I've lost 19 pounds.. Apparently.



  • sallievp
    sallievp Posts: 33 Member

    I am the same! posted this pic to see if anyone can tell a differnece with me!! I know I look a little smaller but I have lost 31 pounds and cannot see it :ohwell:

    There is certainly a difference visible here.. well done!!

    Thanks you Giddy! you have made my day! :happy:
  • HI don't lose faith keep this mantra in your head and never give up.

    " It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing , 8 weeks for your friends and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. DON'T GIVE UP"
  • runlilyrun
    runlilyrun Posts: 140

    I am the same! posted this pic to see if anyone can tell a differnece with me!! I know I look a little smaller but I have lost 31 pounds and cannot see it :ohwell:

    I can see it, especially in your arms.
  • sallievp
    sallievp Posts: 33 Member

    I am the same! posted this pic to see if anyone can tell a differnece with me!! I know I look a little smaller but I have lost 31 pounds and cannot see it :ohwell:

    I can see it, especially in your arms.

    Thank you Run...I hated my arms soooo much before!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    I am the same! posted this pic to see if anyone can tell a differnece with me!! I know I look a little smaller but I have lost 31 pounds and cannot see it :ohwell:

    I can see it, especially in your arms.
    an d your chest, and your width, and your belly.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member

    I am the same! posted this pic to see if anyone can tell a differnece with me!! I know I look a little smaller but I have lost 31 pounds and cannot see it :ohwell:

    You look fantastic! A definite difference, well done!
  • mary29033
    mary29033 Posts: 11
    I think for me, at least, it's helpful to have a few smaller pieces of clothing around as mini "goals." I started with jeans that ran smaller than my other pairs - at 30 pounds gone, they now fit without having to do squats to stretch them out!

    Now I'm aiming to fit into a size smaller in my shirts. I tend to wear a certain Kohl's v-neck t most days to work, and I very optimistically bought one size smaller at times along the way and they've never fit. Now I'm getting close to them fitting just fine - in fact, I wore one the other day by mistake out shopping and only after wearing it for awhile did I realize I had one of the 1X on instead of my usual 2X.

    My next goal in a couple of pairs of shorts that have been too tight to wear - once those fit, I'll know I've really made progress!

    I've always said I feel like an anti-anorexic. I'd look in the mirror and not really see myself as fat. Not just overweight - but FAT. When I saw a family pic from Christmas this past year, I realized I was the largest person in my entire family - even looking bigger than my dad and my brother who are both pretty big guys!

    Enough, I said - and I have 32 pounds gone since 2/1.

    Just keep at it - you may not see it, but keep trying the smaller clothes you've bought in the past and set yourself some mini goals along the way. It's excellent incentive!
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    I feel the same after 28lbs, pics of me are a no no even when I wasn't big in 13 years the only pics of me and hubby are wedding ones and I instructed photographer not to follow me around to get pics of everyone else. When I look in mirror I look the same and my dress size hasn't changed although some of my larger sized stuff doesn't fit me now and stuff that was to tight now fits better plus have noticed my ankles,knees,shoulders and groin have gotten smaller so maybe look at the odd places lol
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    it is annoying when the pictures and the mirror don't look different, but it helps to focus on the fitness improvements
    or the consistency of your training, nutrition, etc. remember they are all imporant, along with rest, just as important as the gym session.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    take measurements of the same areas on your body every month, that way along with the scales going down you can see where the inches are being lost as well - that's a massive boost :)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I meant to say as well, that size loss seemed to speed up in relation to weight loss for me. It took a lot of weight loss to lose the first couple of dress sizes, but I'm still going down dress sizes even though weight loss is really slow. I seem to need to lose less pounds per dress size the smaller I get!
  • sukifr
    sukifr Posts: 70 Member
    Yeah me too!! I've lost 31lbs/14kgs and can't tell at all!!!!!

    I wish I looked as slim on the outside as I feel on the inside!
    I FEEL like I've lost weight, but can't see it when I look in the mirror. The inches are coming off when I measure myself once a month, but I don't SEE it.

