How many calories do you usually consume on a cheat day?

If you track it, or try to, how many calories do you hit around?

I find myself at around 1800.

I'm just curious!

Edit: Hit 2000 today. This party had a sweets table


  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Oy, I eat 1800 on my regular days.

    I don't do cheat days anymore, as I incorporate a little of whatever I want, but on vacation or some weekends my calories go around 2500. Of course, that's usually combined with plenty of walking and sight-seeing, so it all balances out.
  • Primordium
    Primordium Posts: 7
    I usually eat close to 2000. Today I went over my daily allowance by about 500 calories.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I dont necessarily have cheat DAYS. I eat what I want within my calorie goal. With that said, tonight I will have some drinks and will probably be in the 2100 range because of it.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    over 3,000. But I'm also a binger. (it's a serious issue and makes my life unmanageable... but that's another story). I can go a month without a cheat day... and then I "cheat" and lose control and can't stop until the pain is great enough. .... Today I'm back on after "falling off" for 4 days.... Day 1 of starting the paleo diet. it's almost 5pm and so far so good :) rambling.
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    i don't use cheat days, but if I did

    I would probably chicken-out at the end of the day and just try to hit my maintenance calories for my current weight.
  • vbisnath
    vbisnath Posts: 35
    LOL;.....when I cheat...I guys are amateurs at this...I go around 3500 cals on a cheat day...why else would it be called a cheat day.
  • AlexB422
    AlexB422 Posts: 111
    On my cheat days, I splurge out on sweets. I have a major sweet tooth! I hit around 2000 calories today because I have a fully loaded ice cream sundae, chocolate chip cookie, Carmel cake and birthday cake! I probably would have been really high in calories if I hadn't planned ahead and ate only 400 calories for breakfast and lunch combined! My supper was also loaded with badness. Chili dog, beans, and chips!

    Curse family gathering celebrations!

    I'm having to hit the gym hard tonight!
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I don't have cheat days, I have cheat meals, usually on Friday nights. It usually puts me at around 1800-1900. Anything under 2000 is what I'm usually comfortable with.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't have cheat days - but I eat 2000 calories a day
  • vbisnath
    vbisnath Posts: 35
    On my cheat days, I splurge out on sweets. I have a major sweet tooth! I hit around 2000 calories today because I have a fully loaded ice cream sundae, chocolate chip cookie, Carmel cake and birthday cake! I probably would have been really high in calories if I hadn't planned ahead and ate only 400 calories for breakfast and lunch combined! My supper was also loaded with badness. Chili dog, beans, and chips!

    Curse family gathering celebrations!

    I'm having to hit the gym hard tonight!

    Alex, Im guessing your male by your name so you can do that and not gain weight...curse...male genes for being so fit from birth
  • KnifeThrower89
    I try to stay around 1,000 calories a day MAX, past few days I have maybe done about 70 calories.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I don't do cheat days. If I want a blueberry muffin today and it puts me a couple hundred calories over, oh well. If it's someones birthday and I want cake, I have a moderate portion. Mexican food night? I'm having chips and salsa. So I guess any day can be a "cheat day" for me technically. I just try to maintain good portions and eat right the rest of the time so I feel zero guilt when I wake up and want bacon and eggs and blueberry muffins on a given day.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    A cheat day... including alcohol? A cheat day for me means eat as much as you possibly can, then try to cram in a few more calories after that. lol or eat normally during the day, then eat a big meal, then go out drinking, then eat fast food lol it prolly adds up to around 3,000-4,000 calories. Yeah i dont do cheat days anymore! lol

    my plan lately has been to eat things i crave in small portions that fit into my plan. I eat enough calories to where i'm not starving during the day so that i'm not tempted to binge. I also try to eat every few hours so that i dont get hungry enough to either binge or make a bad choice like fast food. and planning is huge too and has been working for me so far this week.
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    Cheat days! what is that.!?!?!?! :bigsmile:

    Dont do that, this is a journey if I want it I eat it and work it in. If I go over then Im over start a new day.
  • AlexB422
    AlexB422 Posts: 111
    On my cheat days, I splurge out on sweets. I have a major sweet tooth! I hit around 2000 calories today because I have a fully loaded ice cream sundae, chocolate chip cookie, Carmel cake and birthday cake! I probably would have been really high in calories if I hadn't planned ahead and ate only 400 calories for breakfast and lunch combined! My supper was also loaded with badness. Chili dog, beans, and chips!

    Curse family gathering celebrations!

    I'm having to hit the gym hard tonight!

    Alex, Im guessing your male by your name so you can do that and not gain weight...curse...male genes for being so fit from birth

    Actually, I'm a 18 year old female! Lol
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    i don't do a 'cheat' day. fit the less than healthy foods into your daily calories, with a reasonable portion.
    keeping most of the meai and that day, healthy.
    it's too easy to turn a cheat meal or day into the next decade.
    food isn't cheating or not. it is fuel. some of it is efficient. some isn't.
    having a healthy relationship with food is really important, if not, we'll probably all gain it back.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    My last cheat day (many moons ago) topped out at about 5500 I believe.
  • mountaingirl2207
    Wow... I guess every day is a cheat day for me then. My usual daily is 1800-2000. I don't usually have "cheat days", I eat more on days that I am more hungry, but very rarely go over 2500 because I usually end up feeling sick by the end of the day.
  • vbisnath
    vbisnath Posts: 35
    On my cheat days, I splurge out on sweets. I have a major sweet tooth! I hit around 2000 calories today because I have a fully loaded ice cream sundae, chocolate chip cookie, Carmel cake and birthday cake! I probably would have been really high in calories if I hadn't planned ahead and ate only 400 calories for breakfast and lunch combined! My supper was also loaded with badness. Chili dog, beans, and chips!

    Curse family gathering celebrations!

    I'm having to hit the gym hard tonight!

    Alex, Im guessing your male by your name so you can do that and not gain weight...curse...male genes for being so fit from birth

    Actually, I'm a 18 year old female! Lol

    Oh, I'm sorry. Well I am just like you. I have a huge sweet tooth. I swear I could live off of cookies, cake, and soda...sugar is what kills my cals
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    my normal intake is 2200-2500/day. So, I guess my 'cheat' day would be sitting at about 3000 which is just above my TDEE of 2900...