Why did you start?



  • SlenderKimber
    SlenderKimber Posts: 12 Member
    Lets see, where do I begin:
    to be healthy,
    to be able to paint my toenails comfortably,
    to be able to see what I'm shaving,
    to be able to tuck in a shirt,
    to not be afraid to uncover at the beach,
    to feel comfortable with my body,
    to wear all those clothes in the back of my closet,
    to be able to walk 3 flights of stairs without feeling like I'm dying,
    to be a good example to my children,
    so my mom would quit telling me I need to lose weight,
    to get rid of my double chin (no more giraffe neck in pictures).....I could go on forever! LOL
  • Bigtuna2011
    Bigtuna2011 Posts: 14
    I've been fat since I was 3 till present day. I wanted to make a change not only in my appearance but what I think of myself and of what others think of me and I basically had to tell myself, "If you don't respect your body, don't ask anybody to respect you as a person." Honestly.

    Plus females love a guy with confidence, and that's what I'm building on.
  • Tamm04
    Tamm04 Posts: 182 Member
    I also realized I needed to be an example for my two daughters. As well as I wanted to look good! For myself mainly, and for my husband to have a wife in healthy shape like he is.
  • k35cunning
    k35cunning Posts: 13 Member
    Lets see, where do I begin:
    to be healthy,
    to be able to paint my toenails comfortably,
    to be able to see what I'm shaving,
    to be able to tuck in a shirt,
    to not be afraid to uncover at the beach,
    to feel comfortable with my body,
    to wear all those clothes in the back of my closet,
    to be able to walk 3 flights of stairs without feeling like I'm dying,
    to be a good example to my children,
    so my mom would quit telling me I need to lose weight,
    to get rid of my double chin (no more giraffe neck in pictures).....I could go on forever! LOL

    You took the reasons out of my mouth.
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    Because my DP is naturally thin, his whole family is and I stand out like a sore thumb when I am around them.
    Because I know my kids will probably have to "work" at being a healthy weight due to my genetics so I want them to grow up knowing that exercise, sports and fitness is a normal natural part of life not something that only crazy people do.
    Because I am vain, I like to look good and I don't at the moment. I am fat, with a double chin, and bingo wing arms and cellulite and a gut!!
    Because I want to be a runner damn it!
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    I got tired of being tired.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    Just felt my body needs a boost again. I'm trying to get 115-120 pounds, it's just a confidence booster for me.
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I have been so busy for the last 5 years care taking 4 elderly parents with varying degrees of dementia, that I really neglected my own health and it shows. Now that 2 have passed away and I have gotten help for the other two it is time for me to do something for myself before it is too late.

    High blood pressure
    70 lbs overweight
    bad knees
    weak ankles
    plantar fasciitis in left foot
    extreme exhaustion

    These are my reasons, and after just two weeks I am already feeling better. I am so glad I found this site.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Lets see, where do I begin:
    to be healthy,
    to be able to paint my toenails comfortably,
    to be able to see what I'm shaving,
    to be able to tuck in a shirt,
    to not be afraid to uncover at the beach,
    to feel comfortable with my body,
    to wear all those clothes in the back of my closet,
    to be able to walk 3 flights of stairs without feeling like I'm dying,
    to be a good example to my children,
    so my mom would quit telling me I need to lose weight,
    to get rid of my double chin (no more giraffe neck in pictures).....I could go on forever! LOL

    Yep!! Me too!!
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    This past March I was sitting with my husband on the couch when he begins to rub me. He makes the innocent comment, "Yeah, side boob", I look at him almost in tears and say, "No, back fat." At that point I knew I had a serious problem and needed to get a handle of it.
  • lcoelho84
    lcoelho84 Posts: 16 Member
    Because I no longer
    "just had a baby" or am eating for two. because i had gestational diabetes with pregnancy number two, and two of my grandparents have developed type 2 diabetes..
    because nothing fit and i was grumpy and had no energy. because i didnt feel sexy .. because i look back at pictures years ago and thought.. wow it would be nice to look like tha tagain! because i just had a birthday and next year ill be the big 3-0 and i didnt want to be "old" and fat...
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    Mainly because at my second-to-last regular checkup, the numbers started getting wrong: my BP was high and I had to start taking a diuretic, my cholesterol was high and rising (only slightly high, though, so no meds), fasting insulin was slightly high, and my liver enzymes were off. And I weighed more than 250 lbs.

    After losing close to 60 lbs. everything is back in the normal range and my Dr. just took me off the diuretic.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    So rude little snot nosed kids with no manners stop saying "That lady is really fat" as if I can not hear them....Teach your kids manners people!

    Also so I can become a pin up girl :D
    So I can have another baby!
    So I can go in public and not feel like I just walked out of a circus!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Because I don't want to spend the rest of my twenties fat.
  • tmblastquads
    Competing in bodybuilding show in fall 2014..or could be pushed back to 2015
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    #1 reason for me: High blood pressure. I have it and don't want it. I want off the meds for it. I'm not getting any younger and my family has a history of diabetes, cancer, heart disease. Yeah, I want to look better, but that's icing on the cake for me. I want to *feel* better and *be* healthier. I want to be able to take care of my family. So I started researching foods, figured out what I want is real food, avoiding or reducing the over processed stuff, then found MFP to figure out the rest. I still have a long way to go, but I"ll get there. :wink:
  • adamcbedford

    to get rid of my double chin (no more giraffe neck in pictures)

    I love this! The awful double chin in family pictures was definitely one of my issues too.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Got on the scale at the dr. office and didn't like the number.
    Also, both parents and one grandparent were diabetic.
    Had gestational diabetes myself.
    BP creeping ever higher..........115/65 now after 21lbs. lost
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Every pair of pants I put on enhanced a muffin top I didn't realize I had. Then those pants no longer fit...
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Because I theoretically have abdominal muscles I'd like to see some day.

    Because it was either lose weight or buy bigger clothes.

    Because arthritis is annoying enough without adding extra weight (and less flexibility) on top of my joints.

    Because I want people to go "ooh!" rather than "eww!" if my shirt is off in public.

    Because exercise releases endorphins that combat depression, which is cheaper than Prozac et al.

    EDIT: Because the picture on my ID looked like I was having some sort of anaphylactic shock reaction to a bee sting or something, merely by smiling and ducking my chin to reduce the glare on my glasses.