Doing insanity and not losing weight



  • TMartinFranklin
    You're probably gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat. An inch loss in your waist is a good indicator.
  • Jchambers1130
    Jchambers1130 Posts: 173 Member
    Are you taking measurements? Maybe you've lost inches. If no inches and no pounds, I'd go back to what was working, if I were you.
    I did take my measurements. I have lost 1 inch around my waist, but no loss in inches anywhere else. :/

    Are you eating 1gm of protein for each pound of LBM?
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Yep. Eat more. Follow the Insanity diet. Eat 5 times a day. It boosts your metabolism. At some point, I suggest paying someone to give you a full body composition test so you can see your actual body fat %/muscle mass %.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I have less than 2 weeks left and lost a whopping 4lbs but my clothes are big.. I dropped inches and pants size plus I am mentally and physically stronger then when I first started.

    It could be your not eating could be your eating not the best foods (like me, I a guilty of that big time) .. I have read over and over again that you should not watch the scale with Insanity..

    I am hoping maybe with better eating that I will lose some on my 2nd round but I will settle for another pants size.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    You're probably gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat. An inch loss in your waist is a good indicator.

    especially no at that big of a calorie deficit.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    What are your macros? The suggested macros for Insanity are 40c/40p/20f. You can manually change these on MFP.

    What is this macros? Who do those letter stand for "40c/40p/20f"?

    Also, maybe you are adding muscle and losing fat? Muscle is heavier.

    This is explained in the Elite Nutrition Guide that came in your Insanity box.
  • ulrike1995
    ulrike1995 Posts: 9 Member
    I know it seems so contrary to dieting but don't be afraid to eat a little more. I experienced this with another program, I was to afraid to eat the recommended intake thinking I knew better (and yet I am the one with a weight problem. Hmmm) and I kept myself from experiencing results until I gave in and upped my calories. You are requiring a lot from your body it needs proper fuel to perform for you. The people who designed the program must know what they are doing because there has been a lot of success. What will it hurt if you added 100-200 calories per day just to see? 700-1400 calories is not enough to gain a pound in two weeks time and you might be surprised. If what you are doing isn't working why keep doing it the same way, that's insanity!
    To everyone who has suggested eating more. I think this is my best bet. I have been afraid to up my calorie intake because it didn't "make sense" to me. :) I think I will go up to 1700 for a couple weeks and see how It goes. I average about 300-350 burn per workout, so that will still leave me at about 1400 per day.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Are you eating back the workout calories? If using the MFP settings for calories you already have a deficit set up and are supposed to be eating them back to keep your deficit from becoming too large.

    Can you explain this? Mine is set at 1200 calories. Then it bumps up to 1500 or whatever once I complete a workout. How then is the deficit already set up? Just trying to figure this out!

    Setting up MFP you added all your infomation, age, weight, height, gender, daily job/activity, and how much you want to lose a week and it gives you 1200. So if you said I want to lose 2 lbs a week your original "maintain my weight" number was 2200. MFP took 1000 calories for 2 lbs a week and gave you 1200. MFP doesn't consider anything other than daily activity or your job. You can put in an exercise goal at set up, but that's not included in your figures. So eating the amount, or as near it, in the "Your Daily Goal" section leaves you with the proper 1000 calorie 2 lb a week deficit.

    The deficit is set up so you lose weight JUST by diet. Exercise is additional and will help make your body stronger, but it isn't necessary to lose weight. That's why your goal changes.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    bottom line, you are not eating enough. I just cracks me up how people think they need to eat so much LESS to lose weight, when in reality, you need to bump up your caloric the works.......
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Eat more. You are creating too much of a calorie deficit and your body is releasing massive amounts of cortisol from the stress you have created on it. It will not lose weight under those conditions.
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    I know it seems so contrary to dieting but don't be afraid to eat a little more. I experienced this with another program, I was to afraid to eat the recommended intake thinking I knew better (and yet I am the one with a weight problem. Hmmm) and I kept myself from experiencing results until I gave in and upped my calories. You are requiring a lot from your body it needs proper fuel to perform for you. The people who designed the program must know what they are doing because there has been a lot of success. What will it hurt if you added 100-200 calories per day just to see? 700-1400 calories is not enough to gain a pound in two weeks time and you might be surprised. If what you are doing isn't working why keep doing it the same way, that's insanity!
    To everyone who has suggested eating more. I think this is my best bet. I have been afraid to up my calorie intake because it didn't "make sense" to me. :) I think I will go up to 1700 for a couple weeks and see how It goes. I average about 300-350 burn per workout, so that will still leave me at about 1400 per day.

    1400 is not enough. You should NET at least 1700...meaning eating your exercise calories back.

    Trust me, don't be afraid to eat more.... I was in your same boat same time last year. At that time I didn't know about eating more. I tortured myself and I worked out 6 days a week. I would go down to 1000 calories some days. Then raise it back to 1500...then dropped again. Then I would read that changing up your workouts can break a plateau so I signed up for a half marathon and trained for 3 months and NADA...NOT A DAMN INCH LOST. and at most maybe 3 lbs lost.

    I was devastated because I wanted to lose more before my wedding date and didn't accomplish my goal.

    After being on MFP, I educated myself and learned about eating more. However, since November I struggled with the thought of eating more. How can this possibly work???? I tried the Road Map method in January and I gave up after two weeks and I gained weight. <<<this will give you the answers as to why.

    Then I learned that there's a 4 -6 week weight gain curve for people who have eaten at a really high deficit because their metabolism is so slow.

    I tried again this past March and I did gain again after the first two weeks. I hid the scale and made myself have patience. I am so FLIPPIN' glad I did because I finally broke out this damn plataeu and I'm steadily losing a 1 lb a week.

    I eat a whole lot more, 2000 cals, and I'm happier and I'm never hungry and my metabolism is on fire!