Doctor says eating below BMR is fine



  • DitchTheMcFlurry
    I love these types of threads. You absolutely know that his is going to stir things up......that's why you posted it. You are going to do what you want to do anyway, you are just looking for people to be co-dependent with you. Good luck with your weight loss. I would like, if it were me, for my doctor to use science to explain this to me, rather than use terms like "rubbish" and anecdotal evidence like " I have known plenty of people" But that's just me.

    Why would i want to 'stir things up' what exactly do i get out of this exactly? i posted this because i had the very same anxietys im sure a lot of other people do when they read things like "never eat below bmr you'll die a horrible death" etc, it panics people, they think what they're doing is working then jo bloggs off the internet says its not, you spend hours reading forums and looking up diet plans panicking over what calories are in what, how the hell is THAT healthy?? the whole point of this is to lose fat, not gain a stress disorder doing it!

    Im just passing on what my doctor has told me today, what exactly is wrong with that? im not telling anyone what they should or should not be doing, im simply repeating and passing on what a doctor has told me, if you dont agree with that thats fine, maybe your a specialised fitness instructor, maybe your a dietition yourself, maybe your a nutritionist expert and you know more than a qualified doctor would, again thats fine, i have no idea, all i know is what ive been told and all ive done is pass the information on to people who had the same concerns as i did previously.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    Dude. I am 16 inches shorter than you are, nearly 100 lbs lighter, 5 years older, and I'm a chick. And I eat as much as you do. And I'm losing weight. Eat more.

    P.S. Some doctors are idiots.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    i love how everyone is slandering doctors as if they are dumb as bricks. while they may not be as schooled in nutrition as a dietitian...they went to med school, and none of you did! (and that assumption IS correct, cause you wouldn't be dissing them if you was one of them, right?)

    p.s. dietitians are what you want. nutritionists aren't standardized. enough said :P

    I didn't say doctors are dumb as bricks. I said SOME doctors are idiots. I work for a medical malpractice insurance company. I know.

    Nice. I too work in malpractice insurance.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    i love how everyone is slandering doctors as if they are dumb as bricks. while they may not be as schooled in nutrition as a dietitian...they went to med school, and none of you did! (and that assumption IS correct, cause you wouldn't be dissing them if you was one of them, right?)

    p.s. dietitians are what you want. nutritionists aren't standardized. enough said :P

    I think it's very important to understand that doctors know little about nutrition and health. Yet, most of them give advice and medications every day to do with both of those things. Many harm people with their bad advice and treatments.

    Doctors learn about disease and treatment of symptoms. Their education is very influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. Doctors have their uses, but to go in and accept everything they say and do without question is just plain foolish. Trust them blindly just because they are highly educated on a narrow scope of subjects? Well, you can choose to do that if you like.

    Dieticians and nutritionists aren't a whole lot better imo. They are still the product of what they learned in school. The nutritionist in my community pushes a completely unhealthy, culturally inappropriate grain/sugar based diet. But on Friday she was buying hotdogs, Velveeta, and bread for her own supper. But if people eat some natural animal fat from wild animals, as they have for thousands of years, god forbid!

    There is nothing wrong with using our own brains to determine if what an "expert" tells us actually makes sense. I know that common sense and critical thinking is getting pretty rare these days.... :sad:

    hold up. i am all for critical thinking. i encourage everyone to question everything, as it is important in any decision making process (ie. living). however, doctors do know SOMETHING. and dietitians are regulated, while their scope comes from whatever discourse their school focused on, it is still about the body/nutrition/science/etc. nutritionists are the dime a dozen you should be really weary of. no one regulates those free thinkers.
  • DitchTheMcFlurry
    i love how everyone is slandering doctors as if they are dumb as bricks. while they may not be as schooled in nutrition as a dietitian...they went to med school, and none of you did! (and that assumption IS correct, cause you wouldn't be dissing them if you was one of them, right?)

    p.s. dietitians are what you want. nutritionists aren't standardized. enough said :P

    I think it's very important to understand that doctors know little about nutrition and health. Yet, most of them give advice and medications every day to do with both of those things. Many harm people with their bad advice and treatments.

