Weight loss and boob loss



  • Salekdarling
    Salekdarling Posts: 19 Member
    I went from a 42DD to a 38D and have feel that it's not so much that I've "lost my boobs" as it is they've deflated. They were never perky to begin with (were really just rather saggy and looked best when in a bra) but now they're still saggy and just a hell of a lot flatter. I don't necessarily want implants when I'm done, but I wouldn't mind a boob lift so that what is there can be where it's supposed to be (i.e. my chest and not halfway down my belly!)

    Upper body workouts are awesome at giving you a lift! :) Working on the muscles in your back, shoulders and chest definitely makes a difference in how your breasts look, naked or not. Good luck.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    I understand how you feel...I was always small chested, (especially in comparison to my butt) and after I lost the weight the little I had went with it.

    I did try and come to terms with it and accept it, which I did for a while. However, I've decided to change it for myself.

    I'll officially have D's in 16 days :drinker:

    creeper alert...


    Haha, I doubt MFP is the right place to post pictures of my enhanced boobs online, if I ever were to
  • Hschoon1
    Hschoon1 Posts: 20
    Femininity is not defined by bust size; there's more beauty to you than the size of your breasts. Take pride in what you've accomplished, and don't worry about the chest. As a size AA for my entire life (regardless of weight, regardless of height), I can promise you that you will still be beautiful inside and out. Try not to be discouraged, we're all rooting for you.
  • anxietygirl
    anxietygirl Posts: 70 Member
    At my skinniest I was a 36C, boobwise. I was a 36C FOREVER and honestly I would LOVE to get back to that (38D right now). I liked the way they looked then, and I didn't have nearly the back pain (although general lack of fitness probably contributes to back issues). I am kinda looking forward to the boob loss people keep talking about!

    Although I'm not looking forward to having to get measured again or dropping 200$+ on enough decent bras my new size :(

    I feel for you! I would kind of think of it as just part of what you have to do to be healthier, I guess, although I know it doesn't really help. One of my friends who went from C (almost D) down to a B when she lost lots of weight said she kind of comforted herself with being able to wear tops that had built-in bras again without looking ridiculous.
  • Miss_Krissy87
    Miss_Krissy87 Posts: 214 Member
    Don't feel bad my boobs got alot smaller to but I never really had big boobs to begin with so maybe that is why it don't bother me so much. I am more of a booty type of person I hate that my booty got smaller but I am working on that. You will be fine!
  • ElenakiFra
    ElenakiFra Posts: 62 Member
    Lost 20 kgs from size 3 to size 1 ....they are saggy too :/
    I feel your pain! Nothing to do about them but i enjoy more my body now even without decent breast size.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    The way I see it... I've spent most of my life with good sized boobs, but never really in shape.

    I can always pay to fix up my girls if need be. But you can't pay someone to shape up your body the way weight lifting/working out with a good diet can. To me they're worth losing as long as it gets me the healthy, strong, fit body I've always wanted.

    Note to self... research good boob doctors. :wink:

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  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    While I can't relate (34D at 120 lbs, 36DD at 150ish) I will say that if bothers you that much there are ways to fix it. There is nothing wrong with bust enhancement if its something that will make you feel good and improve your body image. My mother has been saving for a lift and increase for a little while (Five pregnancies and six children have left her unhappy with them) and this year she's getting it done and is thrilled.

    If it makes you happy, why not?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I prefer the lean fit look. That doesn't come with big boobs (naturally anyway). I'm okay with it.

    Boobs are over rated. You didn't do any thing to earn them. All women have them in some form or another. Why are they so special? I mean they can feed babies, which is awesome, but they can do that regardless of size. Big ones might fill out a dress or swimsuit better but there are a lot of other dresses and suits that look good without big boobs. Sure, some men prefer big boobs, but small ones aren't usually a deal breaker when they come with an otherwise desirable woman. Totally over rated.
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    An augmentation is going to be the icing on the cake once I reach my goal weight and lean muscle definition (and have better income). Until then, Victoria's Secret's miraculous bras are my best friend.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I agree with other posters that said to get measured and buy a pretty bra that fits. It will make you feel a little bit better. If you haven't been measured at a Victoria Secret in the last few years, go there. I'm pretty sure they do vanity sizing, which for me helps, even though I know what they're doing. I went from a 36C to a 34B and was having mixed feelings about it. However, I just got measured at VS and was told I am a 32 DD. I knew it was size magic/marketing on their part meant to make me feel good and pay extra for a bra, BUT it worked. I did in fact feel good about it and happily paid twice as much for a bra that has the letters DD on the tag : )

    Sorry, but I have to say if you want to actually have a good fitting bra DO NOT go to VS they don't know how to fit they don't even carry that many sizes. Heck when you look at their ads most of the models in their own bras don't even fit properly. They don't even carry many smaller band sizes with larger cups ehich is crazy considering how many women are getting implants these days so small ribcage and larger cups would seem to be more common. Skip them!

