I just can't stick to it



  • vbisnath
    vbisnath Posts: 35
    I haven't lost weight in 6 weeks and I am convinced it's my eating. I just cannot stick to eating right. I don't go over 1900 calories...but what does it matter. I feel like I blew it today with Mcdonalds. I am still under calories for the day but geez....I can't keep the sugar down. I thought this was just about calories but I think for me it's sugar an sodium. I don't want to be one of those people who are always trying to lose weight and never seem to lose ANY weight. I'm in a contest at my gym and everyone is losing weight. I have not lost any inches, any weight or anything. My fitness level is going up but who gives a crap about that in a freaking contest. All I want is to weigh under 200 at this point. I am SICK TO DEATH of being fat. Sure I can control myself at McD's. I don't eat the fries...rather they are no longer large but small. But it's not just there. I manage to screw up at home. 3 oclock rolls around and I'm hungry and I eat 2 of those little fruit snacks of my kids. Sure, I eat apples and cheese as well....but it doesn't seem to matter. No matter what I eat I can't lose weight. I lost like 5 lbs(not all at once) 7 weeks ago....but now nothing. I really wanted to win $5000 but I think a man is going to get it. I know of one guy that lost 10lbs in the first week. I shouldn't have entered the stupid thing. I'm just destined to be f@#$ing fat for the rest of my life. I need to go to the gym today, but my motivation is gone. I don't even feel like trying anymore. I didn't think I was asking too much to just be a size 14 again. Why is this so hard? Just 2 pounds a week was all I was asking...2 little pounds a week. Why can't I do it? I see success stories all the time, why can't I be one? I get up every day and say to myself I won't screw up again...but I do. EVERY SINGLE DAY I screw up. I eat the same stuff as my husband and he lost 11 pounds! I am sick of it already! I'm just a fatty fat fat...my mom always said I'd never be skinny and I guess she was right. YEARS of fighting that and she' was right. I think my body wants to be fat. I am just beyond pissed.

    I know how you feel...I am in this phase right now. I haven't lost weight for nearly two weeks, but I am eating bad food. Try and eat healthy food only for one day...eat as much as you want..and walk for an hour....see how you feel about yourself the next day when you wake up. You should be starving...but you will feel good that you made it one day. Just try it and see if you think you can do this for a week. Small steps will help you get motivated again. Dont worry about losing weight or inches...worry about getting your body healthy.

    good luck...you can do it....send me a friend request if you would like a friend to baby step...and hold your hand through this time...i am more than willing...vashti
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    OP, Took a quick peak at your diary. There are several days where you haven't logged your food. In mean in the past two weeks, I only found maybe two days where you logged everything. I would say you can eat your McDonalds small fry, but log it in your diary at only eat 1700 calories today.

    let me ask you, when your in this kind of mood, and feel like your failing, do you raid the fridge?

    Not exactly...I go look in it, but then walk away. When I have a bad eating day, I give up logging. That's why there are so many holes in that...but I haven't quit working out.

    Right, If you stop logging, you stop knownig how many calories you are consuming. You are likely overconsuming because you aren't keeping track.

    I bet if you took the next two weeks and ate 1700 calories everyday, even if 500 of that was McDonalds, and kept your workout up, you would be back here smiling.

    By 1700 I mean 1700. ideally weigh your food, if not estimate as accurately as possible and just do it consistently everyday, even weekends, even the crappy days for two weeks... i believe you will have success. You will also see that you can enjoy some foods that are "bad" and "unclean" and still lose weight. Then keep doing it over a long period of time and the weigh twill continue to fall off.

    Just start by doing it everyday for two weeks.
  • btoeps74
    btoeps74 Posts: 167 Member
    Not exactly...I go look in it, but then walk away. When I have a bad eating day, I give up logging. That's why there are so many holes in that...but I haven't quit working out.