    Doctors learn about disease and treatment of symptoms. Their education is very influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. Doctors have their uses, but to go in and accept everything they say and do without question is just plain foolish. Trust them blindly just because they are highly educated on a narrow scope of subjects? Well, you can choose to do that if you like.

    Dieticians and nutritionists aren't a whole lot better imo. They are still the product of what they learned in school. The nutritionist in my community pushes a completely unhealthy, culturally inappropriate grain/sugar based diet. But on Friday she was buying hotdogs, Velveeta, and bread for her own supper. But if people eat some natural animal fat from wild animals, as they have for thousands of years, god forbid!

    There is nothing wrong with using our own brains to determine if what an "expert" tells us actually makes sense. I know that common sense and critical thinking is getting pretty rare these days.... :sad:

    I also think its safe to assume a doctor knows more about weight loss and diet than a random poster on the internet who reads others opinions and taks them as fact.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    My doctor referred me to a Nutrionist when I started getting more specific with my food/calories questions, He said that he knows the general information but not nearly enough to be an expert on it
  • DitchTheMcFlurry

    Or just stick to what works for me and what my doctor has told me.

    Ill take option b :)
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member

    Or just stick to what works for me and what my doctor has told me.

    Ill take option b :)
    There is a reason why we have general practitioners and why we then have specialists.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    All I'm going to say is I eat 1810 calories a day, my bmr is 1300, im 5"4' and I've been at the same weight for awhile, but am losing body fat. And I exercise 6 days weekly. infact I probably should be eating more then that. What I understand with gaining/preserving muscle while losing body fat at the same time is that you have to eat enough food for the body to be confident enough to let go of that fat. If you don't eat enough then your body eats away at your muscle while hanging on to much of that fat. You might lose some, but not as much as you'd like and a lot of your loss would be muscle. Just my experience.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    i love how everyone is slandering doctors as if they are dumb as bricks. while they may not be as schooled in nutrition as a dietitian...they went to med school, and none of you did! (and that assumption IS correct, cause you wouldn't be dissing them if you was one of them, right?)

    p.s. dietitians are what you want. nutritionists aren't standardized. enough said :P

    I think it's very important to understand that doctors know little about nutrition and health. Yet, most of them give advice and medications every day to do with both of those things. Many harm people with their bad advice and treatments.

    Doctors learn about disease and treatment of symptoms. Their education is very influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. Doctors have their uses, but to go in and accept everything they say and do without question is just plain foolish. Trust them blindly just because they are highly educated on a narrow scope of subjects? Well, you can choose to do that if you like.

    Dieticians and nutritionists aren't a whole lot better imo. They are still the product of what they learned in school. The nutritionist in my community pushes a completely unhealthy, culturally inappropriate grain/sugar based diet. But on Friday she was buying hotdogs, Velveeta, and bread for her own supper. But if people eat some natural animal fat from wild animals, as they have for thousands of years, god forbid!

    There is nothing wrong with using our own brains to determine if what an "expert" tells us actually makes sense. I know that common sense and critical thinking is getting pretty rare these days.... :sad:

    I also think its safe to assume a doctor knows more about weight loss and diet than a random poster on the internet who reads others opinions and taks them as fact.

    Obviously, you feel that it's safe to make that assumption. I'd say it's better to assume nothing.

    It's not like anyone can make you do anything that you don't want to do, so it seems rather pointless to waste time arguing the issue on the forum. "My doctor says you guys are wrong, so there!"
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    most people on this forum strongly say whenever BMR is mentioned, never eat below bmr is often trotted out on here so i went for a professional opinion.

    Professionals can be morons, too. It sounds like that was the case here. A doctor can treat you if you're sick, but can rarely tell you what you need to do to be well.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Surviving while slowing down metabolism and eating up muscle mass is one option.

