30 Day Squat Challenge



  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I am on day 17 of the squat challenge, and i am definitely noticing a difference! my butt is smaller and firmer, and I love it! I didn't think it'd work or be noticeable but it definitely is. it's hard but you won't regret it!

    Thank you for the encouragement
  • Da1stLady
    Da1stLady Posts: 4 Member
  • Mcarpowich
    Mcarpowich Posts: 5 Member
    My husband and I are on day 11 of the 30 squat and 30 day crunch challenge. It is going well so far. :smile:
  • mandagrl1
    mandagrl1 Posts: 20
    Finished this challenge today. I really noticed a difference in my strength and stamina. Day one was tougher than day 30! My butt and legs are certainly more toned now. I am going to try and incorporate squats into my daily routine from now on.

    Today I am starting the 30 day crunch challenge in it's place. :) Just took waist measurements to see how it goes.
  • Shiconia
    Shiconia Posts: 2
    Im excited... I will start today an see how it goes!
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I started and ouchhhh
  • Its not a terrible place to start.

    Its not going to do that much for you in terms of muscular hypertrophy (getting bigger muscles), but it can be beneficial. When you do body weight squats make damn sure your form is perfect (no rounding of the back, no knee valgus, core is tight, ect). After you finish the 30 day squat challenge I would strongly recommend doing 5x5s with weight (a back squat). That is really going add muscle to your quads, adductors (inner thigh), glutes (*kitten*), and hamstrings. It will make your butt more perky and a lot firmer which guys love.

    Also you should squat as low as possible, don't worry about knees over toes, that doesn't matter at all.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    Its not a terrible place to start.

    Its not going to do that much for you in terms of muscular hypertrophy (getting bigger muscles), but it can be beneficial. When you do body weight squats make damn sure your form is perfect (no rounding of the back, no knee valgus, core is tight, ect). After you finish the 30 day squat challenge I would strongly recommend doing 5x5s with weight (a back squat). That is really going add muscle to your quads, adductors (inner thigh), glutes (*kitten*), and hamstrings. It will make your butt more perky and a lot firmer which guys love.

    Also you should squat as low as possible, don't worry about knees over toes, that doesn't matter at all.

    Thank you. I've been doing cardio and strength training to try to get rid of this fat around my midsection and thighs hopefully this starts to help my thighs and butt
  • bettepower
    bettepower Posts: 73 Member
    Do we have to do them all at once? Or does it count to do 50 in the morning and 50 in the evening? Or even after a rest?
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    Do we have to do them all at once? Or does it count to do 50 in the morning and 50 in the evening? Or even after a rest?

    I've been doing them in a row but am thinking by the end I'll want to split them up.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I keep starting it and then forgetting somewhere around day 4 (the rest day) I just keep taking rest days. lol:blushing:

    I skipped on day 5 on an accident (I forgot after my rest day too) but kept on with day 6 so I don't know if I'm going to take a rest day later or what
  • ttiffytiff
    ttiffytiff Posts: 1 Member
    I started the 30 day challenge last night (big accomplishment)! Has anyone seen bigger results or just toned and tightened?
  • DanaeMonique
    DanaeMonique Posts: 41 Member
    I started the 30 day challenge last night (big accomplishment)! Has anyone seen bigger results or just toned and tightened?

    I acutally finished my 30 daysquat challenege last Thursday and I noticed results! I have before and after pictures but I am a little embarrased to post on here, since I am wearing underwears, BUT i did start the "Booty Builder Challenge" on Friday and I took a "before" picture in workout pants, I will for sure, post an after when im done! :)
  • DanaeMonique
    DanaeMonique Posts: 41 Member
    I started the 30 day challenge last night (big accomplishment)! Has anyone seen bigger results or just toned and tightened?

    I noticed toned and results and butt lifted up!
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    I started the 30 day challenge last night (big accomplishment)! Has anyone seen bigger results or just toned and tightened?

    I noticed toned and results and butt lifted up!

    I agree. My legs look more toned already.
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    I just started 3 days ago. I'm also walking alot uphill after work and incorporating better eating habits. I'm so excited to see some results. This post is not too old so I thought I would check in with everyone and see how they did on their challenge.
  • Hi all,
    I'm new here but on day 20! Was looking for ways to maintain beyond 10 days time.

    I ought to do the ab one as now my rear is taking shape but a not so nice belly lol.

    How's everyone doing??
  • Hey girls! So I'm also doing the squat challenge! I did 60 yesterday and 100 today. I just wanted to know if the squat challenge makes your legs and thighs thinner ?! I've heard that a lot and I definitely do not want that! I want thicker and toned legs and thighs. Also does it make your butt bigger or does it only lift it ???? Thankyouuuuu (:
  • emilyclare
    emilyclare Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, i'm on day 3 and my legs are hurting but I'm sure it will get easier! I use an app called Squat 365 which makes sure you do them properly, it really helps me. I am thinking of starting the 30 day plank next week and then 30 day crunch the week after. Does anyone know what you do to mantain the results once the 30 days are over? Also do squats do anything for inner thighs? Good luck everyone!!!
  • BoxerLover96
    BoxerLover96 Posts: 82 Member
    Do we have to do them all at once? Or does it count to do 50 in the morning and 50 in the evening? Or even after a rest?

    I take a 10 second break after completing every 50 at once and then go at it again. If I can do more than 50 then I will...but my break is never longer than 10 seconds.

    I'm on Day 9 - I'm only using 5lb weights with my squats.