im at the end of my rope!!



  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
    How do I save this post so my friend can read it
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,445 Member
    Oh my gosh Luly, you remind me of so many women of our age that I talk to. First, you have to understand that we were raised to put EVERYONE else first and ourselves last. We have to STOP this thinking to maintain our weight loss because at least as far as our own body is concerned we come FIRST!

    So first, understand that your children are grown. You raised them well and they can solve their own problems. You are no longer responsible for their "issues." :smile: If you are not in the mood to listen to their problems, just say "Sweetie, I love you but I was just on may way out. We will need to talk later." You deserve some peaceful time to yourself having raised them all. TAKE IT!

    Secondly, your husband is a grown man, if he can make PB&J GOOD! He will not starve! Let him grumble as it is good for him to realize that you are a person too! Sometimes, husbands get too darn comfortable and it is good to shake them up a bit. I would make a really tasty meal that you like one day and make one he likes the next day and just eat a smaller portion of it with a salad. If he grumbles just say, "Sweetie, I have to do this for me, but I bought Pb&J for you and I'll make what you like for dinner tomorrow." Do not apologize or get angry. Just state it as a matter of fact! Understand that he is trying to manipulate you into the status quo that HE likes. That is human nature, but trust me he will get on board when you take charge of yourself and he realizes he has two options, get on board or get left behind. You need to take charge and change the dynamics and not back down from them.

    Once your family realizes that they are dealing with a new Luly, they will adapt and be much happier because you are! It is not easy to shut off all the tapes that run, but tapes are old technology. Dump them and watch the weight fall off and stay off!!!! :wink:
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    You definitely have a lot going on. You must find a way to put yourself first. The very first thing I'd do is stop answering those calls from your grown kids. I'm all for supporting them & being there for them on occasion or for unusual circumstances, but to be a constant crutch is dysfunctional. The harder task will be dealing with the husband. You cannot force someone to love you or care for you, but this does not mean you can't do it. It may be tougher, but you can still do it. He may not help you, but do not allow him to hurt you either.

    However you decide to deal with your home life, you must put your well being first.
  • adairbrum
    adairbrum Posts: 68
    You're not obligated to cook for your husband. If he doesn't like what you cook, tell him to get his own dinner.
    oh yeah! Who needs potatoes every day try making veggie soup no pasta or potatoes or a chicken veggie
    It's filling and good , the bottom line is take care of first because no one else will!
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    jwhited71 has it right. You can make little changes toward health and he'll never know. Don't try to change everything overnight. Most people don't like change. My husband is the same way. When I first started eating better he was very against it. After three years he's starting to change.

    Since dinner is "The meal" for you cook the meal and pick out of that what you want to eat. I fix somekind of beef, starch, veggies and salad. My husband takes what he wants and I eat the meat and veggies. Consentrate on the portions that you take more than anything right now. I noticed I was eating way over portion size. When I started weighing and measuring and noticing what a portion size was, I seemed to make a lot more progress.

    Don't make dinner or eating a battle. Enjoy yourself and make small changes. toward being more healthy.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    Also, exercise can be as simple as walking. Yard work and cleaning are good, but try to see how much you can walk. One of my friends has a health condition and can't walk very much, but still needs to exercise, so she walks the length of her hall way several times a day.
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    You should not settle for unhappiness. And if he's behaving that way, chances are that he is unhappy too. If you want to remain in your marriage, you should try to work on the issues either privately or with the help of a counselor. It will probably be like hitting against a brick wall at first. But, don't give up!

    Also, good grief @ $400 / month! Some of your children must still live with you? Since you work, I would divide up the funds. You pay for your food, and he pays for his...

    LOL NOPE my kids are grown and gone..the groceries are for us. I load up on veggies, brown rice, lite lunch things for me, I buy alot of fish, chicken etc..then I have to absolutely buy him his bags of jelly beans, bags of potatoe chips, penaut butter & Jelly crackers, his ritz with cheeze assortment etc etc. He eats a BIG bag of ruffles per night and they are almost $4 a youi get the drift :(
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    jwhited71 has it right. You can make little changes toward health and he'll never know. Don't try to change everything overnight. Most people don't like change. My husband is the same way. When I first started eating better he was very against it. After three years he's starting to change.

    Since dinner is "The meal" for you cook the meal and pick out of that what you want to eat. I fix somekind of beef, starch, veggies and salad. My husband takes what he wants and I eat the meat and veggies. Consentrate on the portions that you take more than anything right now. I noticed I was eating way over portion size. When I started weighing and measuring and noticing what a portion size was, I seemed to make a lot more progress.

