Anyone not counting sodium?



  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I don't track it, but I don't eat a lot of foods that are notoriously high in sodium, either. When I do eat a high sodium food, it's because I am seriously craving salt.

    This. I'm aware of it in general more than I actually track it.
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I do not track it either but dont add it to food and try to stay away from processed foods. I can tell if it really is to much in diet that has not been released in exercise u how my rings fit. I usually am over some not a huge amount daily and alos in protein but over all am meeting all my goals and MD likes choices so I just put it where I don't see sodium on computer and ignore on phone.
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    I don't track it exactly, but I do try to steer clear of high-sodium foods and opt for reduced-sodium version of the few processed foods I buy.
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 343 Member
    i do not....I should...but I don't! I do drink a lot ...A LOT of water .......
  • ThomasDomen
    ThomasDomen Posts: 5 Member
    Drinking enough water should keep it in check. Besides, I remember all the crap I ate before starting this. Going over a thousand milligrams once in a while doesn't come close to my former intake!
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    I don't track it, but I prepare all my foods from scratch and know if it's going to be relatively high or not. I'm aware, but not concerned about sodium.
  • timandjocelyn
    timandjocelyn Posts: 21 Member
    No but I went and checked out my food log and I seem to be doing OK. I have a hard time keeping track of my calories and exercises each day. Thank god I don't have to start tracking that too.
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I don't actively track it or attempt to modify my intake. Occasional checks on my total as tracked here suggests it averages neither disturbingly low or worryingly high. So I don't pay much attention.

    It's not clear that restricting salt is medically helpful for the general population.
    This article is worth reading very carefully.. It links to the actual text of the study if you don't want the findings filtered by a journalist.
  • WonTaunTaun
    WonTaunTaun Posts: 87 Member
    What's a sodium?

    Haha. That's great! :glasses:
  • xcmtnracer
    xcmtnracer Posts: 426 Member
    Always over on sodium but guessing hours of sweat is the balance.
  • WonTaunTaun
    WonTaunTaun Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks everyone! I drink nothing but water (with a rare soda here and there) and do well sticking to my calories. I also walk every day, some days bigger cal burns than others. Think I'm going to cut sodium some slack. :drinker:
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm not tracking it at all. Don't care.

    This :drinker:
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I don't track it.

    I have a healthy renin/angiotensin/aldosterone system going and drink a lot of water.

    If I eat a lot of sodium, I'm not surprised if the scale is up a few pounds immediately afterwards, and then returns to normal in a day or two. No big deal.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I, personally, ignore both sugar and sodium because, frankly, I don't give a damn. I'm almost always over, to varying degrees, so its not worth getting all twisted up over.

    I do pay attention to Protein, Fiber, Fat, and Carbs.
  • Agree. There is no need to track your sodium unless you have a medical condition.

    Potassium intake works in conjunction with sodium ... sodium stores fluid, while potassium expells it.

    I have become a fan of baked potatoes with a low cal topping because of this. :drinker:

    Me too! Baked potatoes w/low cal topping is one of my favorite go-to meals! Anything potato really. And I love salty foods so I really just can't track sodium. I don't have any medical condition to worry about. Last blood work all good, so I just worry about staying within my daily calories. :-)
  • majasmi
    majasmi Posts: 133 Member
    i dont count sodium. in my opinion, it is not as important as focusing on protein, carb, fat macros.
  • dazygrl02
    dazygrl02 Posts: 10 Member
    I personally do not, I also had to stop attempting to track sugars. It just made me frustrated. Of course, I don't usually go over on sodium...not that I log the salt in all my recipes.
  • caffeinated_frog
    caffeinated_frog Posts: 86 Member
    I try not to worry about it, in fact my dr. said that eating more salt might help raise my blood pressure. *Might*, being the operative word. If I go over on one day, I drink water the next. I even saw an article in the newspaper the other day that extremely low sodium intake actually causes more harm long term. Something to do with heart damage, I could try and find it if needed. Anyhoo, it doesn't bother me any more than going over on my sugars, which if I'm eating a lot of fruit in a day I can easily go over what MFP says I should be eating. I'm not going to stop doing that any more than I'm going to stop eating sourdough bread (which has a fair amount of sodium in it).
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I pay SOME attention to it, just because I usually get bloated if I have way too much...but that's about it. If you find yourself obsessing over it, maybe just ignore it for a while and see how you do? Just make sure you drink enough water and you'll be fine!
  • I think it is terrible you don't have a farmer's market in your vicinity. Poke around a bit this Summer. I bet you can find good produce at good prices.