    Them are the days you should make it a point to log in your foods. You know its going to be a bad day but it helps hold yourself accountable to log it in and see exactly how bad that day was.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Start telling yourself that you are work every bit of work you do to get healthier and lose weight, if you don't tell yourself this everyday the motivation will slip. Another good way to keep motivation is if you have a photo of the body you want whether it is an old photo of you or of someone else and keep it somewhere with a quote that you feel is very motivating for you.

    This is also not about the contest, that would be just the cherry on top the sundae. Watch every morsel that goes into your mouth, learn about the foods you are consuming and how the marco and micro nutrient ratios are effecting you. I found with higher carb and fat foods I was more sluggish, with a high protein, moderate carb and low fat diet I have felt more energetic and more satisfied with what I am eating and also found that my meals were much lower in sodium and sugar.

    Drop the sweets that are not fruits and limit to the smallest sizes of the treats, sizes that you can share with your kids! Stop eating fast food as well, even the 'healthy choices' menu items as they are not as healthy as getting home and making it yourself. Water weight from eating high sodium can compound, meaning it adds up over time. I spent a year eating quite a bit of high sodium food and the first month that I stopped I lost 15lbs, most of that was water weight. Next you will need to exercise regularly and have a goal set of time per day or per week to be done when you can find the time. First thing in the morning, if you work why not go for a run at lunch or after the kids are in bed and your dinner has had time to settle. There will always be time to get it in. Since you are logging here why not set yourself at 1200 calories and eat back ALL exercise or calculate your TDEE-20% based off of your exercise and activities and do not eat any exercise calories back. The deficit in itself will help you to lose weight, the exercise will help to lose body fat and decrease your inches overall and the healthy food will help your body feel better and work better.

    So no more whining that it isn't working because there is always something you can do, ALWAYS!

    Best of luck and don't give up!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Maybe eating different foods would make things a HELL OF A LOT EASIER. Real, whole, natural foods high in fat and protein. Foods that are nutrient dense, not nutrient devoid.

    For some people, it's not just "calories in/calories out". Some of us have to address metabolic issues; that includes anyone that is storing extra fat. You have to decide you want to first then ask if conventional high carb/low fat/calorie restricted dieting advice is working. If it isn't, try something else and try shifting focus from weight loss to health. I found a lifestyle to address my serious health issues, and bonus, I'm losing weight effortlessly and without hunger. Supposedly, I have "binge eating disorder" but am miraculously cured just by changing WHAT I eat. Also gone are severe depression, anxiety, pre-diabetes, chronic pain/fatigue, sleep apnea, a myriad of digestive disorders, joint pain, chronic infections/colds/flus, etc.

    Or you can just give up.

    PS. My 5 yo tells me she hates me all the time too. So what? She's 5!!!
    KAYRRIE Posts: 201 Member
    Aww, hug. Don't beat yourself up. Did you know, that you may be losing some weight but your water weight is hiding it? I saw your diary and your sodium is almost double daily. That alone can keep you swollen and filled with water. Be vigilent about your sodium levels and watch the difference. Another thing, did you realize that a pound is 3500 calories? So losing 7,000 calories per week is a lil difficult, not impossible, but it just takes a lot of hard work. If you work really hard to burn that much, then you definitely have to make sure to fuel your body to be able to do that. Make sure you drink all your water per day too, that will help and I know some people say it doesn't matter what you eat but it does. You have to aim for cleaner. Grilled/baked chicken instead of fried. Turkey more often than beef. Stay with your whole fat items, such as whole milk, whole cheese, regular yogurt, etc. It works, it really does. Also, I would look some of the diaries on here of individuals that have lost lots of pound and just research what they do. I hope this all helps :)
  • trulycrazed
    trulycrazed Posts: 79 Member
    Losing weight isn't just about the "diet now" ..... it's about making permanent lifestyle changes. The reason for lifestyle changes, is that you will want to LEARN how to keep the weight off once you've lost it. We don't learn it all overnight.

    Aim for progress .... not perfection" .... I like this quote. Make a few good choices everyday (more good choices than bad) and you will get there. You don't have to be perfect.