    Don't make dinner or eating a battle. Enjoy yourself and make small changes. toward being more healthy.

    first i want to say CONGRATS on your weight loss!! your right about portions, before I would weigh and measure everything, that didnt go my kitchen scale is on counter :)
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I have been up and down with my weight my whole life. The last time I lost really good and I swore I would never put it back on. Two months later I tore my Achilles tendon and was on crutches for 2 months, surgery more inactivity..... started gaining the weight back. Stress with elderly parents, yada yada yada...... I've gained all the weight back AGAIN. So I've been there I know how you feel, I feel the same way. You really just have to pull yourself up again and DO IT! I know it is hard, but what is the alternative? just gaining even more weight, and feeling more miserable? I figure the time is going to pass anyway, so if I can stick to a healthy lifestyle, and happen to lose a few pounds along the way, the more the better for me. A year from now I don't want to look back and say if I had just stuck with it I'd feel better, be lighter and more active.

    As far as cooking for you husband goes... well in my house, he eats what I cook. If he doesn't like what I cook he can fix something for himself. After a while of you eating good nutritious homemade meals and him opening a can of soup, I'll bet he'll come around. If not let him fend for himself. Don't let him derail your attempts to become healthy.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    The last time I lost weight I SWORE I would never gain it back. are not alone there.

    My b/f can eat anything...he has such a high metabolism that he burns everything off. He looks amazing. He eats ice cream, peanuts, chips, chocolate, donuts, name it. And we buy it every week at the grocery store. He doesn't want "healthy" food...he thinks he doesn't need it.

    I have my snacks...some pumpkin seeds, popcorn, beef jerky, sugar free candy and diet Snapple. And the occasional higher calorie foods in a half slice of cheesecake or non fat-low sugar frozen yogurt, a cookie or granola bar.

    When it comes to making dinner, I usually make the same food for both of us. But I don't eat the potatoes and I only eat a very small portion of pasta....and I wont eat the bread. I eat more of the greens. I make cheeseburgers, stuffed fish, casseroles as well as lean chicken, ham, pork. But there are days I will make him things like mac and cheese and I will have chicken breast. It CAN be done. When the person you live with can't or wont identify with your struggle, you have to dig deeper and find the motivation within yourself. That's what I had to do. Not saying its easy but you do what you gotta do to make yourself happy.
  • MelodyJoy80
    Hello Luly,
    I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having. I think we've all hit a low point and "undo" all of our progress. And it seems hopeless! I've lost weight, hit a stressful point and put all the weight (and more, :-() back on. It takes small steps to get back to where you were. Too many times I've tried to do it quickly, only to get frustrated and quit. Make one small change in your diet each week. Now that the weather is getting nicer, take a brisk walk. Just do ten minutes each day and gradually increase it until you can do 30 minutes. As for the large grocery bills, I agree with others that you and your husband should split the bill. You buy your healthy items with your money and he buys whatever he wants with his money. It seems there are other issues in your marriage and a marriage is a team, so you should have support from him to continue with your healthy lifestyle. Sit down with him and tell him that you need him more than ever to help you get healthy again. I think that maybe you and him should even exercise together. It will give you some "bonding" time and it will be great for both of you.
    Feel free to add me as a friend or send me a private message.
    Best of luck to you!
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    Well, I am way bigger than I want to be so I can't solve all your problems, but I can speak to the husband issue. Sometimes you have to give yourself what you wish you could get from somebody else. My husband exercises a ton and can therefore eat whatever he likes; he has no concept of the idea that anyone could need "support" to lose weight. He loves sports, isn't emotionally attached to food, and for him it's all very logical--if you gain a few pounds, exercise more and eat better until they're gone. Whining and crying that I can't do it without him or waiting on him to act a way he probably never will is not going to get me anywhere.

    SO, cook for you. I'm not a big fan of the "he eats whatever I cook" foot-stamping philosophy--he's my husband, not my kid, and he is out working his butt off all day, so he deserves to eat food he likes for dinner at least some of the time. Try to cook things you would both like, make healthy tweaks if possible, and exercise portion control. If there's stuff you love and he hates, have it for lunch or have a couple of free for all, everyone cooks for themselves days each week (no sense wasting your expensive groceries on him if he's going to trash them). And try to make time to do something physical during the day--a walk or swim to clear your head and think about your own stuff rather than everyone else's is bound to feel good.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member

    Secondly, your husband is a grown man, if he can make PB&J GOOD! He will not starve! Let him grumble as it is good for him to realize that you are a person too! Sometimes, husbands get too darn comfortable and it is good to shake them up a bit. I would make a really tasty meal that you like one day and make one he likes the next day and just eat a smaller portion of it with a salad. If he grumbles just say, "Sweetie, I have to do this for me, but I bought Pb&J for you and I'll make what you like for dinner tomorrow." Do not apologize or get angry. Just state it as a matter of fact! Understand that he is trying to manipulate you into the status quo that HE likes. That is human nature, but trust me he will get on board when you take charge of yourself and he realizes he has two options, get on board or get left behind. You need to take charge and change the dynamics and not back down from them.

