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MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
"WARNING THIS POST CONTAINS THINGS OF A GRAPHIC NATURE" If you don't want to be offended please don't continue to read...

I'm almost in tears writing this, it has been 5 days of pure misery! for 2 days I took milk of magnesia, nothing, so went to the ER, they gave me an enema, only moved part of the lower bowl, but only on one side, told me to take magnesium citrate or something.. Bought a bottle of that, drank it, nothing...Went to the dr he told me to take some miralax... I'm not a rocket scientist.. But I am starting to think that there is something wrong if nothing is working??????????? They took an xray and said it was built up and gas on top of it, but said he would send it to a radiologist to look at because he saw something else in question that didn't know what it was... I don't know what to do.. All I know is I am in pain.... And nothing is working... Would you go back to the ER and demand a CT scan to make sure there is no obstruction or something? I don't really care for this hospital here, but don't have the money to get to another one right now...


  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    I hope you're drinking a TON of water while doing all this? You sound impacted and yes, you should go back if you've taken all that and still not moved your bowels. No matter what, you need to be GUZZLING water to help loosen the stool and get you moving again. It won't be comfortable (you'll feel full) but you need to sip it constantly, if you have to.
  • SarahFitness77
    SarahFitness77 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I would either go back to the hospital or contact another doctor right away. If you are in pain, they need to help you figure out what's wrong. Good luck, and I hope things return to normal soon!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    How long has this been going on? What all have you tried?

    Most of my friends that have had digestive issues were diagnosed with a colonoscopy. I don't know how much info can be obtained from a CT scan.

    Personally, most of my constipation issues are resolved by drinking a lot of water, eating fiber, and taking a probiotic. Of course, it sounds like your issue is more serious.

    How did the Miralax work? Usually that works on me, and it is gentle enough... but I try not to overuse laxatives.

    If you hate the hospital near you, drive to another one if you are in pain. If it's just some built up pressure, you might be able to work through, but if it hurts or you find yourself bleeding, or having a dark substance coming out, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

    I know it sucks to go to a doctor and get probed by someone you don't trust. If one doctor isn't helpful, go find another one.
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    yes I have been drinking lots and lots of water.. more than I usually do on any other days... :(
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    No advice to offer...but lots of sympathy. Hope you're feeling better soon!
  • alericmckearn
    alericmckearn Posts: 9 Member
    Look up diverticulitis. And remember, you know your body better than anyone else. If you feel something is seriously wrong, go back to any ER and don't take no for an answer. Good luck.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Go back to the ER. demand one, If you are in pain that is a huge warning sign.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    my buddy had a colonic where they flush water into your colon. that might work. i personally would eat more fiber and eat a handful of tums to calm the pain

    i also remember talking to someone the other day who had celiac disease. i was telling her how bad my protein farts were getting. she had mentioned that too much iron can cause excessive gas and recommended i have a probiotic like yogurt, instead of my usual spinach.
  • eva512
    eva512 Posts: 92 Member
    What did the radiologist say? I personally always have a problem going so 5 days doesn't seem to long. After reading your profile. I would say absolutely go to hospital.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I would go back.

    My deepest sympathies to you. I cannot imagine being in your situation. :(
  • bjrocks0731
    bjrocks0731 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been going through something similar lately. I did speak w/ a dr about it (I just switched practices) and she too suggested miralax, but it only made my symptoms worse. After carefully examining my diet, she suggested that I could have a gluten sensitivity and that I get backed up because my system doesn't know how to process it properly. I started drinking lemon water (water w/ a lemon squeezed into it) and loading up on fruits/veggies and activia, I've also been gluten free the last 3 days.....not only am I finally getting things going again, but I have lost 2 lbs since in the 3 days I was gluten free and all pains (I was having bloating/back pns) are just about gone. I don't know if it'll work for you or not, but I figured I'd definitely let you know. :) Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member
    I hope all is well. My friends pops just went through this and i wont tell his story cause one, he isnt you and two no need to make you panic. guy is 74 and couldnt go to that bathroom for three days.