    Some clothes feel baggy but then again I'm still wearing the same size clothes and then are still snug around the waist.
    Life is unfair :cry:

    I'm not gonna give up with it though - and neither should you!

    congratulations on your 19lbs, hang on in there!
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    OP - down 51 pounds and more critical of my body now than when I started. Intellectually, I know that I look and feel better. Emotionally, I am still the fit guy struggling to get out of the fat guy's body from time to time. Best of luck on continued success!
  • runlilyrun
    runlilyrun Posts: 140
    I meant to say as well, that size loss seemed to speed up in relation to weight loss for me. It took a lot of weight loss to lose the first couple of dress sizes, but I'm still going down dress sizes even though weight loss is really slow. I seem to need to lose less pounds per dress size the smaller I get!

    If you started in plus sizes, there's a reason for that - clothes are cut with smaller differences between the sizes at the lower end of the size range.
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    Hey everyone,

    So I weighed myself at the gym today, and I weigh 225. I started at 244. So although I am absolutely chuffed with my hard work and effort.. I don't look and feel like I've lost weight.

    I've still got huge thighs, and a fat stomach. I have noticed the clothes look slightly better on me, like my jeans look like they fit me better and t shirts feel better.. But when I take them off, I still look and feel fat. Does anyone else feel like this?

    I've lost 31 pounds and STILL feel this way!
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    You're probably going to notice it more with inches instead of pounds.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    The only way I'll feel like I've lost weight is for the gut fairy to come along and make mine disappear.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Hey everyone,

    So I weighed myself at the gym today, and I weigh 225. I started at 244. So although I am absolutely chuffed with my hard work and effort.. I don't look and feel like I've lost weight.

    I've still got huge thighs, and a fat stomach. I have noticed the clothes look slightly better on me, like my jeans look like they fit me better and t shirts feel better.. But when I take them off, I still look and feel fat. Does anyone else feel like this?

    I feel like that sometimes. I've lost 19 pounds as well. I can tell in some parts of my body (my love handles are disappearing, my collarbones are becoming more prominent, my bra bulge is disappearing, and my rib chub is slowing going away.) but not so much in other parts (my fat stomach, my thunder thighs, my flabby arms). I've just accepted it and decided in another 20-30 pounds I'm probably going to start focusing more on toning with strength training/weights than fat burn with cardio (which is my main focus right now).
  • ahiddenlink
    ahiddenlink Posts: 42 Member
    The only way I'll feel like I've lost weight is for the gut fairy to come along and make mine disappear.

    If you find this, please send them my way after you! I'm also along the lines of the OP, my weight is moving more slowly than the inches lost and I'm reasonably OK with that. Keeping measurements is just as important as the scale, especially if you are trying to become more athletic rather than just lose weight.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    I think for me, at least, it's helpful to have a few smaller pieces of clothing around as mini "goals." I started with jeans that ran smaller than my other pairs - at 30 pounds gone, they now fit without having to do squats to stretch them out!

    Now I'm aiming to fit into a size smaller in my shirts. I tend to wear a certain Kohl's v-neck t most days to work, and I very optimistically bought one size smaller at times along the way and they've never fit. Now I'm getting close to them fitting just fine - in fact, I wore one the other day by mistake out shopping and only after wearing it for awhile did I realize I had one of the 1X on instead of my usual 2X.

    My next goal in a couple of pairs of shorts that have been too tight to wear - once those fit, I'll know I've really made progress!

    I've always said I feel like an anti-anorexic. I'd look in the mirror and not really see myself as fat. Not just overweight - but FAT. When I saw a family pic from Christmas this past year, I realized I was the largest person in my entire family - even looking bigger than my dad and my brother who are both pretty big guys!

    Enough, I said - and I have 32 pounds gone since 2/1.

    Just keep at it - you may not see it, but keep trying the smaller clothes you've bought in the past and set yourself some mini goals along the way. It's excellent incentive!

    I have a pair of skinny jeans that used to fit before i got pregnant with my little monster, i keep them around just to see how close i am to fitting back into them. they were my favorite jeans.

    I've also picked out an outfit to wear to Warped Tour '13 that I hope to wear with the utmost confidence and not a bit of self-conscious worrying about "do i look like a disgusting whale?!" We'll see when we get there.