To fat to run?



  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I have 80lbs to lose and I have been jogging for the last couple of months. It started out slow, I would set a goal for myself, like joging to the next mailbox then I would walk till I recovered. Now I am running about 2 miles at a time. I have bad knees so its been a struggle, but I have found the more active I get the better my knees have felt.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    You won't be able to run fast or far, but if you can start with a light jog that will help to raise your heart rate and increase your cardiovascular fitness.

    I find that it's really easy to sprint and jog at 100 pounds. It's not hard on my body anymore, I don't get sore, my legs feel airy and light. It's a weird feeling.

    When I was 140 pounds I'd feel more of the weight on my knees, if that makes sense. At 118 pounds I noticed jogging was getting easier. But not as easy as it is now.

    Pick up two 25-pound dumbbells sometime and try walking with them for a couple of steps. That's the additional strain that is being placed on your knees. Same goes for weight training. When I see heavy women lifting smaller weights, I remember that they are probably lifting heavier than I am because they have a lot of extra pounds that add resistance. I also think that's why I don't see a lot of heavier, muscly guys jogging. They go slower and look like they're uncomfortable - even the super fit ones. Most runners are at the lower end of the healthy weight scale because it's hard to lug around more pounds than absolutely necessary.

    My advice would be to do some light jogging interspersed with power walking, and then supplement with something low impact like a stationary bike or the elliptical (resistance is key).

    Also, a trick for fast fat loss with less running is to try HIIT. Run as fast as you can for 30 seconds or one minute, then recover for two. Repeat until you're exhausted. Your total number of minutes running is less, but you've gotten a calorie torching workout that's better than a steady state jog.

    Best wishes
  • LittleSmurfX
    You can never be too fat to exercise, just make sure you talk to your doctor about it and see what help they could give you and start slowly, don't jump straight into a 10K run or anything (: good luck x
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Hi. I'm 50lbs overweight. Should I lose the pounds before starting jogging or jump right in? Thank you for any advice.

    My husband jogs short distances. He has over 100 pounds to lose.
  • Lorikorzen
    Lorikorzen Posts: 5 Member
    I started the C25K running program when I felt comfortable walking 2 miles. It was a hard fought battle and I had to repeat several weeks (including week 1 three times) but I finally got there. I will be running my first 5k on June 1st...I am so excited. One thing my weight loss journey has taught me is that you can do anything you want to do...just do it on YOUR schedule! Good luck!
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    I started the C25K running program when I felt comfortable walking 2 miles. It was a hard fought battle and I had to repeat several weeks (including week 1 three times) but I finally got there. I will be running my first 5k on June 1st...I am so excited. One thing my weight loss journey has taught me is that you can do anything you want to do...just do it on YOUR schedule! Good luck!

    You are my hero!!!