"Just Dance" Wii 30-day challange, anyone wanna join me?



  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    I'm going to stop and buy it this afternoon, heck my sons haven't had a good laugh in a few days.
    Last time I exercised in the house the smart butt came out of his room and asked me if we got any damages. Being dumb I asked from what. He replied from the earthquake that just hit..:frown: I let him keep living at home. How good am I?

    lol that is terrible!!! You are definitely a good mommy to let him get away with that ;)!!

    Pick the game up,it's so fun!! I hope you join us, it's a great workout,i'm drenched with sweat by the time I'm done!
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    I'm definitely going to get it. Maybe my clumsiness will burn more calories? lol
  • adrianhelen
    adrianhelen Posts: 31 Member
    I have this game. Is it too late to join in on the challenge? I could start today.
  • texann
    texann Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in........better late than never right? I bought the Wii just for Just Dance (well Zelda is also a perk heheheh). I cannot wait for 2!
  • ariandi1
    ariandi1 Posts: 1
    I want to do this, Is it too late I have the console and the game and i'd love to do this challenge.
  • fmax46
    fmax46 Posts: 20
    Just found this site earlier today and signed on. Glad to see this as I have Just Dance and just needed the motivation to get
    back to it. Count me in on the challenge.
  • Cassandra1219
    Is it too late for me to join???

    My 4 year old and I did a hour tonight.. I was laughing the whole time bc she was screaming "Bring it on Mommy... Lilys gonna make you sweat"
  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    Join in! It's not too late!!
  • fmax46
    fmax46 Posts: 20
    Okay, got my exercise in today. I did a bunch of easy songs as I'm realising just how unco-ordinated I am. It's going to take a while for me to get a hand of it, I'm sure. But as they say, practice makes perfect.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I may join :) Sounds like lots of fun but have to get it first. Will post back later if I am successful :)

    Ok so I just realized I already have this...lol!!!! How could I forget. Now off to find it!
  • Cassandra1219
    I did a hours worth today with Miss Lily:) My husband comes home tomorrow and isnt too happy I beat his high scores..lol... so hes challenged me:)
  • Cassandra1219
    What is everyone's favrite song? I like Pump up the jam or Le Freak the best:)

    What is your least favorite?? The Mashed Potato I dont like that one at all...
  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94
    I like the 70 ones.... funny cause i was born in 80. I get good points on those.

    I really don't know my fav yet. Your two fav are on my list of likes.

    I don't care too much for Mashed Potato. My kids fav is "Who let the dogs out"
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    I'm in too (if it's not too late)...I just bought it and will try it out this afternoon. Here's hoping all goes well :)
  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    "Jerk it out" is by far my favorite....As far as least...hmm...well,i refuse to do "who let the dogs out" because its so cheesy lol
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey ladies,
    Just wanted to let you know. I was so tired today. Had a class today that was really rough and left with a headache. The last thing I wanted to do was exercise. But, yesterday was my day off and I knew that if I didn't Dance today, I would not meet our goal. I couldn't let you guys down, so i was shaking my butt for 30 mins. Thanks for the motivation.
  • orlandosgoddess21
    orlandosgoddess21 Posts: 72 Member
    I also, I don't like Mashed Potato either. I love Hot and Cold, U Can't Touch This and Surfin Bird :-)
  • teelea01
    I have this and like it better than wii fit!. Can't join the challange cause I leave for vacation Ffriday! Maybe we can do it again. Happy dancing.
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    Question-how do you log this in your exercise count? I searched the wii games and this is not listed...I'm interested in any suggestions. BTW...it has been a lot of fun and my family has got involved with it. Thanks!
  • DevonLigotti
    DevonLigotti Posts: 56 Member
    Question-how do you log this in your exercise count? I searched the wii games and this is not listed...I'm interested in any suggestions. BTW...it has been a lot of fun and my family has got involved with it. Thanks!

    I log it as the "Dance-Modern/twist"
    Glad to see your having fun! Thats the point! :D
    Im gonna do all the songs tommorow hopefully and make a list of cario/arms/legs/abs songs so people can make playlists depending on what area they want to work on :)

    For maximum calorie burning,here is my suggestion, I run in place between all the songs to keep my heart rate up,i also run or do other leg-movements whenever there are slower moments in the songs. Incorporate your whole body, stop caring about doing the dance exactly right and just throw all you got out there so you are sweatin' your butt off!! :)