C25K--Starting August 1



  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    woohoo, I did my first C25k workout last night and didn't die!! i actually did the whole workout just like they said! I was very surprised I did it all! It was awesome and made me feel like I can acheive this goal!!! Thank you God for answering my prayers and giving me strength to finish my workout!
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    Way to go Sherri! I need to get busy!
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    I'm doing W1D3 tonight! My legs were killing me yesterday, not as bad today. While I was doing D2, it wasn't that bad, it was afterward that was rough! I need to get a pedometer so I can see how far I'm going. I know around my neighborhood is 1.4 miles, and I have to go up and down another street after going all the way around, so it's probably close to 2 miles. I'm slow :p
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Completed week 1 day 3 this evening and feeling pretty good. I'm more tired than the last 2 sessions but less sore. My runs were faster today as well. I don;t think I've really improved in 1 week but maybe I'm just more confident. The first few days I think I ran quote slowly because I was not sure if I could finish. Now I know I can but we'll see about week 2 which I'll start either tomorrow or Saturday.

    bedtime yet???
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Finished Week2 this morning but I think I'm going to try and squeeze in an extra run on Saturday evening before starting Week3 on Monday - my performance is still weaksauce. :embarassed: I think it's because I had to run the last 2 days in the mornings due to evening plans, and my morning runs are never as good. I can't eat beforehand, and don't have an entire day's worth of hydration behind me, so my performance suffers, not to mention the d*** sprinklers make my run near-miserable. :grumble: Oh fall, how I long for your cool afternoons!

    Great job everyone! Keep up the good work! It'll all be worth it! :drinker:
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    Yeah for Pixie. My knees are killing me! Repeat Week 1 next week for me. I may be too old for running :cry:
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    Did W1D2 yesterday, It went great!!! Gonna do W1D3 tomorrow! I feel great!!
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    Just finished #c25k week 1 run 3 with #getrunning – 28½ minutes of exercise and 8 minutes of running. Next run: Tuesday 10th.
  • charmwhite
    charmwhite Posts: 30 Member
    Albury/wodonga is a lovely part of Australia Tammy! What was the conference for?

    I'm a week late starting due to some seriously awful pelvic pain last week. My boyfriend and I did W1D1 tonight, 3.6kms, 31min (incl 5min w/up + 5min c/down) along our local beach after I got home from work. Was a beautiful sunset tonight and just reminded us how lucky we are to live where we do. Can't wait for warm summer nights to arrive!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Did an extra day of Week2 Saturday night, but I'm still pretty nervous to see how Week3 goes....guess I'll just have to try it and see!
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    Albury/wodonga is a lovely part of Australia Tammy! What was the conference for?

    I'm a week late starting due to some seriously awful pelvic pain last week. My boyfriend and I did W1D1 tonight, 3.6kms, 31min (incl 5min w/up + 5min c/down) along our local beach after I got home from work. Was a beautiful sunset tonight and just reminded us how lucky we are to live where we do. Can't wait for warm summer nights to arrive!

    I was there for the International Society for Business Education conference. TAFE (both Albury and Wodonga), LaTrobe, and Charles Stuart were the host institutions.
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    Everyone is doing great. Keep working hard!
  • charmwhite
    charmwhite Posts: 30 Member
    Ah, cool. I study event management so conferences of all kinds are interesting to me :)
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    W3D1 down. Not too bad either. I'm still moving really slowly and having little to no muscle soreness, so I might try going faster this week, as long as I can keep my breathing in check. As someone who grew up ocean-side now living in Colorado, oxygen is always my biggest problem when exercising! :blushing:
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    Ah, cool. I study event management so conferences of all kinds are interesting to me :)

    I love attending most conferences. You learn so much from the content and the travel!
  • fxdl2k2
    fxdl2k2 Posts: 250 Member
    How is everyone doing? It is still too hot here to be outside (105 F today). I have been doing yoga and walking in the building on breaks and lunch time. Hoping to get to the jogging ASAP.
  • I'm on week 4 but have recently decided to stop using the treadmill and the ipod and was able to run longer than ever! I thought running outside in central texas heat and humidity would kill me but i go early in the morning and although it's hard i love it much more than running in place. I was stuck in a rut and couldnt get past W4D1 so I headed outside and ran 12 minutes! Now i head out to the trail 3 mornings a week and also signed up for my first 5k on Oct 31. If you're getting stuck try switching things up a day or 2 by stopping the podcast or watching the clock, just jog until you have to stop and you'll be surprised.
  • sherri79eaton
    sherri79eaton Posts: 34 Member
    Just finished #c25k week 2 run 1 with #getrunning – 29 minutes of exercise and 9 minutes of running. Next run: Friday 13th.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Did W3D2 last night. I went faster the first 2 runs (90sec and 3min) and did fine, but the 3rd run (2nd 90-sec run) I had to walk the last 30sec or so to put my earbuds back in! :tongue: Well, I think that killed my momentum, b/c then my last running interval (2nd 3-min run) was even slower than my usual pace and I was DYING by the time I was done! :indifferent:

    And I'm STILL not sore... :huh:
  • shrublet
    shrublet Posts: 42 Member
    I'd love to join in. Just yesterday I completed W3D3 and am not looking forward to running 5 minutes at a time on Saturday! This is my third time starting the C25K program- the last couple of times I had to stop after week two due to shin splints. Thankfully, this time my shins seem to be doing just fine!

    I'm also interspersing my runs with 1 hour on the elliptical every other day or so. I find that it helps a lot on the cardiovascular side of things but boy, does it make my legs tired!

    If any of you are looking for a good iPhone app for running, I recommend Runkeeper. It syncs to a website, tracks your route, calories, etc. You can even manually enter calories burned on gym equipment. The user interface is great, too.

    Good luck everyone!
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