    Biggest thing I learned was about the center needing to sit flatly against your rib cage I had NEVER had that before. Norstoms has the BEST fitters of any mainstream retailer I have been to. I went as a 36DDD and came out a 34H...I'm just saying they know their stuff!

    The BEST fitting article:

    I love VS bras


    Mine are definitely getting smaller as I cut my body fat, I dont mind though as the rest of my body is looking better as well.
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I have never had much in the way of boobage, but when I started losing weight I was filling out a b-cup nicely. When I lost some weight (through cardio and diet) I was upset cos my boobs just disappeared altogether. It was hard to deal with and I considered putting weight back on to fill them out again. Thankfully I made the right desision to start strength training, and lose the body fat, and I must say that the leaner I get the more in proportion I feel. I'm no longer "skinny fat" and this has really helped me come to terms with my lack of boobs.
  • endlesswonderr
    endlesswonderr Posts: 91 Member
    It happened to me as well. :( Before I started my weight loss, I had a decent b cup. now it's a more borderline a, b cup. I was really bummed out about, and still am sometimes, but to compensate the rest of my body looks a lot better (especially my bum :3 ), so I've learnt to deal with and embrace it.
  • Ellewijo
    Ellewijo Posts: 15 Member
    I've notice mine deflating quicker this time on my weightloss plan than any other. I've had 2 children so even though they went up with weight, they deflate at a rate that is a little too rapid compared to the rest of me!

    My focus has been to get a new professionally fitted bra and I slipped into a top that 1 month ago cut me into pieces. After the initial feeling of my confidence slipping, I looked to the last time I could wear that top. It was 18 months ago when I met my other half and before the contentment set in. I'll always be a little upset as I appreciated the curves I had, I'm glad to have the feeling of confidence being restored with my health and finally taking some time back away from the family to put into me myself and I again.

    All this being said, I will not feel the same when my butt disappears and maybe then my books will look more proportionate :-)

    It's positive to take the time to notice the changes happening and hopefully as you continue to invest the time in yourself, you will appreciate all of you when you reach your goal, so bet wishes in your transformation :-)
  • poor boobies :frown:
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    At your young age I understand how important your breasts are. Do like someone suggested and get a new, well fitting bra.

    Have you had children? If not, then dont fret. They will get bigger when you do. A size C doesn't sound little to me. that's what I am now and mine are not small.

    If nothing else, start saving for a new pair and get a boob job. In the mean time, enjoy your slim pretty body, and get a push-up bra!!
  • lollyish
    lollyish Posts: 75 Member
    I was a 16E now I am a 10C (Australian sizes here). At first I was a bit upset - but I just kept telling myself, I would rather be toned and fit then fat with boobs. Besides. As a treat, when I get to my goal weight I will purchase a new set of beautiful, non sagging, round boobs ;)
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I know how you feel. Or at least I used to. I had a boob job though, so they'll stay a full C / small D no matter what. I am very happy, but I know that solution is not optimal for everyone.
    Before I had them done I was mostly unhappy when I had gained weight, because I am a pear shape and my breasts didn't grow, but my thighs and hips did. Most likely you have started losing weight on top but not the others areas yet so you feel a bit out of proportion. All I can say is keep going, once you lose the rest, you'll probably feel better. Look at some of the slim women out there with small breasts - like Miranda Kerr - they look great.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    At your young age I understand how important your breasts are. Do like someone suggested and get a new, well fitting bra.

    Have you had children? If not, then dont fret. They will get bigger when you do. A size C doesn't sound little to me. that's what I am now and mine are not small.

    If nothing else, start saving for a new pair and get a boob job. In the mean time, enjoy your slim pretty body, and get a push-up bra!!

    I wonder how much larger they get when I have kids...this might make me re-evaluate my size choice.

    I am planning on having large boobs, but I don't want to be walking around with them right below my chin...
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    When I started, my bust measurement was 42" and I wore a 36DD. Now I'm a about a 32D/34C and my measurement is 32", so I've lost 10" around my bust!

    I really don't mind at all though, it's just never bothered me. I am actually happier with the size of my breasts now because I can easily fit into bathing suits, dresses, and tops, and before it was hard!

    But, if you are really worried about it, I don't think there's anything wrong with maintaining your weight now instead of losing another 10 pounds...the point is to be happy with your body and it's completely up to you to decide when you've reached that point!