Losing weight for health or vanity?



  • jlfoster0427
    Im losing for vanity. I am a healthy weight but dont like how I look so Weight being one of the few things in life you can really control I decided to just tone up and get in better shape for myself and my husband. I love to see him so proud to show me off to everyone :)
  • jrortega1912
    jrortega1912 Posts: 315 Member
    I want to be the hottest Grandma at the pool and park!
  • shadowkat57
    shadowkat57 Posts: 151 Member
    Health, vanity, but also functional fitness. I want to be able to run for half an hour. I want to be a better, stronger, lighter rider for my horse. I REALLY want to pass the fitness test required for my paramedic application. So I'd say fitness is actually my primary motivation, and the other two are welcome side effects :)

    Oh yeah, and I second training for the zombie apocalypse!
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    My 2 reasons:

    1. Be able to buy clothes at more stores. As nice as it is to have fat people shops, they don't always carry every size. At my highest weight (313#), I only found 2 pairs of 6X pants. Now that I've dropped all this weight, I can go to Walmart, Winners, Zellers and pick up my size any time.

    2. Have doctors take my health problems seriously. I've gotten the blanket cure-all "lose some weight" for over 30 years. My last check, I told my GP how much weight I'd lost and to check my BP. Apparently, 112# gone doesn't reduce BP. I wonder what the optimal weight is to lower my BP, cure my gout, partial blindness, and possible glaucoma? I want my health to be taken seriously and receive treatment other than "lose some weight".
    i think you need a new doctor. High blood pressure can cause blindness. Its also a risk factor for glaucoma.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I didn't have physical health problems, but emotionally and mentally I was a mess. Losing weight has helped those problems a lot. I also feel better knowing I am potentially heading off future problems. The rest is vanity, but I'm okay with that!
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    Definitely for health. Vanity is a very distant second but a good Side effect.
    I am 58 lbs. lost and 49 to go and the depressing reality for me is not a single person has noticed or co.mmented as of yet, even after an 8 inch reduction in my waist. Actually though I told my wife no one would notice until I had lost 70 lbs and unfortunately I was right.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Haha I'm going to be completely honest and say that vanity played quite a part in it. However, it was definitely a journey of loving myself and my body.

    I stopped dieting and completely re-evaluated my relationship with food and exercise, but that was more of a common sense thing to me rather than part of loving myself.

    For me it's a chicken and egg scenario. Lifting weights made me feel empowered and strong, which made me want to take care of my body and be healthy. However, I probably wouldn't have picked up the weights if I wasn't thinking about wearing that bikini.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I've never needed to lose weight for health, however I've always exercised for health. I like being strong and graceful for dancing and climbing. I'm a very body and movement oriented person.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I'm a nut for fashion. So there was that.

    However, there is something to be said my increased endurance and the fact that I can lift my own body weight multiple times.
  • cebiginalaska
    cebiginalaska Posts: 280 Member
    Health and vanity XD i-am-sexy-and-i-know-it-rm-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-yeah.jpg
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Im losing for health. My career of choice requires me to be in shape, so that is my number one motivator.

    If any superficial perks come along with it I won't complain though. But, definitely not the reason im doing this.
  • MissJJ74
    MissJJ74 Posts: 111 Member
    Like someone else said, health first. My goal was getting better blood work results and to not end up on medications like my parents, because I was heading in that direction and fast.

    However once the weight started coming off, and I got closer to my body of 10 years ago when I looked like a personal trainer, vanity kicked in. Now I have to firm up what I lost and get the flat belly I once had.

    Health is first and foremost above all else. Anything else is just a bonus and gravy.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Started for health ....but a certain level of vanity has crept in too.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Mainly for vanity. My heaviest weight is medically probably the healthiest for me, but I prefer a leaner, more athletic, high performance model.
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    I want to lose weight for vanity purely. I want to eat better and exercise more for my health.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Health was the reason and is still the main fuel for it. But, I'm starting to enjoy the vanity of it as well. I can't lie!

    Also, fitting into regular clothing has pretty much been awesome as well. Plus-sized clothes were hard to shop for. :(
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Purely for vanity here. It's a strong motivator.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Started off for health reasons (was 380 pounds)...now at 190 pounds its definitely about vanity.
  • dmikulin
    dmikulin Posts: 6 Member
    Both, but vanity becomes a better day to day motivator as strength and cardio improve to the point where I am satisfied with them.
  • ColumnHugger
    ColumnHugger Posts: 43 Member
    Both. My mom was diagnosed with type two diabetes about 10 years ago and about 4 years ago she became insulin dependent. At first it scared me but I was all "ehh that won't happen to me" until I found out my dad (who has never been a part of my life) is also an insulin dependent diabetic. It scared the crap out of me knowing my chances of becoming an insulin dependent diabetic had been doubled and the fact I am obese wasn't helping my chances. So that was my health reason. My vanity reason is my best friends are getting married in August and I'm a bridesmaid. I went to visit them in March for my spring break and to meet the other bridesmaids and basically if I don't lose weight I'll be the biggest person in the whole wedding party and I don't want to be standing up there worried about people in the audience judging me wondering "who is that fat bridesmaid". I want to be able to stand up there proudly and watch my best friend marry her prince charming without worrying about other people judging me. It's petty I know but come on all of us who are overweight know people judge us.