am i the biggest girl on mfp!

Ok so i hate talking about my weight but im currently at 300lbs! YES YES I NO ITS SHOCKING!

but i have failed to find any1 else even close to size on here?
all my friends on mfp are lovely however i would like to add some people around the same size as me as our calorie intakes are probally around the same ect..

friends please xXx


  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    My starting weight was 336 pounds so I was bigger than you when I started! :tongue:

    I looked at my starting weight as a new beginning.....a new chapter to becoming a fitter, healthier me! Now at 259.75 (into the 250s was a lovely feeling) and still losing!

    You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • junco1971
    junco1971 Posts: 26 Member
    My last weigh in was Sunday and I weighed in at 379 so no your not the biggest. You can add me if you want.
  • jessicae1aine
    jessicae1aine Posts: 885
    I was 300.1 pounds when I started. I'm down to 268 now, but hey, several of us have been there. :P If you want, feel free to friend me.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    No, you are not. I was almost there with ya, girl.
  • vbisnath
    vbisnath Posts: 35
    Ok so i hate talking about my weight but im currently at 300lbs! YES YES I NO ITS SHOCKING!

    but i have failed to find any1 else even close to size on here?
    all my friends on mfp are lovely however i would like to add some people around the same size as me as our calorie intakes are probally around the same ect..

    friends please xXx

    I am 200 lbs...that may not sound too bad, but I used to be 130 before my two children. I have gained 70 lbs from two pregnancies and i am struggling to lose weight at all....I would love to have a few friends that have as much weight to lose as me....add me girl
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    I must admit, when I started I thought I was the biggest girl on here too!

    So nice to hear there are others who understand where you are coming from!
  • When I first started thinking about losing weight (and started doing it the first time), the highest weight I saw on the scale was 365. I got down (over about 2-3 years, including one pregnancy) to 199. Then life interfered and I lost focus, ultimately regaining to 275, got pregnant with twins that took me to 325 at the highest point (I was 318 when I gave birth), and then finally, just before the girls turned 2 this year, I got serious about weight loss. My weight at that point was around 295.

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    My highest weight (that I actually measured) was 282 lbs. I started MFP at 266 lbs. I'm down around 218 lbs. now. But no, I have friends on MFP that weigh a lot more than you. A few are/were well over 400 lbs. Big girls just tend to be quieter on the forums than most people.... but they are here, lurking in their own quiet way. I honestly wish more of them would chat it up.

    Come on, big girls. I know you're here. Say hi :flowerforyou:
  • xjoseyx
    xjoseyx Posts: 74
    not even close! I was 331. Theres a girl on my friends list that was in the 400lbs region.
  • raven1985
    raven1985 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a little more, just starting today and I need advice on what I should do.
  • mrsjay4life
    mrsjay4life Posts: 34 Member
    Three months ago today I was 345 am now 299 so I was heavier then
    You. There is nothing to be ashamed of atleast you are trying
    to make a start to becoming a healthier person. We can do this together
    just focus on your goal and you will slowly but surely meet that magic number.
    Of course we all know by now that there is no magic bullet to weight loss besides hard work and determination. Along
    With lots of encouragement. But you has to make the first step
    towards your goal. Go for it girl I know you can do it!
  • 22yo, sw: 320, cw: 315, gw: 130 heigh 5'3

    I'm right there with ya!
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I started at 302 about 14 months ago- now down to 201- but I know how it is so hard when you have lots to lose! Also, I know there is at least one member here for sure who is over 600 lbs.
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    I'm 5'5", and started at 294 on April 8th. Down to 280 right now. Just took my "before" pictures the other night and was shocked at how big I must look to other people.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    bump for the benefit of other big girls
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Ok so i hate talking about my weight but im currently at 300lbs! YES YES I NO ITS SHOCKING!

    but i have failed to find any1 else even close to size on here?
    all my friends on mfp are lovely however i would like to add some people around the same size as me as our calorie intakes are probally around the same ect..

    friends please xXx

    I am 305 right now. I started at 327. You are not the only one. Sometimes I feel a little intimidated here because people are further along in health and push activity levels that I cannot sustain at this weight. It will be a while before I can really exercise like I want. I am just concerned about losing weight at this point. I gained so much weight last year very quickly, like in 6-8 months. It really freaked me out when I reached 300. I knew I would not be buying any bigger clothes so I knew I needed to lose weight. I do not want to live a life confined to my house and I want to be able to move. I want a life.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I was at 293 lbs when I started, you can do this :flowerforyou: . Feel free to add me or just look at my diary it is open :)
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    This thread ( goes back to Feb 2009....from the MANY pages, it appears that no, you are not alone

    Good luck on your journey
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    You are not alone.
  • Well I may not be 300 but I am 220 and that is plenty bad for me. I have just started back with mfp, and hope I can stick with it. It is hard when you are on your own. So often people with any size always feel bad in front of slimmer people. It is a shame because we all have feelings. But no matter. You want a friend to talk to I am here. I will check every day to see if you have posted anything and I will write back and tell you how I am doing and you can tell me how you are doing . I live out here in Meridian Idaho. Just out side of Boise Idaho. My husband and I have been here for 18 years this coming Sept. We are both from Oregon and Washington, but we live here because this is where my husband's job brought us. Any how I have had a hard time with weight loss also. mainly because I have no one to work with or talk to about what I am doing. I like to have some one to, in a sense, work with and talk with about what I am doing and how someone else is doing with their goals. So add me as friend if you want. And if it is okay with this web site you can contact me on Facebook. If it isn't we can talk here. Just let me know. And Best of luck to you and your goals.:happy: sbrown