    Just for everyone else. dont ever let yourself go 2 days without going #2.

    to op, hope all is well, dont leave the hospital till you are cleared. let them run the tests, let them find out why you havent gone to that bathroom in 5 days. Were you drinking laxative to lose weight? over doing the fiber? not eating? there are a ton of reasons this could be happening, let them run the barium test to see where you are blocked and get the ol' camera in the *kitten* test as well.
  • missymere
    missymere Posts: 15 Member
    This may not be helpful now, but in the future (once you get things moving again) please try adding flax seed and chia seeds into your diet. I have been in your position a handful of times, and the only thing keeping me out of it is 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt, 1 T chia seeds, 2 T milled flax seed, strawberries and 1/4 cup walnuts. I eat this everyday. Also, try 2 cups of black coffee on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and make sure you have a BM before eating your breakfast. This will keep your out of trouble. It is much easier to move your bowels without food in your stomach.

    Also, since it has been days since you've had any relief, it is quite likely that you have lots of backup. May be worth asking a doc for GOLYTELY. It is what they use to prep people before surgery, to make sure they are cleaned out. When I was in the hospital for impaction, this is what they gave me. Worked like a charm. Hope you find relief soon.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    I'm sorry you don't feel well. Hopefully the doctors will look at the test results further. I use to have that problem where I would only go like once a week. Sounds insane & then when I would, I would irritate my bowel. I can't see your diary, but I make sure that I am over on my fiber daily & include high fiber snacks like Kellogs - Fiber Plus Antioxidants snack bars, apples, prunes or even a bowl of shredded wheat cereal. That along with a lot of water a day & I have been regular daily. If you are not well very soon, I would seek further medical attention.
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    i have had constipation in the past, but the milk of magnesia was enough to clear it up, this is to the point of ridiculous to me, yes the enema they gave me at the er was a water and soap one.. for the person that mentioned that, The radiologist will prob get it tomorrow or the next day.. They are really slow here.. I am waiting for a nurse to call me back and see what she says... The dr at the Er that gave me the enema said for sure I would be going allllll day after taking that magnesium stuff.. yeah right.. not.. .
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    I had this problem after I had my first son. The only thing that helped (and I certainly don't suggest this for anyone else) was a large chocolate shake from Baskin Robbins.

    Maybe, if you go back, you can request a suppository. I had to have that after my second son.
  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    My daughter had the same issues. She has to take Miralax & Mineral Oil everyday. After that and lots of enemas and suppositories and a change in her diet, she is finally no longer backed up. Its miserable seeing her in pain like that so I can kinda understand how your feeling. Hope they get it figured out and taken care of soon & you start feeling better
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    This may not be helpful now, but in the future (once you get things moving again) please try adding flax seed and chia seeds into your diet. I have been in your position a handful of times, and the only thing keeping me out of it is 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt, 1 T chia seeds, 2 T milled flax seed, strawberries and 1/4 cup walnuts. I eat this everyday. Also, try 2 cups of black coffee on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and make sure you have a BM before eating your breakfast. This will keep your out of trouble. It is much easier to move your bowels without food in your stomach.

    Also, since it has been days since you've had any relief, it is quite likely that you have lots of backup. May be worth asking a doc for GOLYTELY. It is what they use to prep people before surgery, to make sure they are cleaned out. When I was in the hospital for impaction, this is what they gave me. Worked like a charm. Hope you find relief soon.

    thanks I will write that down
  • lrbassmom
    lrbassmom Posts: 123
    Have you tried Colace? It's a stool softener that works by drawing water into the stool. It may take a couple of days if it's that bad, chugging water all day with it is absolutely necessary. I'm surprised the hospital didn't suggest it. I've also used an herbal tea called Smooth Move. It's put out by Traditional Medicinals. Your local Whole Foods or health food store should have it.

    Good Luck with this problem, I know you have to be absolutely miserable.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    Go back, NAO.

    It could be something really minor, but it doesn't sound like it. If you don't like this hospital, go to an urgent care or another hospital, urgent care is usually faster and cheaper and they can mostly do the same thing a hospital can, but it sounds like you need some tests and hospitalization to fix the issue.

    I had a similar problem back in February and after tests and blood work they found nothing, even though I was on my couch crying and screaming in pain curled up in a ball.

    I wish you the best of luck. Go get some help, now.