Does Herbalife work??

So some people I know are trying out Herbalife and are loosing weight but aren't exercise...
I'm thinking its because they are quite large and are cutting calories and not eating the food they usually are??

I'm wanting to try it myself but is it just another corporate company making money off something I can easily make at home at a smaller price??

Any stories, advice or information would be a huge help. Thank you :)


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Herbalife only works by creating a calorie deficit. There are no magical weight loss ingredients. You can achieve the same results by eating less food (even if you don't exercise).
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I have not used Herbalife. This question comes quite often.
    If you click on the "Search" option of the menu> Home>Recent Post> My Topics> Settings> Search and type Herbalife you will find many existing postings.

    I copy here the most recent

    Good luck in your journey
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    I have not used Herbalife. This question comes quite often.
    If you click on the "Search" option of the menu> Home>Recent Post> My Topics> Settings> Search and type Herbalife you will find many existing postings.

    I copy here the most recent

    Good luck in your journey

    And short answer, no.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    It will lighten your bank account.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I tried their shakes before, I even bought 2 flavors. Biggest scam ever. Not that high protein and lots of sugar and it left me HUNGRY.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    It works in that if you follow the program, you will likely lose weight because it creates a calorie deficit. It is not, however, a miracle or magic. You can achieve the same (or better) results by eating sensibly and exercising. Eating well and exercising is a sustainable lifestyle and one that has many health benefits (apart from even having a healthy body). Using Herbalife will likely not lead to the same results.

    I did Herbalife several years ago, lost weight, and then put it all back on when I stopped (plus more). It is not a sustainable way to live, IMO. It does not teach you anything about portion control or healthy eating habits. It is also expensive.
  • lorrm
    lorrm Posts: 9 Member
    My gym has started selling Herbalife - I almost cried when I saw it.
    What happened to teaching people about nutritional values and portion control. Then I woke up & realised the gym is there to make money and benefits from people stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting.

    If there was a magic weight loss pill obesity would be a thing of the past!
  • bella_vista
    bella_vista Posts: 6 Member
    Ha! That is SOO funny, because it SOO true! Thanks for your witty insight. After a life time of trying this and that, I am a huge advocate for all natural, whole food eating. Balance is the only way to go, and there are no quick fixes for self control.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    It definitely didn't work for me. It cost me a lot of money, but no results at all!! And I was still hungry and didn't have any energy.
  • dcranson21
    dcranson21 Posts: 5
    Its so expensive!
    I keep telling them you can buy a gym membership for a few months or even a treadmill by the time you buy most of their products.

    Au natural is always best! ;)
  • My personal opinion, No type of diet works if you do not have willpower,
    I started going to a store herbalife, and you know why? I could never end up with a diet that beginning and I believe it is worth spending money with herbalife, I prefer to think I'm not paying for products but paying for the encouragement, support and control of the people you work in stores herbalife

    One important thing about the diet, we have to learn how and what types of food to eat and how much.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I wish I knew how to do gifs. I'd be banging my head on my keyboard.

    Are we still in the dark ages or what?
  • It's expensive, you need to have the other tablets with it not the shake alone. I paid $300 for a QuickStart pack 4 years ago lost 2kg in 3 days but due to guarana in it I hardly slept. Works though!
  • Yes it does. I have been on Hebalife for 2 months and I have lost weight and have gained leaned muscle. My body has completely transformed but its like any other diet. Consistency and dedication. No its not expensive either. I pay 100$ for the shake 2 times a day, vitamins, cellulose, tea, and cell activator. Comes out to less than 2$ per meal including the tea and the rest.
  • I'm using herbalife (a month now). I've added all the weight I lost. This is despite a dedicated nutritionist, spin class and weight training. It has worked for some people (per the nutritionist) but he's baffled by why I'm gaining despite my hormones being just fine. It is expensive - I spend more on herbalife than I usually do on regular meals. I'm giving it a try until my current supply runs out then going back to eating regular, healthy meals.
  • Rocky_ZG
    Rocky_ZG Posts: 70 Member
    It works only if you:
    - follow diet plan and balance your other meals
    - exercise (or at least walk more)

    I look HL only as practical solution for replacement meals, so that I don't have to worry about preparing breakfast/dinner and think about meal balance.
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    It works in terms of losing weight, but so do other approaches to weight loss. It's just giving you some meal replacement options with all of the macros/micros you need. It's better to educate yourself on how to lose weight without a program - this way you won't become dependent upon some program or product.

    I have to admit, their sales reps are really into it. It seems really fake and cheesy to me...but you can't argue with the money they're making.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You can't make it at home, you can try other meal shakes or make smoothies but I can tell you right now from personal experience when I was making smoothies with the same calorie count as herbalife shakes twice a day I wasn't losing any weight like I am now with herbalife.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Its so expensive!
    I keep telling them you can buy a gym membership for a few months or even a treadmill by the time you buy most of their products.

    Au natural is always best! ;)

    You can't outrun a poor diet.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    You can't make it at home, you can try other meal shakes or make smoothies but I can tell you right now from personal experience when I was making smoothies with the same calorie count as herbalife shakes twice a day I wasn't losing any weight like I am now with herbalife.

    Then you're doing something else that limits your calories now more than when you were making shakes at home. Likely you were underestimating calories in the homemade shakes, or eat more some other way.

    Weight loss happens when you eat at a calorie deficit. Doesn't matter where the calories come from. Herbalife is not so magical that it defies the laws of physics and makes calories disappear into the ether from your fat stores.