    Try to eat fewer processed foods .... whole foods .... fruits, veggies, whole grains. Potatoes, corn & peas are higher calorie .... treat these like you would treat grains .... smaller portions.

    Fats are good for you ..... but fried foods are not. Save the fat for nuts, nut butters, olive oil, dairy .... healthier stuff.

    Fruits have natural sugar ... these can help you reduce your dependence on added sugar (the empty calorie stuff).....This is my downfall ......I "allow" myself some (bad) sugar ... at the end of the day....... IF I have been good. This is my reward (of sort).

    Some people will cut out all added sugar .... cold turkey .... and then add a little back. You might just focus on "no sugar" for a few days .... then focus on something else later in the week..... just keep making steps in the right direction.
    Agreed! Work on doing a bit better every day. It takes time, effort and dedication. Just keep learning!
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    I have lost weight and not went to the gym but I do exercise and it cost me nothing. It is not about what you put in your mouth or your husband kid ect.. it is what is going on in your head. Fix your mind set and your weight will follow. I ate a burger this week and the wheels did not come off my bus. I did however move a bit more and was more careful the other days. Just get on with it
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    its not sugar, its not sodium, its not "junk food". its calories. you are consuming too many. its that simple.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    First off, you need to STOP with the pity party. Second, going from a large fry to a small fry is not going to help you lose weight. YOUR STILL EATING THE WRONG FOODS, even if it's less of it. If you want this bad enough, you will make it happen. What I'm hearing from your post is, "Blah, Blah, Blah, I can't, I can't, I can't, Blah, Blah, Blah...." You have to eat healthy and exercise to make it happen. Eating less junk food and exercising every once in a while when you feel like it will just leave you feeling disappointed and frumpy.
    $H!T OR GET OFF THE POT. Nobody just wakes up one day and says, "OMG, I'm sooooo skinny. I wonder how this happened". People who have healthy bodies, healthy minds and muscle tone have worked their *kitten* off to get there. You have to work your *kitten* off too.

    Good Luck! I hope you find what your looking for but with your attitude, I seriously doubt you will. Sorry to say!:noway:

    I work with a personal trainer 2x a week and go on my on 2 more times a week....I DO work my *kitten* off...I leave that gym drenched in sweat. I do heavy lifting every time...I am up to 70lbs on the stacks and 30lb free weights. My legs I am up to 160lbs. So I am not some lazy ***** who won't work out...And the trainer is not easy on me, she pushes me to a almost puke point. This is the longest I've held on with no weight loss.

    I've had a bad day...it's not all about the weight. It's about the 5 yr old son who tells me he hates me. The husband who does not want me to go to a Mom's night out and loves to fight with me about it and claims I get to go everywhere. It's the stress of my gym bill when I can't get a cleaning job to pay for it when the lady I babysat for sort of laid me off when her husband was laid off.

    And why do I want to lose weight? Because I am sick of looking at the fat jiggle jiggle in the mirror...I want to wear cute clothes again, I don't want to be ashamed of how I look, and I want my husband to have a hot wife. Just every time I try...I fail. I've tried losing weight for 10 yrs.

    I am so sorry you have a lot going on in your personal life. Despite whatever issues you have in your life, however, don't you deserve to be healthy & be fit? Most of us understand that sometimes, life can be hard. I have found that when I'm under the most stress, I do better if I take super care of myself. For example, my husband was in/out of the hospital approx 8 times one year. Was I completely stressed out & worried? Yes. So I took extra care to eat well & get enough rest. I feel like that being healthy helps me deal with the stresses of life much better. Believe me, I am not minimizing your situation. What I am saying is that each one of us deserves to be strong & healthy, and when you are strong & healthy, you'll feel better able to tackle the stresses in life.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    FIRST: Replace the words "I can't" with "I choose not to." This is actually the truth, and one that you must face in order to move on. You CAN make a different choice. The next time those Golden Arches call you, don't say "no", say "later." This'll trick your brain: You aren't denying it what it wants, you are delaying it. Often, your brain will "forget" that it wanted it in the first place.