    Any concrete data that proves ive slown down my metabolism?? im losing around 2lbs per week which fits my deficit, im visibly losing fat around my stomach, my abs are already far more visible than 3 weeks ago, ive been told this by numerous people already, as for muscle, you dont lose muscle if you eat a good portion of protein and perform weight resistance training (any fitness instructor will tell you this), which im doing, i whilst granted i havnt run a tape measure across my bicep recently id say visually they're certainly not smaller than they were when i started, my fat loss is though.

    I just dont get this idea of pigging out on food to match some online guesstamation number if your not hungry? surely your own body knows better than an internet calculator?

    I agree pigging out on food to reach an online guestimation is foolish...
    I also agree that many PCP and docs are not very educated on nutrition. I had a doctor tell me that despite being at the ideal weight for my height, everything else about me being quite healthy etc, I would fix a circulation condition if "you got fatter" and "eat more steak" Not good advice.
    I agree with posters who say to speak to a nutritionist. You will lose weight at that deficit. You will survive. You could potentially get closer to your goal weight and come across new issues that are harder to manage because you have not been eating a bigger amount of calories throughout.
  • Jelly_Bean313
    Jelly_Bean313 Posts: 12 Member
    The way I see it, everyone is different, so therefore what's good for 1 person may not be good for another. I say if anyone is concerned about their health, then they should go talk to their doctors or whoever.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Surviving while slowing down metabolism and eating up muscle mass is one option.

    I did this - gained it all back. I think that is why a lot of people do gain back what they lose. Oh and it KILLED my metabolism. People on there have done the same as I did - that's why they are suggesting against it.

    No disrespect to medical professionals...but in my personal experience this is exactly what happened to me. I under ate, lost lean body mass and dropped my metabolism resulting in a much lower TDEE, higher body fat percentage and lots of saggy squishy places. Took me 6 weeks to get it sorted out.
  • DitchTheMcFlurry
    My doctor referred me to a Nutrionist when I started getting more specific with my food/calories questions, He said that he knows the general information but not nearly enough to be an expert on it

    But yet hes a qualified nutritionist, so he'll know enough about the important aspects of weight loss and nutrition to guide people, whether hes clued up on 'bmr' and 'tdee' numbers is irrelevant, maybe the fact hes hasnt bothered to gain an insight into these so called important numbers tells you its not the be all and end all its made out to be? or the fact hes a qualified nutritionist and didnt at any stage need to know about these things?? again maybe thats the point.

    As i said in my opening post, the only place i hear about BMR important are on forums such as this one, ive read hundreds of diet and nutrition websites that never at any point make a big deal out of bmr, it seems to be a forum phenom more than anything.

    What did people used to do before days of the internet and online calculators?? its amazing how anyone ever lost weight when you think about it, i wonder if some women in 1955 wondered what her bmr was and how many calories she needed to lose weight? or did she simply listen to her body eat healthier eat less and exercise?
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    Just a quicky - your meal plan posted earlier - apart from a few salad bits, where are the veggies - you know - the ones with all the nutrients?
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    My TDEE-20% is below my BMR. I usually eat around 1600 a day although my BMR is 1823 and have been steadily losing while getting fit. I think it depends on the individual personally.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I think this subject is really overrated unless you are eating 1200 or less calories a day. I eat well below my BMR and have done just fine. I am neither, crabby, moody, low glucose, or feel hungry most of the time either. ^^ Just don't go too low below and it should be fine :s
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member

    If you don't eat your bmr every day you are going to go into starvation mode and your whole body is going to shut down and your metabolism will be gone, just GONE!
    You will just gain back all the weight as soon as you eat anything extra.
    And your house will blow up, and you will be sad, not to mention a kitten will die somewhere every time you don't meet your macros.....

    Just kidding.

    I'm pretty sure your body will know it isn't going to die and you won't develop the metabolism of an anorexic teenage girl....but as for the kitten, it may still die if you don't eat your brm every day. You do love kitten's don't you?