    I think this is really good advice for dealing with your husband.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    "I'm not a big fan of the "he eats whatever I cook" foot-stamping philosophy"

    This made me laugh :bigsmile:

    I've never stomped my foot in my life, and I don't think I made any kind of suggestion to that effect. My point was I cook dinner every night, if he doesn't like the good healthy meals I make, he can 1) make his own 2) go grab fast food 3) open a can of soup! Easy and simple, he's a big boy he'll figure it out. BTW I work hard all day also, and I deserve to eat what I like for dinner.
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member
    You've done it before, you can do it again. Stress and difficult times in our lives can make us all get a bit derailed at times. What matters is you take the control back. We've probably all regretted a day, a week, a year when we've not done our 'healthy eating plan' as we wanted. Thats just life!
    But now, you are in charge, go girl. It's no wonder you find it difficult with a husband willing to sabotage your efforts! Whatever happened to caring for your partner so much you want them healthy so that you can spend more time together in this life! Your personal life is affecting your happiness and this often makes sticking to a diet & healthy plan difficult...but you've done it before and you are determined, you will work out a way to do it. You are brave posting your heart on this site, you aren't alone we are rooting for you. Also 1200 calls per day sounds too little. Check out the info and articles on MFP site.

    Get yourself a super sexy healthy body. Show your husband what a gorgeous strong woman he has got. Let your self esteem increase so much that you have the confidence to tell hubby what you really think. And try to enjoy the journey.

    Good luck and keep the faith, YOU CAN DO IT!! :flowerforyou:
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Take care of yourself, since no one else cares. Take it upon yourself to get back on track stay there and lose the weight you gained. I myself lost 10 and gained 20, so now I'm here struggling I have to stay but I'm determined to not let the fat (or lack of support from people not on this site) get me down. I believe you will be ok.
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    My husband and I are getting ready to become foster of the questions that came up in class was about feeding picky eaters (in foster care, you cannot take away missing a meal as a form of punishment). One suggestion I liked was keep peanut butter and crackers on hand because if nothing else works you can offer kids peanut butter crackers - in other words, if your husband is acting like a picky child, treat him like one and fix him peanut butter crackers while you eat fish and brown rice and veggies.

    Another thing I do is keep things on hand my husband likes and that he can easily prepare (he likes mini raviolis, frozen burritos, frozen pizzas, & flavored peanuts). When he gets hungry, and I'm not home or it's not a meal time he can get up and make one of these items on his own.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I've done this twice now. The second time is infinitely harder to get rolling, but once you commit to it you'll get it back. Very seriously... you CAN do this.

    Know that no one can change you or sabbotage you but you. Don't let anyone or anything derail you. If hubby wants to eat crappy food let him. Remind yourself that you want to be healthy, fit, lean, strong, powerful, courageous, controlled and awesome. The crappy food won't help you with that.

    You also have to put as much effort into you as you do into anything or anyone else. Don't let yourself get hungry. Don't forget to eat. Don't leave your needs to the very end after everyone else has been tended to. Stop and eat along the way. Plan your meals and prioritize yourself. You are, in fact, worthy of your own efforts. You don't exist merely to serve others.

    Set yourself a very modest goal. Don't deprive yourself and you will be less inclined to eat mindlessly. Set your goal to lose 1/2 a pound weekly and in one year you'll feel awesome without having barely had to feel like you're restricting yourself.

    Feel free to add me if you want. I want to see you succeed.

    Wonderful post. I agree with every word.
  • svelt123
    svelt123 Posts: 173 Member
    :flowerforyou: NO! You are not at the end of your rope!! You can make this work! This is what I would try:

    Always make meals that you can make two meals from. Yours and His. Your plate will have more veggies and a smaller portion of what you made for him Or. you could make a meal for yourself using the same main meats that you used for his meals. Make a recipe for you from all of his "favorite" meals. but taylor it Just for you!! YOUR PLATE MEALS!! Be creative!!
    When you are at the grocery store think about your plate. ASk yourself What can I do with this meal to create my plate?
    Always have more fresh vegetables, beans, and whole wheat bread in the house just for you!

    Well, as for those Grown kids, you said it! They are grown!!! Let them figure it out for themselves!! Give them welcomed advice and then let them go on to make their own decisions. You have raised them to the best of your ability! Now, It is time for you to take better care of yourself. Keep a personal journal. Ask yourself what have you done for Yourself Today? Everyday take time to take care of yourself. Do not feel guilty for caring for yourself!. Love and know thy self!!!

    As. for that Husband of yours, If you truly love him and he truly loves you the two of you will make this work!..
    You can live the life that you deserve to live. Hopefully it will include having this man as your husband.

    Lastly, Welcome back! Welcome back to taking care and taking control of your life!!! Promise yourself, your soul, and to God that you will never forget to take time to take care of yourself. Mentally,Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually.

    We are only here for a little while. Live YOUR life!!!:flowerforyou:
  • naturallyme36
    naturallyme36 Posts: 155 Member
    Take charge of your life and accept that you gained the weight back because of choices that YOU made. You cannot account for your husband on judgement day so why are you accounting for him now? We as "foodies" sometimes overlook the big picture. Food will always be there and always be available but we don't have to be available to it. It's nobody's fault that YOU gained the weight. It's just something that happened while YOU enjoyed what YOU were doing. Own it and deal with it. We are all here to help you through this but the only way this can happen is if YOU own YOUR choices.