both teams, does that count?

    Cheers! I got love for my girls and boys!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Well personally I am straight as an arrow,,, until Harry Connick Jr. asks me out anyway,,, LOL. (Gay-straight-bi-chaste,,, I don't care who or what you are, that's one fine fine man :laugh: ).

    Now I go to a real progressive church, and we're serious about equality and I have a ton of friends of all stripes. Some here at MFP are talking about dropping the L from LGBT as redundant, and I can see the point. But out in the world it appears that things are going to other way with the acronyms, and some of the younger folks are wanting to add the Q. So now it'll be LGBTQ. Ok,,,

    "LGBT doesn't really describe me - I don't fit in any of those boxes - I'm queer". Well,,, Ok honey. As a straight I stay out of it, but pal Jim thinks it's the silliest thing ever. Opinions?
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Well personally I am straight as an arrow,,, until Harry Connick Jr. asks me out anyway,,, LOL. (Gay-straight-bi-chaste,,, I don't care who or what you are, that's one fine fine man :laugh: ).

    Now I go to a real progressive church, and we're serious about equality and I have a ton of friends of all stripes. Some here at MFP are talking about dropping the L from LGBT as redundant, and I can see the point. But out in the world it appears that things are going to other way with the acronyms, and some of the younger folks are wanting to add the Q. So now it'll be LGBTQ. Ok,,,

    "LGBT doesn't really describe me - I don't fit in any of those boxes - I'm queer". Well,,, Ok honey. As a straight I stay out of it, but pal Jim thinks it's the silliest thing ever. Opinions?
    I guess I'm out of touch,I have no idea what you are talking about.:noway:
  • buggaboo73
    buggaboo73 Posts: 169
    Straight here, but raised by a gay man and am rabid is my support of gay rights so of course I say.....welcome aboard!

  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Well personally I am straight as an arrow,,, until Harry Connick Jr. asks me out anyway,,, LOL. (Gay-straight-bi-chaste,,, I don't care who or what you are, that's one fine fine man :laugh: ).

    Now I go to a real progressive church, and we're serious about equality and I have a ton of friends of all stripes. Some here at MFP are talking about dropping the L from LGBT as redundant, and I can see the point. But out in the world it appears that things are going to other way with the acronyms, and some of the younger folks are wanting to add the Q. So now it'll be LGBTQ. Ok,,,

    "LGBT doesn't really describe me - I don't fit in any of those boxes - I'm queer". Well,,, Ok honey. As a straight I stay out of it, but pal Jim thinks it's the silliest thing ever. Opinions?

    I identify as someone who would fall under the queer label more than anything else - maybe it's a generational thing? I mentioned this to my dad one time and he didn't understand, since his only understanding of that word is when it's used in a derogatory sense. Either way, I don't think the true range of human experience could really be captured in a handful (or even two handfuls) of letters, so I don't think it's worth getting too uptight about. (Though others may disagree...people like their acronyms! :laugh: )
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