    SECOND: If you fall halfway down the stairs, should you pick yourself up and throw yourself the rest of the way down? Just cuz you blew it this morning, or whatever, doesn't mean you shouldn't do something better for yourself RIGHT NOW. Why not take a walk in the park? Have a yummy huge salad w your fave protein (chicken, salmon, steak?). Call a long lost friend and catch up.

    Make small, sustainable changes to your EATING HABITS (not diet!). When I say small, I mean small enough that you hardly notice. If you usually drink three sodas in a day, drink two. If you stop at McDonalds five times a week, only do four times. After you acclimate to each small change, make another. Repeat.

    This is a journey. No need to rush. Enjoy feeling the changes in yourself, mentally, physically, spiritually. And hey, cut yourself a break. I don't know you, but I'd bet you wouldn't kick someone when they were down, so why do you do it to yourself?
  • First off, you need to STOP with the pity party. Second, going from a large fry to a small fry is not going to help you lose weight. YOUR STILL EATING THE WRONG FOODS, even if it's less of it. If you want this bad enough, you will make it happen. What I'm hearing from your post is, "Blah, Blah, Blah, I can't, I can't, I can't, Blah, Blah, Blah...." You have to eat healthy and exercise to make it happen. Eating less junk food and exercising every once in a while when you feel like it will just leave you feeling disappointed and frumpy.
    $H!T OR GET OFF THE POT. Nobody just wakes up one day and says, "OMG, I'm sooooo skinny. I wonder how this happened". People who have healthy bodies, healthy minds and muscle tone have worked their *kitten* off to get there. You have to work your *kitten* off too.

    Good Luck! I hope you find what your looking for but with your attitude, I seriously doubt you will. Sorry to say!:noway:

    I work with a personal trainer 2x a week and go on my on 2 more times a week....I DO work my *kitten* off...I leave that gym drenched in sweat. I do heavy lifting every time...I am up to 70lbs on the stacks and 30lb free weights. My legs I am up to 160lbs. So I am not some lazy ***** who won't work out...And the trainer is not easy on me, she pushes me to a almost puke point. This is the longest I've held on with no weight loss.

    I've had a bad day...it's not all about the weight. It's about the 5 yr old son who tells me he hates me. The husband who does not want me to go to a Mom's night out and loves to fight with me about it and claims I get to go everywhere. It's the stress of my gym bill when I can't get a cleaning job to pay for it when the lady I babysat for sort of laid me off when her husband was laid off.

    And why do I want to lose weight? Because I am sick of looking at the fat jiggle jiggle in the mirror...I want to wear cute clothes again, I don't want to be ashamed of how I look, and I want my husband to have a hot wife. Just every time I try...I fail. I've tried losing weight for 10 yrs.

    I am so sorry you have a lot going on in your personal life. Despite whatever issues you have in your life, however, don't you deserve to be healthy & be fit? Most of us understand that sometimes, life can be hard. I have found that when I'm under the most stress, I do better if I take super care of myself. For example, my husband was in/out of the hospital approx 8 times one year. Was I completely stressed out & worried? Yes. So I took extra care to eat well & get enough rest. I feel like that being healthy helps me deal with the stresses of life much better. Believe me, I am not minimizing your situation. What I am saying is that each one of us deserves to be strong & healthy, and when you are strong & healthy, you'll feel better able to tackle the stresses in life.

    I agree - you have a lot going on AND you deserve to be healthy. Please don't give up. You'll regret it.

    Think about where you might be a year from now if you keep trying, and compare that to where you'll likely be if you give up.
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    Definitely stop eating Mcdonalds. Or any fast food for that matter. Fast Food is stuffed with artificial preservatives. I would start small. If you can't give up the burgers or whatever it is that you get, make them at home. That will automatically make it healthier for you. To take it a step further, make them healthy ingredients. Example: instead of a beef burger, try a turkey burger, or a black bean burger. Baked fries, or even better, sweet potato fries is another thing.

