You Know You're Losing Weight When.....



  • justjennnie
    justjennnie Posts: 39 Member
    you do the "pants shimmy". wherein you pull up your pants with a bit of a shimmy because they keep slipping down. :-D
  • You start trying on every pair of jeans to find that only one pair fits anymore and that pair requires a belt! Never thought I'd be in a size 8 ever again but am so happy to be!
  • DankaCibulka
    DankaCibulka Posts: 91 Member
    When the first thing you do when you wake up is check MFP for updates.

  • MissJJ74
    MissJJ74 Posts: 111 Member
    Great replies all!

    I remembered a few more!

    When you're no longer winded by going up a flight of stairs.

    When you realize you have more energy than people younger than you.

    You're no longer tired all of the time because of the crap you used to eat.

    You can't find your back fat anymore.

    You realize you now have 1 little roll of fat on your belly instead of 2 and you miss being able to make your belly "talk".
  • theedge56
    theedge56 Posts: 64 Member
    I actually get cold now definitely not something I am used to. And I am still carrying extra insulation right now going to be interesting when I reach goal.
  • Camerann306
    Camerann306 Posts: 13 Member
    You're no longer tired all of the time because of the crap you used to eat.

    This and the loose underwear ring true for me.

    Also when you are finally able to look at yourself in the gym mirror during exercise because you are proud of and confident in yourself.
  • poorvifat
    poorvifat Posts: 21

    You drop a shoe size

  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    When you decide to take a bath (versus a shower) for the first time in 11 months... and your hips dont touch the sides of the tub anymore! Then you hop up, run into the kitchen to tell your hubby... not quite dried off, slip and fall, spraining your ankle and have to take a trip to the ER to make sure it isnt broken.. because it IS blue, and now swollen...

    True story. :/

    Try explaining that one to the 110 pound female doctor who did NOT understand and asked you to keep repeating your story, eyeballing your husband & then took him into the hall to confirm your story.. then asked me if she could run an alcohol test on me, (because of the medication i am on)

    REALLY WOMAN? I was just freaking happy... Not that you would understand what it feels like!

    Someone bring me a fat, female doctor please!! Geeze, what's a woman gotta do to get fair treatment around here??
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    Your wife says "You seemed bigger tonight!" BOOYA! :smokin: :smokin:
    Love it!!! :love: :wink: :laugh:
  • When your doctor wants to post your picture for being a star patient. She printed a graph of where I was when I started (prior to MFP) and I am down a total of 80lbs now.

    Have lost 4 pant sizes. I can jump without hurting myself! I can walk for a long, long time without getting winded. And best of all, my daughters said "mom, you have an hourglass figure!"
  • Iwntdatbodyback
    Iwntdatbodyback Posts: 1 Member
    Work pants keep falling down

    No belts fit

    No jeans To wear

    People ask if Im loosing weight

    Dropped a size

    Need new clothes

    Feel more energized.
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    you can now squeeze behind things to pick up something you lost instead of moving the item its stuck behind.

    Walking down the isles to get a seat in the middle of the theatre isn't so hard anymore.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Your butt doesn't take up the whole of the base of the bathtub anymore :)
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    You have to put ur most special ring from hubby on a chain and wear it around ur neck

    You have to rearrange which rings go on which fingers and some are so loose they are banished to the drawer.

    You look at urself in the mirror before putting ur pj's on and marvel at ur wrinkly belly which now has a big dent in it

    You keep playing with the bony parts of your shoulder joints coz u don't ever remember the tops of ur arms feeliing like this before

    Your stretch knickers that used to pull everything together are more inclined to creep downwards during the day

    You have already had one link taken out of ur watch strap and the damned thing is starting to slip again. Won't be too long before another link bites the dust.

    You develop a turkey gobble and can't wait for it to shrink away, that is if they do LOL (it's the loose skin under ur chin).
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    You get the courage to put a current photo on MFP profile.

    You don't dive over furniture to get out of the cameras line of site.
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    When you do t have to search through your closet for something to wear because everything fits you!
    When sex is super amazing because your not trying to hide your body.
    When you WANT to go outside in the hot sun and play with your kids instead of plopping them in front of the tv
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    You get the courage to put a current photo on MFP profile.

    You don't dive over furniture to get out of the cameras line of site.
  • IlyanaRose
    IlyanaRose Posts: 21 Member
    I had to buy new high heels because my old ones are too big now.

    I'm no longer 'the fat girl' in the photo.

    I can wear sexy dresses on a night out without feeling out of place.

    When I meet people I haven't seen since school they're genuinely surprised at how much better I look.
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    You can get through a Zumba class and not feeling like you want to die! AND you look forward to the next class and lots of other great workouts!
  • emd2570
    emd2570 Posts: 126 Member
    lol, I cant wear my wedding band until I either get a guard or get it made smaller!
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