    I'm not saying you won't go through withdrawls, but when you crave fast food, remind yourself why you're trying to loose weight. and then ask yourself if eating fast food is going to get you where you want to be.
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Of course you can lose weight eating junk food. You can lose weight eating one giant meal a day at McDonalds. But is that healthy? If losing weight is the only result you want...then have at it. I'm trying to eat healthy for the rest of my life but you are welcome to do whatever works for you.

    I forgot to quote the post I was replying to...


    Plenty of people eat "junk" and lose weight. Also your claim about 3-4 hour eating periods is rubbish and not backed by scientific research. What about people who do IF and only eat once a day? I've fit in process junked throughout my diet and still lost weight ans so have millions of other people. This is not a special program it's nutrition science, if the body is in a prolonged caloric deficit it WILL lose weight.

    Op you could be doing 3 things"
    1. Weighing yourself inaccurately
    2. Eating at what you think is a deficit but what is actually your maintenance
    3. Not consistently eating at 1900 kcals.
  • all4my3boyz
    all4my3boyz Posts: 94 Member
    OP, Took a quick peak at your diary. There are several days where you haven't logged your food. In mean in the past two weeks, I only found maybe two days where you logged everything. I would say you can eat your McDonalds small fry, but log it in your diary at only eat 1700 calories today.

    let me ask you, when your in this kind of mood, and feel like your failing, do you raid the fridge?

    Not exactly...I go look in it, but then walk away. When I have a bad eating day, I give up logging. That's why there are so many holes in that...but I haven't quit working out.
    Working out is great, but you have to change your diet. Log EVERYTHING you eat, even if you binge, it's an eye opener and will tell you why you aren't losing weight. Stop telling yourself you will always be fat! If you believe that then you probably will be.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    its not sugar, its not sodium, its not "junk food". its calories. you are consuming too many. its that simple.

    Wrong. That's why so many of us struggle and fail year after year, is because we are made to believe that we are nothing but fat, lazy pigs who lack willpower. WRONG. Metabolism is controlled by the endocrine system. Hormones are affected differently by different foods. Calories in/out is only an over-simplified part of the story. Stop with this nonsense, because this BS is harming the health of many people. Just because (almost) everyone believes the same myth, doesn't make it true.
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    First I'm going to send you hugs, then I going to tell you that this happens. Take some time and look at your habits and track them. Write down your goals. The biggest thing is not to give up. You might not accomplish you weight goal as soon as you hope but don't let that bring you down. Also look at the reasons behind this.Why do you want to lose weight?

    I agree with her... you should not give up...Attitude is one thing, but your reasons for losing will affect your attitude...get out of the negative and hit the positive... if you want the $5000.00 then picture it buying all your new clothes and how great you will look in them...Be positive...you will get there..=0)
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    stop going to McDs. seriously.

    i can tell you this much -- whoever wins that $5000 didn't go to McDs and order a 'small fries' instead of a large fries.

    If you want to lose weight, eat healthy and stick to it.
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    part of this is not your fault. Mc donalds has been proven to increase food cravings, and dreaming of going back for more. Fast food execs were asked (off record) what the first thing they do to lose weight was... you guessed it they said cut the fast food because of the extra sugars and appetite pleasure stimulating chemicals added to inclease pleasure feelings in our brains. We never get truly nourished yet we want more. Ever wondered or noticed why a mickey d's cheeseburger bun tastes so different from others? How sweet.
    Thats being said right now I would not stress on calories, but eat real food real cooked or raw veg, grass fed beef if you must, chicken, fish,whole grains in moderation, healthy fats and fruits and lower sugar. Do this to reset your appetite. Good luck. I know I was a fast food freak. I was truly addicted yet hungry all the time.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If you're not logging, how do you know you aren't going over 1,900 calories? Log EVERYTHING for 4 weeks, if nothing get checked by a doctor.